20 ways to lift your risk of cardiac attack without knowing it

Cut these bad habits from your daily routine and you will also cut your risk of heart disease.

You already know how important it istake care of your heartBut sometimes it can be easy to put it in danger without realizing.

Here is a demolition statistic: heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States and, according to disease control and prevention centers (CDC), an Americanhas a heart attack every 40 seconds.This adds to about 805,000 people in the United States that have a heart attack each year.Fortunately, you have some degree of control over your risk of risk reduction in favor of those who promote a healthy lifestyle can do wonders when it comes to helping to prevent a heart attack, the CDC says. So with that in mind, hThere are 20 ways to raise your risk of cardiac attack without even knowing it. And for more red flags about your health, check30 signs of warning that your heart tries to send you.

You do not receive an influenza vaccine.

Nurse gives flu vaccine to senior adult patient at a local pharmacy, clinic, or doctor's office.

There are many ways toReduce your risk of a heart attackAnd an incredibly simple step is simply to get a shot. Your risk of a heart attack increases six times the first week after being diagnosed with influenza by a 2018 study published inNew England Journal of Medicine."We start understanding how dangerous viruses are," saysNicole Weinberg, MD, cardiologist atSaint John Providence Health Center in California. "People have heart attacks when they are inflicted on the flu, and that's another reason why we strongly encourage our patients to get shot of the flu."

And although the influenza shot does not protect you from COVID-19, it is important to continue taking all precautions.Protect yourself from coronavirusbecause it seemsindirectly bring broken heart syndrome, which causes symptoms similar to a heart attack. And for more ways to damage your health, checkThe 20 worst habits that destroy your heart.

You do not go to the doctor.

woman at the doctor

To visitDoctor's office For an annual physique is an important way for your doctor to locateunexpected signs of heart diseaseMay you may not notice you and risk factors that increase your probability of a heart attack. "Many problems related to cardiovascular disease can be avoidable if you know what are your risks and treat them," Weinberg said weinberg. "You may be able to circumvent always have a heart attack by, say,Treat your blood pressure or cholesterol accordingly. "

You freeng too often the television to watch.

woman looking the tv at home

Not only do you doSit for hours When you agree to watch a preferred show, but you can also consume any number of unhealthy beverages and harmful snacks for your heart. "TV shows on the surveillance of frenzy are certainly common and can be pleasant during the pandemic," saysJennifer Haythe, MD,Associate Professor of Medicine at the Center for Cardiac Care Advanced atColumbia University Irving Medical CenterAt New York. "However, a sedentary lifestyle and sitting at prolonged periods has been linked to cardiovascular disease."

The monitoring of the frenzy for more than four hours a day was linked to a higher risk of heart disease and premature death compared to monitoring less than two hours of daily television, by a 2019 study published in theJournal of the American Heart Association. And learn how you can say if something is wrong with your health, check40 subtle signs Your body tells you that something is seriously false.

You do not practice good oral hygiene.

dentist shows man his test results
Shutterstock / Wavebreakmedia

To prevent cavities and the disease of the gum, theAmerican dental association recommends brushing your teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste andDental silk every day. "Gum and dental health are important for many reasons, your heart included," Hayhe said. "Studies have found that people with periodontal disease [gum] have two to three times more the risk of heart attack, stroke or other serious cardiovascular events."

Although additional research is needed to determine the exact link between oral health and heart disease, a periodontal disease increases inflammation in the body, which can be a key contributor to several health problems such as. atherosclerosis (plate accumulation in blood vessels that can lead to a heart attack), saysHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL. And for oral hygiene habits, you should cut as soon as possible.25 things you do this horrible your dentist.

You do not make an effort to reduce stress in your life.

old asian man meditating and practicing meditation in park

Although it's hard not toFeel stressed during the pandemic, the management of these feelings can help protect your heart. "Stress is a definitive trigger for acute heart attack and is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease development over time," Hayhe said. "Stress causes the vention of adrenaline, which increases blood pressure and heart rate."

Many studies have reported thatMeditation could have potential benefits on cardiovascular risk, by a scientific statement of September 2017 published in theJournal of the American Heart Association."The teaching and practice of meditation are widely accessible and inexpensive and can therefore be an expensive potential and cost-effective complement to more traditional medical therapies," note the authors. For more things to find your ZEN,The easiest 50 ways to beat stress in 2020.

And you leave the symptoms of depression are not treated.

older white man with his head in his hands

If you arebattle depressionTalk to your doctor with the best treatment options. Not only will it help youfeel better overallBut there seems to be a link between more mediocre depression and heart health. "It seems to be related to the chemicals in the system that exacerbate the aggressiveness of the plate deposition or constitute the risk of a little larger plate break in these patients," said Weinberg.

Patients were twice as likely to die if they developed depression after being diagnosed with heart disease, by a 2017 study published in theEuropean heart newspaper.Meanwhile, early treatment of depression before the appearance of symptomatic heart disease has reduced the risk of cardiac crises and almost in two cars in elderly patients in a 2014 study published inPsychosomatic medicine.

You burn the candle at both ends.

Woman on her computer at night things that hurt your health

You will not just avoid a sour atmosphere: by catching the right amount of Z, you also help away from heart problems. "Adults who sleep less than 7 hours per night have an increased risk of heart disease, heart attack and stroke," says Hayhe.

This may be due to a variety of factors, for example, when you sleep, your blood pressure falls. By getting too little sleep,Your blood pressure remains high For a longer duration, the CDC says.Getting enough sleep can also help with blood glucose control and weight management. And for more information about some of the things that can stand in your way of resting properly, checkThe 7 biggest things prevent you from waking up at night, study programs.

You do not do anything about your snoring.

Sleep apnea machine

Experts learn more about snoring and its connection to sleep apnea, which could affect your risk of cardiac attack. One in five adult has a soft sleep apnea, a condition in which your breathing pauses during sleep, by theAmerican Heart Association."The more we learn about an increase in pressures in your chest while you sleep, the more we learn about all the destruction that really happens in your vascular system," says Weinberg.

A shadow sleep apnea form is an obstructive sleep apnea, which occurs when throat muscles relax. And according to theMayo clinic, This can increase your risk of recurring heart attack, stroke and atrial fibrillation.

You eat too much bad types of fat.

close up pictures of butter slices in the kitchen

Although meal plans that put fat in honor as the ketogenic regime are fashionable, if you eat too bad types of fat, this can affect your risk of heart disease. By replacing foods rich in saturated fats (such as gras, pork, butter and cheese) with healthier options (for example, dairy products with low fat, fish, nuts and vegetables), you can reduce cholesterol levels in your blood. You should not get more than 5 to 6% of your calories of saturated fat - about 120 calories or 13 grams of saturated grease if you consume 2,000 calories a day, depending on theAmerican Heart Association.

"It's really important not to go to the extremes with the diet, as consuming all greases or all carbohydrates," saysNieca Goldberg, MD, Medical Director of the Female Heart Program and Senior Advisor for Women's Health Strategy atNYU LANGONE HEALTHAt New York. "One of the problems related to the ketogenic regime is that because it is high in saturated greases, it can increase cholesterol in people at risk."

You will always see a drink more.

Pouring a drink into cocktail glass

It is true that wine is often considered a potential heart help, but no research has officially proved a cause to effect.Link between alcohol and better cardiac health, say itAmerican Heart Association. In addition, go to the sea can put your ticker in a risky position.

"Until a glass of wine a day for women or up to two in men can be beneficial, however, higher amounts can lead to "Goldberg said cardiac muscle lesions. It can also increase the risk of heart rate disorders, result in weight gain and increased blood pressure. And for more useful information,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

You skip breakfast.

man in suit holding newspaper and coffee and wearing a face mask in city

There is a reason why it is often considered asThe most important meal of the day: "Having breakfast is important for everyone," says Haythe. "It offers our bodies with the calories you need to stay focused and full of energy throughout the day. And even if it notes that there is no precise link between heart attack and the breakfast quite still, some research has pointed to its potential protective effects.

Those whoBreakfast quite jumpedhad a 87 percent that those who have eaten the meal, according to a 2019 study of 6550 adults risk of higher deaths from cardiovascular disease published in theJournal of the American Cardiology College.This previous search echo published in the journalTraffic that the men found who had breakfast jumped a higher risk of 27 percent of coronary heart disease.

You do not keep a healthy weight.

Out of shape older white man watching TV

Reach a healthy weight is extremely important for your heart still almost42 percent of American adults are obese, According to the CDC.

"If you're overweight and losing weight, your risk will be lower than it was before," said Goldberg. "Obesity increases the risk of heart disease by increasing levels of bad cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL drops [good] cholesterol, the increase in sugar levels that can lead to diabetes, and elevate blood pressure ".

You eat a lot of processed foods.

Potato chips

Processed foods can be rich in sugar, sodium, saturated greases and other unhealthy ingredients, which contributes to your risk of heart disease. "That's why we often ask people to maintain healthy diet with fresh fruits and vegetables," says Weinberg.

Ultra-transformed food leads to a higher risk of heart disease, according to the results of a study published in 2019The BMJ.In fact, for each 10 percent increase in the amount of ultra-transformed food, the risk of serious cardiovascular events as a heart attack increased by 12 percent.

You eat a lot of red meat.

Hands holding fork and knife and eating delicious juicy steak with grilled cabbage,tomatoes and cheese on table at cafe in city street. Man tasting bbq with vegetables in restaurant

Eating two portions of red meat, meat or poultry transformed (but no fish) a week was found to increase your risk of heart disease from 3 to 7 percent, according to a 2020 study published inJAMA internal medicine. The same habit has also been linked to a higher risk of 3 percent of all types of deaths.

"Red meat and even some of the white meats have high levels of saturated and fatty fat that you eat saturated, the more likely the probability is that you will increase your cholesterol ", says Goldberg.

You smoke.

Older woman smoking unhealthy

It is not only harmful for your smoking lungs also nights with your heart. Tobacco smoke contains chemicals that harm your blood cells, structure and function of blood vessels, and function of your heart. This increases the risk of plaque accumulation in the arteries, which can lead to a heart attack, heart failure, thoracic pain, and even death, by theNational health institutes.

"If you smoke,it's downtimeAnd the sooner the better, "says Haythe. "Smokers are two to four times more likely to develop cardiac disease compared to non-smokers. For more nicotine forced landing, here isThe top 10 ways to quit smoking, you have ever tried.

Or regularly expose your car to secondary smoke.

group of business people smoking outdoors on a break, talking to each other

Even if you do not smoke, be exposed to second smoke can still harm your heart. Secondary smoke is responsible for nearly 34,000 premature deaths among non-smokers of heart disease each year in the United States, by theAmerican Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The brief exhibition can damage the blood vessel wall and make sticky blood platelets, which can cause a fatal heart attack.

You do not know hot flashes.

woman going through menopause having a hot flash

If you encounter hot puffs, it could besign of the imminence of cardiac disorders. Women who have vasomotor symptoms (such as hot flashes and night sweats) are 70 percent more likely to undergo cardiovascular events such as heart attacks by a 2020 study published in theAmerican Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology.

"Many women have a" protective "effect when they have more estrogen in their system," says Weinberg. "But as their hormones begin to change, they can start developing high blood pressure or high cholesterol. Statistics show that many women end up having their first heart attack in their ten years after menopause. »

And you do not talk to your doctor of early menopause.

Woman at the Doctor Getting Her Blood Pressure Checked Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

It may be important to talk to your doctor about your risk of heart disease and precautions that you can take if you encounter more menopause-one more reasons for regular physics to be so important. ARisk of the woman of cardiovascular disease Increases immensely after menopause. "Early menopause causes an earlier loss of estrogen, as well as concomitant increases in blood pressure and cholesterol, increasing the risk of a woman's heart disease," Hayhe said.

You do not eat enough fiber.

A healthy, high fiber oats and berries breakfast

Of course, the fiber helps keepyour digestive system Freed, but it also plays a role in your heart health. Soluble fibers found in foods like beans, oats and flax linen can help reduce your LDL "bad" cholesterol, by theMAYO Clinic. "Low fiber intake is not one of the main risk factors to have a heart attack, but high fiber plans help reduce cholesterol, "says Goldberg." As a general rule, we have a combination of diet and exercise to reduce cholesterol. "

Every 10 grams of fibers consumed per day was linked to a risk of death of 15% coronary heart disease in a 2012 study of more than 300,000 participants published in theEuropean clinical nutrition newspaper.

You do not keep your sweet tooth in check.

Beautiful pregnant woman eating ice cream

Eating too much added sugar, which is added to food during preparation or processing, can contribute to high blood pressure, inflammation, diabetes, weight gain and foie gras disease, which are all related to a higher risk of cardiac attack,HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL. "People with lower sugar are better those from a vascular point of view," says Weinberg.

In fact, over the age of 15, people who have 17 to 21% of their calories an added sugar had a risk of dying of 38% to die of heart disease compared to those who have only 8% of their calories of a sugar added in a 2014 JAMA internal medicine to study.

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