Surprising foods that weaken the immune system

If you want to stay your healthier, you will want to avoid adding from one of them to your grocery list.

It is more important than ever to take good care of your immune system, and everything inEating immune food Like oranges and broccoli can certainly help,Avoid other foods can be even more important.

"With thecoronavirus spreading in communities, there are many discussions on important measures such as handwashing, social distance and not touching our faces or shaking hands, "says Dr. Anna Cabeca, author ofKeto-Green 16. "Yes, we should practice all that, for sure. But not many experts talk about something that I feel is equally vital:Strengthening your immune system. "

"If pathogens come into your body, the immune system will send white blood cells to combat it and will not stop until the threat is a party," says Dr. Cabeca. "If your immunity is weak or compromised in one way or another, the immune system has difficulty doing its job - and your susceptibility to catch coronavirus, flu, colds or other infection increases."

Below you will find the foods you might not suspect that this could prevent your immune system from doing its job, thereby increasing the likelihood that you get sick, whether it is now during the pandemic, or in the future. Make sure to storeThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now instead of.


White bread

white bread

The white bread is a culprit to remove the immune system, according to Dr. Josh AX, D.N.M., C.N.S., D.C., Founder ofAntique nutrition

"White bread, cookies, cakes, rollers, etc. which are made with white flour tend to be rich in calories and low nutrients, "explains AX", so that they can contribute to the weight gain and risks associated with the resistance / resistance to insulin resistance . "

White bread can also contribute to inflammation, according toCJ HAMMOND, a Certified XPS, FMT and NASM coach, decreasing the body's ability to protect themselves or heal.

"When the immune system is spread of thin attempts to regulate and prevent inflammation or fight against diseases, it will not allow the body to use the immune system at its complete capabilities," said Hammond.

Products made with refined grains such as white bread are also likely to contain additives that can be difficult on the immune system, axis notes. To add an insult to an injury, for people who can not tolerate gluten ", this can be a stress for the entire immune system."



assorted candy

It's not a secret that Candy is not necessarily the healthiest for you, but there is really nothing worse for your immune system than Candy.

"The wreck sugar of your immune system, short-term and long-term," said Dan Defigio, a nutrition expert and author ofBeat sugar addiction for dummies. He quotesstudies Suggesting that sugar consumption could affect the capacity of your cells to attack foreign bacteria.

"This effect occurs quickly after eating sugar and lasts several hours after," says Defigio. "If you eat sweet foods several times a day, you keep your immune system in a depressed state almost constantly!"

When sustained in the long run, explains the holistic health coach Kerri Axelrod, a high sugar diet can also destroy the gut flora, which more depresses the immune system.

"An unbalanced bacterial flora with, for example, too many opportunistic pathogens, can move the immune system to an increased inflammatory state," she says.



Honey dripping from honey dipper in wooden bowl

Although honey may seem a healthier alternative to refined sugar, it is not all in case the case. According toDr. Ivy Wickin, "natural" sugars like honey, maple syrup and molasses can be "the same problem" sugar.

If you need help from your sweet tooth, check theseRecipes without sugar, you can not wait to eat.



golden raisins in bowl

Like honey, the natural sugars of dry grapes and other dried fruits can sting your sugar levels, Dr. Job warns.

"Even if you do not eat dessert or super sweet products, it is likely that you go over the six suggested sugar spoons added a day for women and nine teaspoons for men," makes echoesSamantha Cassety, Ms, rd, nutrition and expert in wellness.


Fruit juice

bottled juices

Fruit juice is another culprit for adding added sugar that, Ax Notes, can be "particularly problematic".

"Drinks such as soda, fruit juices and energizing drinks have been linked to having a negative impact on cardiometabolic health, the risk of diabetes, body weight and obesity, and according to studies Recent, even the risk of cancer, "he said.


Non-mature bananas

unripe green bananas

Even natural fruit sugars can have a negative impact on your immune system and intestinal health, which is even more true when they are fixed. Bananas, but also other non-mature fruits and vegetables, may contain high amounts of a protein called lectin, explains Vinay Amin, Expert health and CEO toEU NATURAL.

"Studies show that lectin can disrupt nutrient absorption and inhibit the production of intestinal flora," says Amin. "In turn, this weakens your intestinal barrier, the intestinal wall that defends the body of toxins and harmful bacteria."


A soda

soda in glasses

While all forms of sugar can be problematic in the immune system,a soda maybe the worst guilty. In addition to being loaded with sugar, it is also filled with artificial colors which, according toAlicia Galvin, RD, a resident dietitian for sovereign laboratories can "negatively affect the gastrointestinal mucosa".

Hammond adds that gaseous drinks often contain phosphorus, which "can result in calcium depletion of cells through the kidneys". And as calcium plays aessential role In the activation of the cells in the immune system, low calcium means lower immunity.




Although many consider to tofu a health food, this can be problematic for a number of reasons, not the least one of which is a high concentration of omega-6 fatty acids. These fats have been linked to an increased inflammatory response in the body, especially when unbalanced with omega-3 fatty acids found in fish and some nuts and seeds.

"Under no circumstances do you need to eliminate Tofu," said Amin, "but you should think twice before doing a staple at each meal."

Soy is also a common allergen, axis notes. Although it is "may not be a problem for everyone," he says, it can be "especially taxing people prone to bowel and self-immune problems".

"When someone eats an allergen, their immune system can react excessively by producing antibodies to" attack "the allergen," he says. "However, these antibodies can damage the organs of the person, leading to a variety of symptoms."


Vegetable oil

Vegetable oil

Oils such as sunflower, soy and corn are also high in inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids - and they do not even have tofu protein, making it a much worse choice.

"The body can convert linolenic acid into the most common omega-6, in another fatty acid called arachidonic acid which is a building block for molecules that can foster inflammation", explains AX.


Potato chips

Potato chips
Courtesy of Shutterstock

Potato chips are also a nightmare at the immune system. Not only are they fries in vegetable oil, but they are also high in salt, which,According to a recent study of the University of Bonn, can contribute to immune gaps.


fast food

hamburger and French fries

In addition to the mice tests, the same study at the University of Bonn conducted research on human volunteers. These volunteers consumed six additional grams of extra salt per day - the salt content of two fast food meals - and showed "pronounced immune gaps", according to the study. If you are looking for additional reasons to cut these frequent trips to McDonald's, consult these7 amazing things that occur when you give up fast food.



People clinking beers

Alcohol like beer and wine can increase susceptibility to infection, according to Dr. Wantiin.

"The chronic use of alcohol actually interferes with the normal operation of all aspects of the adaptive immune response," she says. "Alcohol also increases hormonal stress cortisol, blood glucose and insulin, and the three can have a negative impact on immune function when it is high."

Mary Shackelton, ND, cites a paper published in the journalAlcohol search, in which the authors of the study noted a "longtime relationship" between the excessive consumption of alcohol and an altered immune response.

"The effect includes increased susceptibility to pneumonia and a greater likelihood of developing acute respiratory stress syndromes (ARDS) -Factors potentially affecting the results of COVID-19," she says.



Bartender squeezing orange peel cocktail

These problems are doubly true for cocktails, which contain sugary fruit juices or sodas in addition to the hard liquor, for a two-two punch to the immune system.


Pasteurized cheese

low fat ricotta cheese

The dairy is the training of mucus for most people, explains Dr. Brann, who can make you more subject to a cold or influenza. Dairy can also contribute to increased inflammation, hinders the immune response.


Raw milk cheese

Cubed cheese blueberries walnuts almonds

Jamie Hickey, personal trainer and nutritionistExplains that even gross dairy contains problematic hormones such as estrogen and progesterone.

"The pasteurization process kills all hormones if they are synthetic or natural," says Hickey, noting that in raw dairy dairy, these hormones are "at their highest concentration because it has not yet been put to the 'help from any type of manufacturing process. "


Red meat

Processed red meat

High acid foods such as red meat can weaken your immune system, according to Dr. Cabeca.

"When you consume too much acidic foods, the overall pH load of your body will become acid," she says. "When this acid load remains high, minerals such as magnesium, calcium, potassium and bicarbonate become low, which has a negative impact on your health." Red meat is also rich in omega-6 fatty acids and is therefore doubly inflammatory.


Hot Dogs

Grilled sausage and hot dogs

Not only areHot Dogs High in acid and salt, they are also treated, which is a large immune system no-no, according to the ax.

"High consumption of hardened and transformed meats such as bacon, salami, cold cuts and hot dogs have been linked to negative health outcomes as higherRisk for certain types of cancer"he said." Transformed meats may contain harmful chemicals (such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon) that are formed during the cooking / manufacturing process and are also generally high in salt, nitrates and other additives that may result in an oxidative stress. "


Cereals for breakfast

raisin bran cereal

MoreCereals for breakfast is both high in sugar and low fiber, a problematic combo for the immune system, according to Axelrod.

"The soluble fiber stimulates the production of interleukin-4 protein, which stimulates T cells of infection with body infections," she says. "Fiber Also provides the key food for beneficial bacteria in your intestine. "


Packaged cookies

chips ahoy cookies look homemade

Like breakfast cereals, packaged cookies and cakes contain a lot of added sugar and without soluble fiber.

"Most packaged and processed foods are stripped of fiber and other key nutrients," says Shackelton. "Research Shows that a higher intake of food fiber supports healthier immune function, including virus protection. "


Canned pasta

Other processed foods, such as canned pasta, can also have a negative effect on the body, according to Hammond. He says that the word "canned" should be considered "another term for treatment". Canned pasta, in particular, are generally filled with salt, sugar and other additives that "can reduce the body's ability to recover stress-induced activities."

By avoiding these foods and opting rather for a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fish, you can promote a healthy immune system naturally.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: tips / Unhealthy
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