All you need to know about bubble tea

What is this colorful drink with brown points at the bottom? And why is it cut out of such straw?

Set up "bubble tea", and the ears of people are linked to requinquer. The other day, at Eat this, not that! The seat is in New York, two or three of us talked about it (... Boba Bubble..Whatis he, exactly?) And our Aficionado resident tea and author of7 days old flat belly tea, Kelly Choi, immediately launched in all these fun facts about the colored concoctions we saw in the city.

"It's not good for you at all, however," Kelly revealed. "He hasso a lot of sugar. But people like it because it's a bit fun to drink and it's not like they drinka soda. And maybe they will choose a tea that is really good for them next time! (Like green tea, which has been proved on many occasions toWeight loss of aid And what inspired his Best-Seller book!)

Jump on the success of the construction industry construction-your own who has been flourish everywhere (think:Chipotle), The customization of the bubble tea client has contributed to the drink grow in popularity over the last two decades in the states.

While the drink made its debut in Taiwan, where bubble tea stores are on almost every corner also spread to neighboring countries, such as Japan, South Korea and China, then the rest of the world, including the United States during the mid-1990s.

Bubble Tea remains a mystery for most Westerners, but it is more and more well known. There are now more than 800 stores in the United States in most cases, concentrated in New York and California, and shops have been identified in more than 30 countries.

Back to bubble tea, however. It is trendy, so it's time to fill up, especially before going and place an order.

What is bubble tea?

What is in bubble tea
EAT THIS, NOT THAT! / Shutterstock

Bubble Tea is a Taiwanese ice tea that has a layer of tapioca balls to chew that are sitting at the bottom.

Composed of a tea base mixed with milk, fruits, flavored syrups and pearls of Tapioca, bubble tea is a fun and delicious treat to drink.

While some tea stores use the same plastic dome-shaped lids that you see on Slurpees, many bubble tea bars have started serving it in a cup that has been completely sealed. A machine seals the upper part of the cup with plastic cellophane, which allows the tea to shake vigorously in the portion of a cup and makes it without spill until you are ready to drink. Just pierce the cellophane seal with your straw.

What's in a name?

Bubble Tea is only one of the many popular names for this drink. It is also called milk tea, pearl tea, tapioca tea, boba tea, boba nai cha, foam milk tea, mumi milk tea, q (which means Chewy in Chinese), and many others.

The name "Bubble Tea" does not really refer to the "bubble" as Tapioca beads found on the bottom.

Most people think that the name "bubble tea" refers to the round, bubble like Tapioca pearls at the bottom of your cup, but it refers to the bubble mousse above the drink. "Bubble Tea" was made without the addition of Tapioca beads. This drink has been found in Taiwanese specialties restaurants and usually prepared by shaking the ice, milk, tea and sugar in a shaker that gave rise to a lot of bubbling foam. This same method of preparation is used for bubble tea, earlier with added pearls / boba.

Continue reading to learn more about what bubble tea is, how it has been invented, and how to order your own!

Nutrition Bubble Tea: How many calories are in bubble tea?

Due to the customization of bubble tea according to the tea room where you go, it is impossible to give an answer to the question of how many calories are in bubble tea.

However, we were able to find the nutritional information provided by a Texas store:Fat Straws.

For aClassic milk tea (16 ounce fluid portion), the nutrition of bubble tea is: 212 calories and 37 g of sugar.
A fluid 24 ounces portion of classic milk tea: 243 calories and 63 g of sugar.

recently, aFood Science & NutritionStudy analyzed the nutritional content of bubble teas in a Boba chain store based in Los Angeles. The researchers found the following nutritional information:

Milk tea + tapioca boba (16 oz): 299 calories, 38 grams of sugar
Milk tea + tapioca boba (32 oz): 448 calories, 57 grams of sugar

As a comparison, your 12 ounce box typical of Coca-Cola is 140 calories and 39 grams of sugar. A bottle of 20 ounces of Coca-Cola is similar to classic nutrition 24 ounce milk tea: 240 calories and 65 grams of sugar.

A note on the salubrity of bubble tea:These drinks can be fun and playful, but be careful how much you drink. A published study suggested that Boba tea drinks should gain a place in the group of sweet drinks (the same as the soda falls). In addition, theFood Science & NutritionThe study stresses that, because Boba beverages have calories and similar sugar as other sweet sweet drinks, the popularity of these drinks should be seen as an important public health concern.

What does all I need to know about Boba?

Boba = Pearls Tapioca = Manioca root

Recognized more often in the Tapioca pudding, the Tapioca beads are made from starch extract of cassava root. Manioc is a nutty-flavored tubercle from South America. This root vegetable is a major food food in developing countries, because it has almost twice as many calories of potatoes - mainly carbohydrates and sugar - and therefore is an important source of energy. If you thought that his lack of nutrients was bad, get this: cassava can be toxic when consumed raw. The Tapioca starch should be detoxified before consumption due to its cyanide levels, a toxic compound only when ingested can cause headaches, nausea, vomiting and even paralysis.

Boba does not mean what you think it means

In Taiwan, it is more common that people refer to the beverage under pearl milk tea (Zhēn Zhū Nǎi Chá, 珍珠 奶) because 1/12 "Tapioca pearls were used. 'was that when a tea store owner-in an attempt for his tea to be demonstrated - decided to use large tapioca bullets and chose a more provocative name, "Boba", to represent the difference. in Chinese , the word boba, 波霸, is a combination of a word for the bubble and a word for great, which, when it is found together, is the slang for "big tits" or "buxom lady". When is used to describe the drink, the characters translate directly to Boba milk tea and bubble milktea. This translation is commonly used by the Anglophones and refers to the variant with the large 1/4 "tapioca pearls.

Tapioca pearls can be brown or white

To make the pearls of Tapioca, the wet cassavar starch has passed through a sieve. Once dry, it is then rolled into small bullets. Depending on the ingredients of the pearl, the color varies. Tapioca pearls that are white just contain cassava root. Brown contain a cassava root, brown sugar and sometimes dangerous food dyes, such as caramel color-a color found ina soda which contains an artificial form of phosphorus that has been demonstrated with the calcium lesiving of our bones.

Boba are super chewy

The small brunette spheres are plunged into hot water, sometimes with even more added sugar, to cook for more than three hours. When Boba is too baked, they can be really bouting and when we cooked pearls can be crisp or difficult. Boba should be smooth and soft outside and have a consistency between gummy bear and Swedish fish inside. To make it extra capped (or "qq"), the boba is fresh quickly after cooking.

And there is also a popping version!

Although it is not the traditional style, some bubble teas started using Popping Boba. These spheres similar to the caviar are fruity juice gels that burst into the mouth - no chewing involved. The technique of molecular gastronomy, called "opposite spherification", was developed by Ferran and Albert Adrià in 2003.

What is the story of bubble tea?

As with many origins of undocumented and not allocated, there are many speculations on the origin of bubble tea. But a story is generally accepted to be true: Back in the 1980s, Taiwanese tea has become more and more popular businesses as demand for a refreshing post-work drink has increased. As tea is in every corner, business owners have started using tactics to differentiate products. Separate from the competition, an owner of the concession at theChun Shui Tang Teahouse In Taichung started using cold Chinese tea after getting the idea of ​​Japanese crackedCoffee.

A few years later, his product development manager, Ms. Lin Hui, was trying to entertain himself at a meeting of boring staff. On the momentum of the moment, she decided to throw her Taiwanese dessert called Fen Yuan - a sweet tapioca pudding in her iced assam tea and drank her. It was so good that they decided to add it to the menu, where it soon became the top of the franchise. Shortly after seeing the success of this drink in a bathroom, concessions everywhere Taiwan started adding pearls of Tapioca and flavors of fruit to their iced teas, and therefore started making tea with bubbles like We know it now.

7 steps to check the best bubble tea.

Woman sipping bubble tea

You can customize bubble tea, but you want.

The menus of the bubble tea shop can be quite complex, but they are usually furnished with grids and subsections to help guide your ordering process. All you need to remind you is the classic formula: tea, milk, boba and flavor. You do not want to choose yours? Go with a pret. Many tea shops have their own combos to take out the stress ofChoose between hundreds of options.


Start with tea

The tea can be green, black, chai, thai, oolong or pu-erh. Tea is packed with antioxidants and green tea, in particular, has one of the best size of size compounds: EGCG, an antioxidant found in green tea, strengthens your metabolism that increases the liberation of fat grease fat from the belly and accelerations The combustion capacity of fats of the liver. And green tea is not the only magical elixir. Research has shown us that antioxidants found in all teas (as they are all made from the same plant) can help increase your metabolism, melt belly fat, fight against diseases and even reduce your risk Cerebral and cardiovascular diseases. The beverage has such a capacity to revolutionize your size that the test panels have lost up to 10 pounds with our bestseller plan,7 days old flat belly tea!


Dairy milk or non-dairy?

A crucial part of bubble tea is milk. Milk can be dairy or non-dairy products, with many stores offering soy, coconut, almond or milk milk and cremmers without lactose. Make sure you get fresh milk products rather than the variety of canned and condensed milk. These condensed treatments are cut with transformed ingredient charges and artificially sugar - they can reach 45% sugar! - To make them quite heavy and overwhelming.


Choose your flavor

That's why you see bubble teas in such a range of bright colors. But it's also where the order can be complicated. Bubble teas have flavored (and non-flavored) syrups that control the taste and color of your tea with the amount of softness added. All of the cookies, salted caramel, pink, cherry, coconut, melon, strawberry, taro, chocolate, sesame, almond, lavender, peppermint and even coffee can be used to flavor the drink. If you prefer real tips, add fruits pieces of mango, strawberry, apple, orange, blueberry, peach, pineapple or grenade grenades between countless others. The fruity flavors paid well with ordinary teas and neutral flavors such as chocolate, caramel and coconut pair with milk teas. And while you think about your favorite aromas and fruits, discover the21 amazing banana things make your body!


Tapioca or frozen bullets?

Similar to competition between tea stores on the invention of bubble tea, tea stores always try ways to differentiate from other institutions by offering a wide assortment of fillings. Boba is not the only thing added to the bubble teas now. You can also blow up Boba, Jelly and Pudding. For pudding teas, Barista can mix all pudding in the drink instead of adding an aroma. Pay attention to your combinations, though. The tartress of fruit jelly and popping boba may not always pay well with the milk rack.


You decide how much sugar you want

With all these additions, the sugar content may be added. It is in pearls, milk, syrups and fruit. Fortunately, most tea stores offer clearly defined options for levels ofsugar, like none, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%. Be careful, if you do not specify the softness, the standard or "normal" in most stores is 100%. To make sure that you get exactly the right amount, some stores use a refractometer, a tool that measures the sugar content by calculating the change of wavelengths of the drink caused by the presence of sugar molecules.


Your drink can be shaken or mixed

The classic icy bubble teas are cooled by shaking them with ice in a cocktail mixer or by a machine. Like a thicker drink? You can also get your bubble tea mixed with ice, so it has a smoothy consistency or try to doA smoothie for weight loss at home.


Do you like your hot or cold tea?

A decision more to do: you can have it hot, iced or assmoothie.

Conclusion: Take advantage, but be aware of the amount of sugar you consume.

Even though the basic ingredients of this tea drink can be healthy, when they are drowned in too much sweetening, artificial flavor or processed ingredients, all nutrition is lost.

As we saw earlier, the pearls are mainly composed of carbohydrates - and not of the nutrients rich in fibers found in whole grains and sugar - the pearls themselves and in the cooking method. In addition, the Boba is charged with empty calories, not to mention what comes in additional syrups and bubble tea can easily the 300 to 400 calories. Yikes!

We can not inssert enough: look at your levels of sweetness. Consume too much added sugars, especially those found in drinks - have been linked to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease and even cancer.

According to a study in theAmerican Journal of Clinical NutritionSince the energy obtained from fluids has been shown less satisfactory than the calories of solid dishes, we tend to drink more before we feel satisfied and that you drink quite sweet stuff. Try to choose bubble teas with real fruits rather than artificial sweeteners and unsweetened milk. Sugars that occur naturally in foods like fruits and milk are not the kinds ofadded sugar You must worry because they are paired with vitamins, minerals and fibers.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: Taro / Tea / tips
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