Confused on the grains? Here's all you've always wanted to know

And more importantly, yes, we tell you how to make south dish that has deep American roots.

If you have disabused withSouth cuisine, you probably triedgrains. You know, yellow butter porridge tips and cheesy that are usually served in a soup bowl and garnished with shrimp in fresh herbs and maybe even tomato? But you may be curious to know what they are made of as well as their origins. Well, get ready to think about these thoughts because we have been looking for you, as well as by voice with Benjamin Maulsby, executive headCask and Elm Street Cuisine In Dallas, Texas to better understand this classic staple in the south of the kitchen.

What are the grains?

"The grains are simply ground corn," says Chief Maulsby. It's really simplistic as that! They are made from crushed white corn called hominy, which means that thecorn hull has been removed by soaking in an alkaline (something that has a fundamental pH and is therefore not an acidic substance). They are often easily confused for polenta who brings us to ...

Polenta vs. Costs - Are they the same?

Nope! See, Polenta is also made from ground corn, but instead of being made from hominy, it is derived from yellow corn. Polenta also has a coarse gross grinder than its basic white corn counterpart, which forces it to have heat coherence. The grains, on the other hand, are much smaller and have a thinner texture.

Of course, the two also differ from origin. Wordgnawwhich means "gross grains on the ground", of theOld word,crane. While the polenta is aLatin word meaning, "peeled barley" which is linked topollen or "Powder, fine flour." The grains were actually popularized byAmerindian, Which first ends the corn in a corn, which finally created a mirridge of meaning. These first boiled bowls manufactured by the United States indigenous peoples were considered grain. Later, they became a staple dish in the southern cuisine, mainly because corn was historically produced in the states of the southern United States.corn production.

Are there different types of grains?

Why yes, there are!

"There are grains made from different varieties of corn such as blue and yellow corn," says Maulsby.Blue gray Are said to be harder than the traditional type and even pack a sweeter taste. "In addition, there are different grinds, including [versions," he says.

How do you cook the grains?

The carbohydrate dish is actually quite easy to cook and you can add essentially everything you want, making it a rather hearty dish.

"I cook grains in the water, onion and garlic to start and finish with heavy cream and cheese," says Maulsby. So, if you are looking for a heavier cover dish to associate with your salmon or steak net, or even a simple and simple version with your breakfast, a bowl of this heavy, a creamy cooping can be the companion the more compatible.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: Cooking Tips
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