7 diet changes that improve your memory

Keep your brain sharp with these simple switches, according to experts.

Unless you are one of the lucky people who have been blessed with a photographerMemory, most people could admit that they want to improve their memory in one way or another, to eliminate some weaknesses after a brain injury, reverse mental decline or forget.

Activities such as meditation, studies and even crossed words have been said to give memories to have contributed to their maximum potential. But there is also something that is quite simple to do to help reinforce memory: make small changes in yourdiet.

Here are some healthy diet changes that can make a lasting impact on your brief and for even healthier tips, make sure you check out our list ofThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


Take greater greafers.

Leafy greens spinach arugula avocado

Remember as a child when you could not leave the table before all the green on your plate left? Although we could not appreciate it, even from an early age, there is an understanding thatGreen are a healthy source ofvitamins. According to Health Coach Cecilia M. Serban, leafy greens such as curly cabbage, micrograds and spinach are packed for beneficial vitamins for cerebral function and memory.

"Greens such as cabbages, spinach, necklaces and broccols are rich in healthy nutrients of the brain like vitamin K, lutein,madnessAnd Beta Carothene, said Serban.

here isThe healthiest types of lettuce and leafy greens - classified by nutrition.


Choose the blueberries for a snack.


Blueberry Go great with almost everything - in a smoothie, at the top of the pancakes, in a fruit salad. The same goes for several other bays. These are healthy and delicious treats and, in addition to that, they can even help increase your memory.

"Bays, especially dark like blackberries, blueberries and even cherries, can also take advantage of your memory function," says Ashlee Van Buskirk, owner of the fitness and nutrition. "It's because they are packed with anthocyan and other flavonoids that have been carefully studied and related to memory function."

No wonder blueberries are consideredThe only snack to eat during a longer life!


Whisk an omelet or two.

Veggie omelette

Rather than pouring another bowl of sweet cereals, or an instant breakfast that can be done in the microwave or to the toaster, consider going to a regular consumption ofeggs In the morning to have an impact on your memory.

"The growing research indicates that choline, a nutrient found in eggs, can have significant advantages for cognition in the elderly," said Katherine Katherine Katherine Brooking. "New studies explore how choline throughout life can have sustainable effects on cognition and a discovery study that moderate egg consumption can have a beneficial association with some cognitive performance areas in adults more older. "

Need some ideas? Check out our list of71+ Best healthy egg recipes.


Store on salmon.

wild salmon

A good way to start building the brain that will lead to a more sustainable memory consists in consuming foods containingOMEGA-3 fatty acids, like walnuts, seeds and cold water fish like salmon.A study by Harvard Health found that there is an encouraging link between consuming polyunsaturated fats and build a stronger memory.

"A study has shown that after 6 months of omega-3 supplementation, the level of cognition and memory of young adult test topics had increased," said Kerri Axelrod, a holistic health coach and a nutrition consultant.

Vegetable oils and some fortified foods are also high in omega-3 fatty acids. Store some of these foods with this list of26 Top omega-3 foods.


Moderate your alcohol content.

refusing alcohol

Think about your last wild night, it might be difficult to remember and not only because the pandemic has kept us all inside for so long. It's not a big surprise to learn thatalcoholHas a negative impact on memory and, although its current knowledge, that drinking can lead to misty memories, it is less commonly known that frenzy consumption directly influenced the impact of your brain to store memories.

"Repeated episodes of frenzy consumption can damage the hippocampus, part of your critical brain for your memory," says Van Buskirk. "You can have a drink or two from time to time, but try to avoid excessive alcohol consumption, especially regularly."


Add curcum to your recipes.

Turmeric powder on wooden spoon

With bitter and musk taste,Turmeric is an addition of precious spices to foods such as curries, pilaf rice or soup-adding a color kick with its orange tint. It also makes a tasty addition to eggs, salad vinaigrette andsmoothies. Curcuma is not only beneficial for taste buds, it can also be helpful to strengthen the skills in memory.

"In a curcumin study, the main turmeric component, it has been shown that the memory of severalAlzheimer Patients have increased significantly after the introduction of curcuma in the form of supplement, "says Axelrod.

Axelrod recommends using black pepper along turmeric, because it increases the absorption of curcumin.

here is5 foods to help prevent Alzheimer's disease, according to doctors


Hydration is not only for care skin.

Water glass

Read an interview with a celebrity on their glowing skin and the "skin care routine" and the answer is almost always the same - they simply drink a ton of water. Whether they are fully truthful or not, the benefits of staying well hydrated have not been unnoticed.The Mayo Clinic Recommends drinking 15,5 cups of water a day for men and 11.5 cups of water a day for women. As water promotes cardiovascular health, cleans your body andsuperb skin guard. According to Megan Byrd, Rd and Food Blogger toThe dietitian of OregonIt's also great to keep your net memory.

"Many studies have shown that even slightly dehydrated can reduce your attention and short-term memory," says Byrd. "Just by drinking more water, you can improve your cognitive function and your memory."

Start your water consumption today! here isHow much water you need to drink.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: diet / Health Tips / tips
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