7 reasons for science file to eat more cantaloupe

After learning these benefits of Cantaloupe, you will realize that it is worth buying this melon at the grocery store.

When you are standing in the alley of the products, you may not think about taking a cantaloupe house, but you really should, because this humble melon is one of the healthiest and most versatile options in the supermarket.

Most adults need to eat anywhere from one to two cups of fruit a day and cantaloupe are a stellar choice: not only does this are carved filled with water, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, declares Amy Shapiro, Rd, CDN and founder ofTrue nutrition, you do not even need to beware of thesugar found in fresh fruit.

"Fiber throughout the fruit helps slow down the absorption of natural sugars (healthy!), Which helps the fight against blood glucose," she says.

How to eat more cantaloups

The cup of a cantaloupe may seem intimidating, but it's easy enough. Turn it half-length, then jump and throw the seeds with a spoon. Then cut it into quarters or cut the fruit of the skin and cut them.

Once you did that, you can enjoy your cantaloupe exactly as it is, or work in a variety of recipes:

  • Mix the cantaloupe in dice in fresh fruits or green salads
  • Wrap prosciutto finely cut around her
  • To mix togethersmoothies
  • Add it to the fruity salsas served on the chicken or fish
  • Soup with fresh cantaloupe

Now that we have given you a lot of ways to enjoy the Cantaloupe on everyday life, here are seven reasons why you should eat Cantaloupe.

1. It's super moisturizer.

When it comes toWater content high fruit, Watermon (surprise!) Take the best billing - but Cantaloupe is not far behind. Cantaloupe falls 90% water per gram.

"Cantaloup is an excellent fruit atdehydration beat, after training, a hot day, "says Shapiro. Because it contains so much water, a cup also has only53 calories.

2. It has an antioxidant power.

Antioxidants (That is, compounds that may prevent cell damage) in different forms, but the notable here is beta-carotene. Our bodies convert beta-carotene to vitamin A-which, in the case of Cantaloupe, gives fruit its orange color.

But it's not all beta-carotene. Shapiro says that cantaloupe beta-carotene reduces cell damage, possibly reducing the risk of cancer with it. He can tooreduce inflammation As it contributes to immune health and cellular tissues.

3. This could help you have a healthier pregnancy.

Cantaloup is raised in something calledmadnessor vitamin B9. In addition to being essential to the production of healthy red blood cells, folate performs another important task.

"Folat is needed during the first weeks of pregnancy for healthy training of a neural tube of a baby," said Sarah Rueven, Rd, CDN and founder ofWell-being rooted. The CDC recommends that all women of the age of children receive400 grams of folate every dayBecause the neural tube of a baby develops during the first stages of pregnancy (often before a woman even realizes that she is pregnant).

4. It has a whole day of vitamin C.

A cup of dice cantontaloupe will get about 95% of your daily intake, so if citrus fruits are really not your thing, opt for some soft melons.

"A cantaloupe mug provides 65 milligrams of vitamin C", explains Shapiro "and the current food guidelines recommend that women receive 65 milligrams of vitamin C a day, while men aim to 75 milligrams."

So even if the fresh cantaloupe might seem like a summer fruit, if you hopefight against winter colds, you should definitely reconsider.

5. This is a good source of potassium.

If you need more potassium, the first food that comes to mind is probably bananas. And while bananas are an excellent source of potassium, the Cantaloupe is: Shapiro says a portion contains nearly 10% of the recommended daily value.

"Potassium is essential for cardiovascular health, which works specifically to ensure healthy blood pressure," she says. With lower blood pressure comes a lower race risk, byHarvard Health.

6. He keeps your eyes in good health.

Do not forget that your grandmother told you that eating carrots would help your sight? She was not totally turtled. Orange foods, such as carrots, sweet potatoes and ... you guess-y-cantaloupe, are raised in beta-carotene. Two antioxidants in particular (lutein and zéaxanthine) are produced when our body treats beta-carotene.

The result? A punch to two for your eye health.

"The combination of lutein and zeaxanthin helps reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD)," explains Shapiro. AMD is a condition that affects the retina and is characterized by an extremely damaged and blurred vision.

After two studies, research on the effects of certain antioxidants on AMD, theNational Eye Institute Confirmed that lutein and zeaxanthin play an important role in the absorption of the damaging forms of blue light and ultraviolet (which can contribute to AMD).

7. It is a cocktail of vitamins beauty-boosting.

Eating Cantaloupe can even start having an effect on your appearance. If your nocturnal wrinkle cream contains retinol, you put vitamin A on your skin, which is not quite the same as eating it in Cantaloupe. Some researchers even made a similar connection. A small 2012 study published in theJournal of Nutrition and Metabolism has shown that oral supplementation of carotenoids such as vitamin A could perform premature aging.

Vitamin C, on the other hand, is also a common ingredient in the sera of the skin and creams because of its anti-aging power. According toOregon State UniversityThe topical application of vitamin C can limit ultraviolet damage and strengthen collagen production. Get extra vitamin C in your daily Cantaloupe can not hurt, right?

Categories: Groceries
Tags: fruit / tips
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