The 4 best recipes of Churros

Whether for breakfast, merendar or as a rich dessert, these fried dough tubes are perfect.

There is no palate that resists the delicious taste of a churro. Whether for breakfast, merendar or as a rich dessert, these fried dough tubes are perfect. There are several recipes that promise to take you to paradise in a bite. Here we show you four of the best, starting at the traditional base.

# 1 homemade traditional churro

To perform all types of churros you will need a fluted pastry sleeve (for furrows) and a deep skillet, because they should be frying in abundant oil. For a ration of the classical version you will require: water (300 ml), wheat flour (200 gr), a teaspoon of salt, oil and sugar to overflow.

Shovel Easting them You must place the water and salt in a large pot and put it on fire. When it begins to boil, the flour is added in a few amounts and it is removing. There will be a homogeneous pasty mix. It is removed from the heat and placed the mixture inside the sleeve. It will be tightened to shape them and they will be fry in the pan with hot oil to brown. When they are ready, they sprinkle with sugar. You can also add cinnamon powder.

# 2 Chocolate Churros

This recipe is a little bit more complicated, but it's worth it. You will need: Water (200 ml), wheat flour (150 gr), a pinch of salt, 4 large tablespoons of powder cocoa, 1 egg and half of an envelope of instant yeast.

The water will be placed in the big pot with the pinch of salt to the fire. When boiling the yeast will be added and the flour little by little. It is removed with intensity. When the texture is thickened, the cocoa will be added. It is removed until everything is integrated and then removed from the fire. The mixture will be placed in a blender with the egg. Then to the sleeve and shape as explained in the previous preparation, and fry.

# 3 churros de cookies oreo

This recipe will love children. You will need 13 chocolate oreo cookies, water (300 ml), flour (150 gr), salt and a teaspoon of oil.

First separate the cookies and remove the cream that goes in the center. Then tritounce it in the processor. Mix the flour, cookies and salt. In the pot with boiling water and the spoonful of oil, he sees incorporating the mixture to form a mass and removed from the fire. Get the dough in the pastry sleeve and put it cool about 30 minutes in the refrigerator. Then, squeeze to shape and fry into the pan. The cream of the cookies that you booked, repeat it and use it to spread.

# 4 stuffed churros

To fill the churros you can use the mix of your preference. It can be pastel cream, molten chocolate, sweet milk or fruit jam. The churros will be elaborated with the traditional recipe. The difference will be that they have to be thicker. For this, the sleeve nozzle must be replaced by a larger one. Once they are fried, you should wait for them to cool down. With a thick stick a canal is made in the center of the churro without reaching the tip, so that the filling is not drained. Then, with the help of a syringe, the desired filling is introduced.

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