The good place Star Jameela Jamil strikes angrily "diet culture" in the wire to read

The star indicates that the pressure exerted on women contributed to the photo scandal of Khloe Kardashian.

Jameela JamilstarGood place and founder of the positive body weighing community, talks aboutKhloe Kardashian recentscandal photo bikini. Early April, a photo not retouched from thekeeping up with the Kardashians Star was posted on social media, how much Kardashian and his public relations team not only deleted the original, but would have tried to rub the photo of the internet, with multiple social media accounts claiming that They had been issued by these letters. for the republish.

Jamil took his voice in the discussion on April 8, calling "bullying" and "dietary culture", she says that Kardashian is against but admitted to being "furious" at the famous star of Star. Read it to find out what Jamil had to say about the controversy. And for some celebrities feeling confident in their own skin, checkHeather Graham celebrates his bikini body in a new video.


Jamil called "diet culture" as a motivating factor behind the scandal.

jameela jamil in floral off-the-shoulder dress on red carpet
Gary Gershoff / Getty Images

In aPoster on his Instagram account On April 8, Jamil opened on how she thinks that Khloe's bikini photo scandal was at the same time to the society of reality and her fans.

"They played their fans. But they played worse ... and everyone loses. We are all F **** D when we buy in dietetic culture," wrote Jamil.

She added: "They have to stop with the lies. The public and the media must stop with bullying on their eyes. It's just a vicious cycle otherwise."

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However, she stated that the Kardashian family "perpetuates phobia fat.

jameela jamil holding a microphone in a blue blazer
Rachel Murray / Getty Images for Creating and Cultivating

Jamil can have a sympathy for Khloe, calling the media to intimidate the star of reality, but she also expressed her disappointment in the role that Kardashians played in maintaining an unrealistic ideal of beauty.

"Even if I'm furious at how this family allows fat phobia and impossible beauty standards ... I totally see why they are so obsessed with the presentation like the last ideal of the company" Perfect " , "Writes Jamil. "Because they wereHaracking and intimidated and scrutiny an inch of their life. "


She described Khloe's decision to delete the photo as "extremely overwhelming".

jameela jamil in white top and tan vest holding microphone while seated
Ilya S. Saveok / Getty Images for Glamor

Republish a BBC press report that Khloe had attempted to have thePhoto of Bikini Removed social media, Jamil called the story "extremely upsetting".

"This is the kind of hysteria that comes from more than 10 years of fun by the media and around the world about your body," she wrote. "That's why I hate photo montage, because it makes you hate and fear your true face and body and your fans hate theirs." And for more celebrities who have resisted a serious exam,Half Lovato says that this honorable comment of the body almost ruin.


Jamil called the Kardashians to open up on the procedures they had.

kris jenner, kourtney kardashian, khloe kardashian, and kim kardashian on red carpet
Frazer Harrison / Getty Images

April 8, Khloe released a long statement explainingwhy she had removed the picture, saying "you are never very used to being tried and separated and said how little attractive you are."

Jamil responded, saying to the fans that Khloe had been "intimidated in this state of the mind", but expressing hope that the controversy couldInvite the family to be honest with fans on how they actually realize their appearances. "Now it's also a very good time to admit to surgeries, light up photographs and videos and stop being part of the culture that makes girl like her hatred herself," wrote Jamil. "More diet products. More" revenge body ".


However, she said that some good can come from the scandal.

jameela jamil in black t-shirt holding pink basketball
Rachel Murray / Getty Images for Zumba

Jamil said she wanted the media and celebrities to "call a truce".

"I wish these women to know that they were all beautiful and probably happier and less worried about their appearance in front of a single surgeon or an airy artist who was in their lives," she wrote. However, she noted her optimism that the conversation could arouse positive change in the future.

"May a good thing that comes from that knowledge that, at least the girls who can breathe, knowing that they are trying to make false standards and get a break when they take pictures of vacation. And that Khloe can Perhaps be starting to post more unused photos and be a model for self-acceptance. "

For more information on this famous family, checkKourtney Kardashian says she takes these supplements every day to stay in shape.

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