8 characters from the television series we would like to see together

Some couples in television broadcasts get their luck, while others get stories of scenario that do not make their fierce passion justice. Here are a television characters that we would have loved as a couples - they deserved to finish their seasons with fairy tale tale tale tale tale tale, but it was simply not written in their destiny.

Somecouples in television broadcasts get their lucky ends, while other gettorylines that do not make their fierce passion justice. Here are the TVcharacters we would have loved as a couples - they deserved taunting their seasons with tale tale de tale de tale de tale de tale de tale de tale de tale de tale de tale de tale de tale de tale de tale de tale de tale de tween

1.Daenens Targaryen and Jon Snow,Game Of Thrones

The adoruses met Jon Snow in the 7th season, acting as allies so far and collaborating to achieve their goals. In the process of their teamwork, they realized that they would do a pretty good teewromantically, their business ended with Jon stabbing Daenysto's death to prevent several deaths from innocent. WeCommend Jon for his morality, but I wish we could have seen a life in Longshonef in Daenens.

Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow, Game of Thrones | Her Beauty

2.2Est Northman and Sookie Stackhouse,True blood

Sookiedecibué to go with Angel on his shoulder bill instead of Eric Northman extremely and diabolical, and for that we will never forgive. Even if it deceived it to drink its blood, their obligable were unforgettable - especially in season 4!

Eric Northman and Sookie Stackhouse, True Blood | Her Beauty


TheFormidable Villanelle and the watch of Cunning have a love / hateration, for the least. When they do not try to kill, it's hard not to focus on the passion of white passion between these two. Will the will - they are not they - they are suspended lying on this season!

Eve Polastri and Villanelle, Killing Eve | Her Beauty

4.Angela Chase and Jordan Catalan,My so-called life

Thiswas Jared Leto's Peak's Peak, but he was still a psychopath suffering from his best friend and tended to lean his letters. We are raised for second chances, but we agree that Jordan was Mr. Shadytathoughout the series. Anyway, we ship them like a couple.

Angela Chase and Jordan Catalan, My So Called Life  | Her Beauty

5.Joey Tribbbiani and Rachel Greene,Friends

Thesesetwo had a brief relationship that was not as dramatic as the OneBetween Rachel and Ross, but we think Rachel needed a dose of Joey's lightness instead of selfish insecurity and manthate Ross could sometimes be sometimes. We want this relationship to have posted a lot. I mean, their trip lasted through several alcohols and presidents, so naturally we were rooting for them!

Joey Tribbiani and Rachel Greene, Friends | Her Beauty

6.Rasier Crane and Roz Doyle,Shellfish

Itbit these two a very long time to meet. Finally, they realized that their relationship was supposed to remain a friendship, in the arre Twist of Land Troves. However, this forbidden fruit aspect has made User again to see them even more.

Frasier Crane and Roz Doyle, Frasier | Her Beauty

7. Shawn hunter and Angela Moore,Boypeets World

Angelaand Shawn was a couple we shipped strongly, growing up. They would serve would have the most adorable babies and found the common ground on family problems and hobbies. They made all the way of the world of the girl, where their time came together at a disappointing end.

Shawn Hunter and Angela Moore, Boy Meets World | Her Beauty

8.Robin Scherbatsky and Barney Stinson,how I Met Your Mother

Barney and our favorite Canadian ex pop star had their ups and downs for many seasons - even if they went a priority, their relationship eventually endured in a divorce that did not really make sense of viewers and left a lot of Angry fans in the final.

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