The only thing women with back pain have in common, a new study says

Back pain can arrive at anyone, but women with severe discomfort should be aware of it.

According to the American Chiropractic Association, about 80% of the American populationhave a kind of back pain at a time of their lives. Because it's so common, it's easy to ignore back pain or chalk of something seemingly harmless, like sleeping in an uncomfortable position, working too much or a long prolonged period. But at the same timeBack ache May seem nothing to fear, new research on the Boston Medical Center (BMC) are difficult to challenge this notion. Depending on the research, adults - especially women - withBack pain more serious Have a frightening thing in common. Continue reading to learn what the searches found and if you want to know what to take and what to avoid mitigating back pain, checkThe relief of the pain you should never take for your back.

Women with severe back pain have an increased risk of mortality.

woman looking uncomfortable, hand on back and head, back pain near desk
Fizkes / Shutterstock

New research, published in theJournal of General Internal Medicine On April 19, I watched howBack ache Correlation with mortality risk. According to the systematic review and the meta-analysis of 11 studies, composed of 81,337 older and older adults, the conclusions concluded that the back pain was linked to a "modest increase in mortality to all women and those who suffer from more serious back pain. "However, the light pain of the back was not linked to a risk of increasing death and there was no link between back pain and mortality among men .

And if you take analgesics, know thatThis popular medicine will not really help your back pain, the study says.

Back pain causes reduced physical activity, which can increase your death risk.

doctor, back pain, spine doctor, looking at xray

The research of the BGC examined the relationship between back pain and mortality among women and have seen a link in the limited activity that can come with back pain. "Back pain is the leading cause of disability around the world, and disability and inactivity are generally associated with greater mortality," according to a press release of the study. The pain of the back causes "limitations of the activities of everyday life andReduced physical activity This can lead to weight gain and development or worsening chronic conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, "the declaration continued.

"I hope this study will lead to a better understanding of the long-term impacts of the back pain on the overall health activity and research to improveTreatment of back pain During the lives of patients, "Senior AuthorEric Roseen, DC, Director of the Integrative Medicine Program and Health Disparities at the Boston Medical Center, said in a declaration. "Good back pain management is important."

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Bottom pain in women increase considerably with age.

couple with back pain, signs you need a new mattress
Shutterstock / Andrey_Popov

After menopause, women are likely to have more incidents of back pain than men.Alexis TINGAN, MD, Penn Medicine doctor who was not involved in the new study, said the aging is known toCause spinal stenosis, that canincreasing morbidity. Tingan told the Penn Medicine website that the back pain usually appears between 40 and 60 years old, although some may feel changes in their spine as young as 30.

Age also seems to play a factor in herniated disks. "As you get older, the drives dry and become less spongy and foldable. They become rigid, increasing your risk of having a disk herniate," Tingan said. Although aherniated disc Is not it life in danger, it could be very debilitating.

Regardless of what causes the pain of your back, Tingan emphasized the importance of a healthy weight and diet, because "every book of your body puts the pressure on your musculoskeletal system".

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Do not wait to check your back if you have serious pain.

doctor touching man's back, back pain

"If you wait to do something aboutlower back pain Until he became debilitating, you waited too long, "Hosun Hwang, MD, a specialist in the spine of Houston Hospitala Hosthowbrook Hospital, who has not been involved in the BMC analysis, said in a statement. He explained that a lot of people from the back of people move away within two weeks, but if yours last longer, something can be absent. "If your pain is long term or chronic, it's time to see a spine specialist," Hwang added.

You can handle coherent back pain with medications, injections, physical therapy and surgery, which is needed in some cases. "We are always starting to use the least invasive and most effective treatment first," said Hwang.

He suggested that anyone suffering from severe, persistent or displaced pain, see a spine specialist earlier than the latest. In addition, it would be a smart movement to see a doctor if the pain makes you weak and unable to do your daily activities - or if you Note a fever , unexplained weight loss or urinary problems, Hwang explained.

And for more pain to pay attention, check If this part of the body hurts you night, consult your doctor .

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