The most soothing teas to drink now to relax

In the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic, it is important to find the time to take a rebirth and reduce your stress levels.

There is no question that people everywhere are stressed right now. With more and more cases ofCOVID-19 [Feminine Popping around the world and with unpredictable results leading in advance, people need something to help them relax now, probably more than ever before.

Tea can offer support in this department, so we have compiled a list of some of the most soothing teas in the market. Mixtures made from lavender to those made with licorice, these are the most soothing teas that you can buy.


Tazo Tazo Calmone Tea

tazo calm chamomile tea

The chamomile is the quintessencemedicinal plant It's used to induce relaxation. In addition to chamomile, rose petals, lemon balms and peppermint are mixed together to create this soothing tea.


Buddha Third Lavender Tea

lavender tea

There is a reason why yoga studios use lavender essential oils during practice - nothing can make you feel as calm as to feel this special flower. Buddha Theas has a relaxing tea and infused lavender for you. Sit down, put your feet and sip on this good cup of herbal cups.


Yogi Calming Tea

yogi calming tea

Each tea bag includes the perfect blend of soothing herbs, including chamomile, licorice, cardamom, pink hip and lavender just to name a few. Sip a cup of this tea will probably help that the underlying tension dissipate.


Traditional medicines Calm cup

cup of calm tea

What's all in a cup of calm, you can ask? Rosemary, passion, chamomile and peppermint are just some of the tea ingredients of this brand.


Tazo Zen Tea

tazo zen tea

In order to feel rejuvenated after a stressful day, it may feel good to sip something a little more refreshing. Tazo's Zen Green Tea can be the solution, with bright notes from the Mezette, lemongrass and lemon verbena. This is the soft pickup you need after being weighed by a day of stressful tasks.


Numi Bio Tulsi tea

tulsi tea

The Tulsi plant is a member of the mint family and when it is attached to the distinctive flavors of licorice and medicinal grass, Ashwagandha, he creates a calming effect on the body, mind and soul.


Pukka lemon, ginger and manuka honey tea

pukka tea

The combination of ginger, licorice, eldest, fennel seed and lemon verbena leaf allows a cup of soothing tea. An ideal cup to brew when you feel stressed.


Davidstea Buttercream de Lavender

davids tea lavender

Davidstea has a relaxation andDessert tea For you to be sipped when you feel tense and worn. The lavender butter is made with rooibos tea-free tea that has a subtle hint of frozen flower cream glace.

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PUKKA peace tea

pukka peace tea

Chamomile, the mezde, licorice, lavender and hemp are just some of the herbs that understand this beautiful tea. Pukka tea is alsoSalon for certified life, which means that they cultivate biological herbs in a sustainable and ethical way.


Celestial seasonings Classic tea

sleepytime tea

Could there be a tea more relaxing than the one namedtime of sleep? Orange blossoms, roses, tillia flowers and hawthorn are just some of the ingredients of this inviting mixture.

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Categories: Groceries
Tags: Coronavirus / News / Tea
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