7 the worst foods "healthy" that you eat, according to a dietician

There are foods you might not realize do not see you as good for you as you might think!

If you know that chocolates or donuts are your true kryptonite, you leave helpless to turn them off, it's good, you're not alone! But if you are tired of having these foods to control you, we are here to help you. See, there is an easy way, effective and approved by the dietician to take control of these delicious, addictive and calorie-dense treats:Recognize them for what they are.

Yes, that's all you need!

What does that mean? Well, all you have to do is paint an image in the eye of your mind what, for example, a crepe is really - it's just a cake! There is really not a big difference between these flapjacks Saturday morning and a bracket of birthday cake. "When you can change my mind, you will realize that pancakes are never worth for breakfast when you know you can have a real cake or cocktail later in the day," says the expert in weightlossIlaana Muhlstein, M.S., R.D.Nand authorYou can drop it off!. This logic applies to these foods that could also occur "healthy" too, but are really only disguised junk food.

"I alwaysthought sushi was a healthy choice Until I recognize that sushi be carbohydrates equal to several slices of bread, "said Muhlstein." When I started watching some foods that way, it made them so much easier to let. "

And it worked. Muhlsteindeposited 100 pounds safely And now shares its secrets as a licensed dietitian, having helped more than 240,000 customers. So we asked Muhlstein to lend us to his food binoculars so that we can spy on our healthy and unsafe sweets in new ways.

Find out what are the worst"Health" foods that are not good for you at all (And what do eat them actually means for your body) below, then checkYou can drop it off! For more useful weight loss strategies.


A roll of sushi

Chili shrimp sushi roll

Equal about 3 slices of bread

How is it going for a buzzkill? Yes, a typical California roll contains the exchange of carbohydrates of 2 1/2 to 4 slices of bread.

"People think that sushi is so healthy," says Muhlstein. "But you have to realize, [Japan, it's a dish of accompaniment after a large bowl of light broth soup. They eat a ton of vegetables and when they eat rice, they use chopsticks; they do not Do not pose it in as we do. Here's a tip: If your sushi roller has a scary-tsunami name, a volcano, a hurricane, torpedo-it's lethal. "


A 1/2 cup of granola


Is equal to 1 crushed cookie

It's full of sugar (10 grams), carbohydrates (35 grams), high fat (5.5 grams) and clocks in about 200 calories. For a 1/2 cup!

"People think" oats "and feel good to eat it, but it's literally thrown oats, which is crystallized from sugar," explains Muhlstein. If you want oats,eating unsweetened oats with a mix of fresh berries on the top.

RELATED: Sign up for our newsletter for daily recipes and new foods in your inbox!



plate penne pasta tomato sauce

Is equal to a bowl of dough

You read this right: dough. See, if you are like most people, you do not like to eatPasta plain; It's just Bland. What you like probably really really is theFlavor, olive oil or salted butter gobs that it is thrown. So, instead of pulp, get a big bowl ofsteamed vegetables And a bowl of side sauce with a spoon, suggests Muhlstein. You can create your own fantastic dish that is most vegetables.



Bagel with cream cheese

Equal about 3 1/2 slices of bread

If you think, Ugh, another day of quarantine, I deserve a bagel, think about it: "[Keep in mind that it's actually] three to five slices of bread based on size, and that will be Much more difficult to eat this bagel, "says Muhlstein. "You must realize that when you wake up and you have a carbohydrate breakfast, it allows you to eat more and more carbohydrates all day."

Have protein in the morning, on the other hand, keeps the desires of the bay.Researchers from the University of MissouriUsed MRI analyzes to compare the cerebral activity of people who have eaten a high-protein breakfast with those who have jumped breakfast or breakfasts of more carbohydrates and moderate proteins. Researchers scanned the brains of participants just before lunch and have found that those who have eaten high-protein breakfast suffered less cerebral activity in areas that control food motivation or hunger of those who have eaten Cereals rich in carbohydrates at breakfast.

A real food for thought!



cornmeal pancakes

Equal cake / donut / fried fried paste

It's like that. If you can think of these foods like what they really are, you can get an idea of ​​savoring one of them specifically, and not all things with the dough.

"I have a friend who is" naturally thin "and loves the donuts. (I know. Boring, right?) But it is very difficult to say how fresh, hot and incredible donut must be [in order ] to promote the sentence, "said Muhlstein. Although the donuts are its favorite treat, it is pre-programmed to push the donuts of the subtitle. It only ends only three or four truly amazing donuts a year.



cooked quinoa

Equivalent to rice, just with a little more protein

Do not be fooled by this trendy grain. Sure, it has more protein than rice, but some people take this to signify that it is healthy to eat an entire bowl ofquinoa. Sorry, but you get a lot of calories and carbohydrates for a relatively small protein. And the same thing is worthlawyer.

"When you crush [An] lawyer and put it on Toast, you will end up consuming a lot more lawyer than if you have decided," says Muhlstein. Do not forget that AVO is a healthy fat, it is rich In calories. Do not forget to practice control of the portions!

RELATED: Discover exactly how Ilaana Muhlstein lost 100 pounds and kept it inYou can drop it off!



Door handle open to toilet can see toilet

Equivalent to liquid bread

"I'm telling a lot of my guy customers, your beer is your bun when you have a hamburger," says Muhlstein. "It makes them a lot easier to eat a bunless hamburger when they know it's equal to a beer they can have with her."

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