This type of plan can reduce your testosterone, a new study says

Your bad eating habits can cause a fault in testosterone, which affects up to 50% of men.

It's impressive to think about how ourchoice of food assign all aspects of our lives, such as ourcardiac health, our moods, and evenlife in the room. This week, a new studypublished in theJournal of Urology Identified a diet habit that is linked to a testosterone deficiency in men ... and hormonal disturbance is particularly severe in men on a certain size.

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What is testosterone?


First, a simple lesson in biology: what exactlyis Testosterone? The study press release reminds us: "Testosterone is a male sex hormone that plays important roles in reproduction and sexual function." Of course - but what you couldnot have known it's a remarkable20% to 50% of American men have a fault in testosterone, that the researchers of this study have defined as a testosterone level of less than 300 nanograms per deciliter (or ng / dl).

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How does the diet affect testosterone?

Woman holding plate of keto foods at a table

Guys living with clinically low testosterone levels can recognize the loss of libido, the inability to occur in the bedroom and low energy as some of the signs dreaded, but the researchers of this study also listed a low concentration and a depression between the symptoms. Meanwhile, previous studies have found correlations between cardiovascular disease, obesity and low testosterone - so that this research team wanted to know if the testosterone level could be affected by the diet. Proves, they seem to be.

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There is a link between testosterone and inflammation.

inflammation overweight

"Men with low testosterone have higher levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines," explains the press release of the study, adding that cytokines are "small proteins released by cells during an injury, of injury. inflation or inflammatory factors in the environment ".In other words, low testosterone is associated with the riseinflammation.

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Diets cause inflammation could cause low testosterone.

plate of fried chicken
Adam C./yelp

The study examined plan models and data on hormone levels of 4,200 participants. Their conclusions: "For men with the most pro-inflammatory diet, the chances of testosterone deficiency were greater than about 30% compared to men with the most anti-inflammatory diet. "Just to make sure other lifestyle factors did not play, they added, "Associations remained significant after adjustment for other characteristics, including the body mass index and smoking."

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This can be a reason more than taking healthier habits.

Senior athlete walking outdoors in the city

Foods that cause inflammation includeProcessed meats, foods rich in sugar and somefast food. The researchers emphasized that more research should be conducted on the influence of inflammatory foods on testosterone before blaming the very inflammatory regimes for the low level of testosterone. However, they added: "Our results suggest men who eat apro-inflammatory regime, especially those obese, are more likely to have a testosterone deficiency ... As men who have obeyed have probably already experienced chronic inflammation, doctors should be aware of the contributing factors, such as the diet, which could probably aggravate this inflammation and contribute to the risk of other problems. health, such as diabetes and heart disease. »

Looking to increase the men's health game? Fortunately, we have your list of7 testosterone-boosting foods.

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Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: diet / Men / Men’s Health / News
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