Side effects of eating too much peanut butter, say dietitians

Eat more than the service size allocated? This is what happens to your body.

Like creamy indulgences go, you could do much less thanPeanut Butter. For all its velvety thickness and its high calorie density, the propagation of hazelnut isSurprisingly nutritious. Full of monocesaturated greases for you, plant-based protein and nutrients such as magnesium, folate and vitamin E, peanut butter definitely deserves a place in a healthy diet. Yet it is possible to get too much good thing. You can easily overload and eat too much peanut butter at a time.

Inc a portion of peanut butter is only 2 tablespoons, it is easy to take away during the dart of propagation on the crackers or assembly of a high kilometer PBJ. Here are five potential side effects of eating too much peanut butter and for healthier feeding tips, be sure to read on our list ofThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


You may have a stomach ache.

smooth peanut butter

"Eating too much can give you a stomach ache!" saidGillean Barkyoumb, MS, RDN. Due to its high fat content, peanut butter can be particularly difficult to digest for some people, resulting in indigestion orblocker.

Meanwhile, there is another health problem that can predispose your post-PB belly pain.

"You can feel a stomach ache if you have a food sensitivity to salicylates and amines," says Barkoumbe. "These are natural food chemicals and are in foods that many regularly eat, but if you overchish peanut butter every day and that this sensitivity could lead to embarrassment."

If peanut butter regularly gives you belly issues, talk to your doctor or dieteticist on the possibility of food sensitivity.

here is24 ways to get rid of bloating in less than 24 hours.


You could be constipated.

peanut butter toast

With its thick and intractable texture, it is not difficult to imagine the peanut butter of your interior and to causeconstipation-But typically, even high doses of stuff do not interfere with your digestion. In fact, with up to 6 grams offiber By serving, Pb can actually keep things moving in your GI tract.

That said, there is a warning to the Equation digestion to peanut butter.

"As with everythingFood filled with fiberIf you do not consume adequate water, this can actually have the opposite effect and lead to constipation, "says Barkyoumbe. Make sure to wash the buttered peanut foods with a lot of liquid.

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This could ruin your blood glucose.

wyoming peanut butter

NumerousJars sold commercially sold peanut butter Have a wonderfully simple and healthy list, but not all. Some brands charge their formulas with added sugars. If you whipped a PBJ with high sugar peanut butter, it can throw your blood glucose for a loop (especially next to the jelly!). Consuming too much sugar in one session can lead to the pic and-drop of blood glucose that lets you feel fragile and tired.

Publish sugar accidents by choosing a product without added sugar.

"A simple way to find a high quality peanut butter is to return the pot around and check the ingredient label," says DietianCaroline Thomason, Rd, CDces. "Simple is better here, and if you can find a pot with the only ingredients listed as" peanuts and salt ", you have a high quality nut butter."

Not sure what peanut butter buy? Consult our list of theTop 20 peanut butters!


You might have weight.

nevada peanut butter

The peanut butter can have many beneficial qualities, but low calorie food is not. In a tablespoon of soup spoon, you will take in 190 calories, which can add quickly if you are not interesting. Over time, eating too much peanut butter could causeweight gain. (In fact, dietitians often recommend meals and snacks with peanut butter to customers who need to put weight.)

"Even healthy foods, when they are overcome, will contribute to your waist", confirms Thomason.

But there is also good news: "A grace spared here is that the peanut butter is high in healthy fat, which means it is super satisfactory and can be much easier to control the share on the part!" If you look at your calories, try to wear with a tablespoon to see how much you are actually turning into your oatmeal or your smoothies. And do not miss these30 Recipes of healthy peanut butter!


You could go out.


Evidence of a definitive link between peanut butter and acne are limited, but a combination of high fat and high sugar has been associated with breakage. On aStudy 2020 reported byHarvard Health, people who have trouble acne were 54% more likely to consume a high fat and height diet.

For a small group of people, a sensitivity to peanuts could also spell skin problems.

"Some people are sensitive to peanut butter, because the peanuts are part of the family of legumes (thoughts: beans, lenses and peanuts) and these foods contain a plant compound called lectin that could contribute to global inflammation," says Thomason.

You do not know if peanut butter is the culprit behind your sincere? Thomason recommends a brief pause of creamy propagation.

"Peanut Butter may Contribute to acne, but the only way to know, it's certain, it's trying to reduce it for a few weeks, "she says.

Make sure you turn off The worst peanut butter # 1 to eat, according to a dietician .

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