How to cure your sunburn with food

What is red and dry and peezing everywhere? If it's your skin this summer thanks to a poorly applied solar screen or too amusing in the sun, ban this burn with these tips and tricks.

Do not take these goals for ahot The summer body too literally in frying your skin the next time you hit the beach. Bad burn does not come to stitch and hurt every time you get up. When you allow one of these red rashes in your life, it actually increases your chances of developing premature wrinkles and skin cancer. So, Slather on this sunscreen like your mother looks. But if you manage to burn anyway, tap the grocery store, not just for a bottle of aloe vera gel, but also elements of this list.

If you stay aware of what you put inand On your body, it will be goodbye burning in no time, so add them to your diet or directly to your skin to stop sting and hasten healing. Learn from your mistakes in sucking on a sunscreen andFoods that prevent sunburn while you shop.


Sweet potatoes

sweet potatoes

Associate two potatoes for a double dose of solar protection this summer. Boil and peel them to apply as a dressing that will draw the heat of your sunburn and accelerate the healing process. Then cook the other with one of theseSound sweet potato recipes So you can absorb vitamin C and beta-carotene, it's packaging. Both antioxidants are beneficial for your skin, but beta-carotene in particular has been demonstrated by researchers at theInstitute of Environmental Medicine of Düsseldorf To make the skin more resistant to ultraviolet rays, which will keep your burn from getting worse.


Green tea

cup of green tea

If you do not get tea as green as your aloe lotion, you hurt it. Not only do it apply (cooled!) Green tea to your skin reduces the pungent pain of your sunburn, thanks to its tannic acid content, but there are more than topical benefits to this drink. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, as well as long-term effects. According toNutrition logGreen tea polyphenols can help pause the progression of UV-induced skin cancer, at least in the mice they tested. It's enough to make us swallow!



bowl of cucumber slices

Hiking to your hydration with cucumber slices this summer. Since the vegetable is mainly composed of 95% of the water, to be precise in your mouth or on your skin will help reduce the drought during the recovery of combustion. Simply make sure you do not peel the skin before biting. This is where you will get the worst vitamin C of the skin.


Dark chocolate

chunks of chocolate

It looks like you can indulge in your sweet tooth and feel good about it as long as dark chocolate is involved. A study in theCosmetic Dermatology Journal found that regularly eating rich flavonol chocolate can protect your skin from UV rays; Since dark chocolate has the highest level of flavonols, it's time for you to fear it on your grocery list. This sweet snack can only prevent burns, but treats them too, keeping your skin hydrated and smooth.



bowl of banana oatmeal

Eat hot oats or eat cold, as long as you eat them. A bowl of oats is aGreat source of avenranthramids, an antioxidant against free radicals that is not found in many other foods, as well as vitamin D. According to a study of theDermatology Journal of Investigation, consuming high doses of this hour of vitamin one hour after exposure to UV can reduce redness, swelling and inflammation of a burn. And it becomes even better: you can quickly soothe your skin by placing it with cold and extra-liquid oats.




If your skin is the color of mature tomatoes, you should start eating them as soon as possible. Not only do they help to moisturize and reduce the inflammatory response of your burned skin, but they protect against that in the future. Since the fruits rich in lycopene are so full of antioxidant, a study inThe Journal of Nutrition showed that they worked against harmful UV rays.



woman drinking seated

Buttermilk has your back, peel sunburn and everything. Drink a glass end glass or soak into a bathtub of the material for a natural cure that will calm and moisturize your blunders from the red beach. For even better results, add tomato juice while you are there.



open pomegranate

Looking to protect your cells from damage and death after too much sunbathing? Pick up a grenade for a rich caregiver of anti-inflammatory antioxidants. A study conducted byTexas A & M researchers found that this fruit can play a role in the treatment of tanning skin.


White vinegar

bowl of vinegar

For a simple topical treatment that is particularly effective, dig into your cupboards for a bottle of white vinegar. Dabbing The liquid directly on your skin can relieve pain for 20 minutes up to 20 minutes, but only if your burn is not lacking.



pile of carrots

We know that tomatoes are not for everyone. Fortunately, you can harvest the same advantages of carrot skin. Researchers at Newcastle University found that a daily dose of carrot juice or tomato pulp has led to a reduced reaction to the sun's rays. Participants experienced nearly 50% less redness. These results were observed after incorporating vegetables into their daily diet for 12 weeks, so then start to crack carrots now. Do not believe us? They are one of Food for better skin .

Categories: Healthy Eating
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