30 shocking ingredients in your favorite food

For better or worse, we have dug into nutrition tags and lists of most popular food ingredients.

Nutritionists tell customers to read nutrition labelsandThe lists of ingredients for good reason: there is usually a lot of junk food listed in words that are difficult to pronounce and spell. It's a sure way to know that a food is packaged with, well, more than what you negotiated. Here we have examined the ingredient lists of some of the most popular and pre-manufactured foods.

According to crushed, flame retardant bugs (yes, really.), Read 30 Ingredients to search for the next time you are a grocery store. Then read on the23 Worst food additives in America To help you lose weight and kick to processed foods for good.


Sprayed virus


This seems gross, but the practice of spraying food viruses has been approved in 2006. The administration of food and medicine (FDA) had foods likesalami, sausage and other meat of sprayed charcuterie with viruses killed by bacteria.


Rodent hair

Cooking pasta

TheFDA Defect Level Manual (Do not read it if you do not want to be disgusted) Lists the "authorized limits" on natural or inevitable defects in more than 100 popular foods. Macaroni and noodle products, for example, may contain an average of 4.5 rodent hairs (or more) for each 225 grams in six or more subsamples. Although it is not the average amount of insects or rodent hair in these products, this number is what the FDA allows a chance you eat more than you realize.


High fructose corn syrup (HFCS)

Apple sauce

The demonized HFCs are a sugar not natural in corn syrup and you do not want to do it too much. The ingredient islinked At all, type 2 diabetes and weight gain with metabolic syndrome. The European Unionlimits its use But in the states, you will always find it in everythingApplesauce Toa soda and evenketchup.



Vanilla ice cream

Although this is known as a "natural" ingredient, Castorum is made from Castor-Aka Beaver bags "Anal perfume glands-And the last thing you expected in your dessert. The ingredient, while the birth-survey, is harmless but makes a way in many desserts with vanilla and raspberry.


Propylene glycol

Diet turkey hill light ice cream

Propylene glycol is an additive that is oftenused in acrylic architectural paints. In the food, it is used to help preserve moisture in brands such as the Turkish light recipe Hill Vanilla Bean, and othersice cream creams to make them more "scoopable".


Potassium bromate

White flour and rolling pin

The potassium bromate in the flour helps reduce the bread higher and gives it a flying texture. The FDA allows the ingredient in food, despite theCenter for Science in the Public Interestpetitioning a prohibition and Europe says it can cause cancer and betoxic so swallowed. The search for the Center for Science and the Environment suggests that bromate potassiumis always found In Harvest Gold and Britannia Bread, as well as the pizza pizza hut and the ready-to-eat pizza and burger breads - although it's not listed on the label. EEK.


Butane (TBHQ)

Peanut butter cups candy

TBHQ means that tertiary butylhydroquinone (you know, one of these ingredients do not pronounce you that you can not pronounce). It is an additive used to prevent or delay oxidation in fish products, microwave popcorn and chicken nuggets. It's also inReese peanut butter cuts and crisco. Someresearch Suggests that the excess of TBHQ can cause toxic effects on the immune system in children.


Bisphenol A (BPA)

Canned soup

BPA is an industrial chemical that has been added to many food and beverage containers, mainly cans and plastics. Some reports suggest that it is in more than16,000 packaged products and 67%canned food. The search finds that BPA can be a hormonal disruptive, imitatingestrogen in the body.



brown rice

Since the Arsenic chemical element is present in the soil and water, it can make a path in apparently healthy foods such as grains, including rice, fruit and fruit juices and vegetables. However, the largest source of arsenic toxicity in humans comes from contaminated water from geological sources.

While long-term exposure to inorganic arsenic is linked to a higher risk of skin, bladder andpulmonary cancers, do not panic yet. Most of us drink clean and filtered water - and this is the number one way to avoid exposure. That said,a study On 142 pieces of cooked chicken and 116 pieces of raw chicken of a grocery store revealed that 78 cooked and 65 raw samples contained arsenic.



Almond milk

Carragenaenan is an additive that is used to thicken and preserve food and drinks. Although it can come from a healthy thing (algae), there is evidence that connects it to inflammation and IBS problems (think: bloating or IBS) andfood allergy. You will find it in a walnut milk,puddings,whipped creamand Nesquik drinks.


Sodium aluminum phosphate

Celebration cupcakes

Popular cookie andcake Mixtures contain this conservation used as "stabilizer" in foods. The problem is that you will also find the ingredient on theEnvironmental Working Group List of monitoring the food additive.



Einstein Bros Bagels
Facebook / Einstein Bros. Bagels

It could be an amino acid, but if you noticeL-cysteine on the list of ingredients of your favorite bread or bagels, some reports suggest that it comes from feathers andhuman hair. Einstein Bros. And Dunkin 'donuts have both confirmed with L. cysteine ​​in all their bagels.


BHT (HydroxyToluene Butylae)

Bowl potato chips

BHT can be considered BHA cousin (bad) because they both have the same goal: keep fresh food. But BHT is also an irritant of the skin and human eyes. In animal studies, rats have fueled high doses ofBht has also shown cholesterol increases.



Loaf of bread on kitchen counter in plastic bag

Used as a whitening agent in cereal flour and as "pulp conditioner" in bread,FDA Consider azodicarbonamide an additive "safe". But the European Union, which has banned the use of ADA (as it is also known), think otherwise.


Cellulose powder

Coffee creamer

Cellulose powder based on dried wood pulp - is approved by the FDA and is generally recognized as a safe (fat). It is used in foods likegrated cheese,hairdresserfrozenSkinny cooking Absorb water and other liquids. The problem is that it is undigest, so many people think it has no place in our food.


Monosodic Glutamate (MSG)

Mac and cheese

The FDA generally recognizesMsg, a chemical compound that amplifies the flavor, as safe. But they also received multiple complaints-thinkingheadache And nausea - on the ingredient over the years. Chinese food is not the only one guilty either. Other foods packaged as Doritos contain MSGs as well as popular boxed meals like Kraft Mac and cheese.



Frozen dinner

Listed as fat by the FDA,maltodextrin is a powder that can improve the texture, taste or storage of a food. It is found in frozen foods (including theSkinny spinach, artichoke and panini chicken), but someresearch connects the ingredient with changes in the intestine and inflammation.


BHA (Butylated hydroxyanisole)

Bha is a synthetic antioxidant that keeps the food packaged to gorance. You will find it in potato chips and vegetable oils as well as bothChex mix andTottino pizza. And before thinking that the word "antioxidant" makes it healthy, BHA has been showncarcinogen with the animals. In addition, it is banned in other countries.


Titanium dioxide

This additive is a preservative to keep fresh food and prevent a product from "touch". Someresearch Finds that titanium dioxide nanoparticles are an "possibly carcinogenic to humans". It's in bothChocolate cups Lil DebbieandTottino pizza.


Sodium nitrate

Turkey slices cheese

You will find this preservative of meat processed in foods like Oscar MeyersalamiandCold sections. Although he keeps fresh healed meat, someresearchLinks high quantities of colon cancer and processed meats - generally at a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and other health problems.


Soybean oil

Bowl of cheez its

This popularcooking oil-The methods considered a better alternative to saturated fats - can be found inhairdressers, some packaged envelopes andflat bread, and in your ingredients. But some research has linked it toweight gain and inflammation.


Yellow 5 and 6

Jelly beans

Prohibited in countries such as Norway and Austria, these food dyes have been linked to allergies as well as neurochemical and behavioral changes, particularly inanimals. FDA requires food companies to belabels Products This has them so that people who are "sensitive" to dyes can avoid consuming them. Better jumpKraft Mac and Cheese, jelly beans, andcaramel syrup If you are worried.


Cochinear extract

Starbucks drinks
Graceful Starbucks

This red pigment (also called carmine) is made from crushed bugs used to be a staple of someStarbucks drinks. Laboratory tests suggests that the ingredient isnontoxic. But some people have allergic reactions to her. The FDA requires products with this ingredient to include them in the label. You can always find it in foods likeYogurts yoplait.



Shiitake mushrooms
Joanna Kosinska / Beldshshshsh

Another beautiful star of the FDADefault levels manual: All 100 grams of drained mushrooms, canned and all 15 grams of dried mushrooms may have more than 20 maggots. Yum.


Polysorbate 60

Polysorbate 60 is a thickening oil used to encompass foods such as pudding and gelatin desserts and keep sauces (think: chocolate or caramel) smooth. You can also find it in cosmetic products. The FDA describes it as "a mixture ofpolyoxyethylene The ethers of stearable partial mixed esters and palmitic acids of sorbitol anhydrides and related compounds. "What you wanted for dessert, did not you?


Sodium benzoate

McDonald's Big Mac
McDonald's courtesy

You will find this curator in fast food staples such as McDonald's"Big Mac" sauceandTaco Bell's freezes. It is sometimes added to food to protect against bacteria, yeast orMold growth and isFat in small quantities.



Whipped cream berries

This artificial sweetener, zero-calorie (aka nutraweet and equal) is one of the most popular on the market. You will find it in diet soda, without sugarCool whip,Bars without added sugarand gums without sugar. The problem is someresearch Links for aspartame input to increase hunger levels andweight gain.



fast food hamburger

Used in processing and packaging foods, phthalates can also affirm in your favorite foods. The ingredient was called aendocrine disruptor Because of its osstrogen-mimicity activity in the body. Research also connects it to reproductive problems and birth defects. Your restaurant meals can be stuck with them. A study published inInternational environmental found that people who ate had35% higher Levels of phthalate that those who have consumed meals cooked at home.


RED N ° 40


Found in Candy, Chocolate cake, cereals, pastries, fruit snacks and more food, red # 40 is one of the mostFood dye widely used in the country. It is derived from oil and some research suggests that the dye is "probable carcinogen. "


Bromated vegetable oil (BVO)

Mountain dew soda
CPaulfell / Shutterstock

It is used to keep floating citrus aromas at the top of some sodas and sports drinks (Mountain Dew A BVO in her). This food additive, which contains bromine - an ingredient in flame retardants - isbanned in Europe and Japan.

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