A major side effect of the consumption of drinking protein, says science

Your quest for thin down can end up getting fat.

Struck Are savage popular for muscle building and slimming body, thanks to research that suggest the potential benefits of getting more protein in your diet. This macronutrient wasLinked to such benefits like:

  • Prevent muscle loss and lean muscle building.
  • Reduce the appetite considering you longer.
  • Stimulate metabolism.
  • Place books. (The National Academy of Sports Medicine Calls the protein "One of the main" levers "in a diet that increases the probability of losing weight.")

It is prudent to say that many people have become obsessed with protein and food marketing specialists and drinks took note. By simply using the word "protein" in the package seems to a food with aHealth halo which causes purchases "by symbolically connecting [proteins] to the values ​​of well-being and lifestyle", according to a document inFood Culture & Societywho examined howProtein snacks are marketed as good food choices through their packaging.

But get an extra protein can make half fire, especially when it comes in the wrong type of protein shake. (See:7 ways to eat too much protein can harm your health)

Someprotein powders, First Shakes and Smoothie Shop Beverages Proteincan lead to weight gain And Talgalong disease downsides, nutrition experts say.The weight gain is only one major potential side effect of the consumption of drinking protein Whether you want to avoid if you use them to muscle or lose weight. And this may be true, whatever the source of protein eggs, milk (cord or lactose protein), or plants (peas, hemp, rice or soy).

Related: Check out our recommendations for theBest and worst protein shakes purchased in store.

How do the proteins walk on books?

The answer in two words: calories, sugar. NumerousProtein beverages are very high in calories and contain a lot of added sugars.

Check the nutritional facts and lists of ingredients. A portion ofGatorade recovers chocolate protein 280 calorie tips and 19 grams of added sugars - it's more added sugar than you will find in a portion ofBreyer chocolate ice cream!

"Liquid calories are sometimes not recognized by the brain as well as the calories of solid food," says doctor and medical writerLeann Poston, MD, ofMedical vibifier. "So you may not feel full after drinking a Shake protein and follow it with a full meal."

A university study of Purdue published inNutrition Reviews Suggests that the consumption of protein drinking jerks while snacks can end up causing you to swallow more daily calories and gain weight. The analysis of the research documents revealed that when people consumed protein supplementswith mealsThey tended to adjust the number of calories they have eaten at meals to take into account protein supplement calories. CornWhen they had protein between meals, they did not reduce the number of calories consumed at the meal and won weight.

"People who consume protein supplements between meals may have less success in the management of their body weight," said the study authorWayne Campbell, PhD, Professor of Nutritional Sciences in Purdue.

Too much protein can add weight

Remember that the protein contains fewer calories per gram as grease (4 calories vs. 9), these calories always add up. And when you consume more protein than your body needs, these protein calories are stored as grease. A study inClinical nutrition Demonstrated: Researchers analyzed dietary proteins using a food frequency questionnaire and found an important association with a weight gain risk when the protein replaced carbohydrates in the diets of people, but not when the protein replaced The upper calorie fat.

"Most of the time, you should be able to get all the proteins you need from your normal diet, eat meat and dairies, as well as plants such as beans, nuts and grains whole, "saysHeather Hanks, MS, a nutritionist in Plymouth, Mich., withInstapot Life. "Drink too many protein shakes can contribute to fluctuations of blood glucose and weight gain."

Carbohydrates, after all, are not the only macronutrian who stimulates the liberation of insulin of the pancreas. The protein is also. More insulin is released when both macros are consumed together only when they are consumed alone.

Other negative potential side effects

In addition to weight gain, consuming too many protein shakes could cause other negative side effects.

  • Failure in nutrients. If you use protein powdered shakes such as replacements for several meals a day, "it could risk not having enough other important nutrients," says the recorded diet nutritionistTrista Best, Rd ToBalance a supplement.
  • Constipation.Many protein powders lack fibers, which can cause constipation, says best. And long-term use of protein supplements can cause an imbalance of intestine microbiota, according to a 2018 study in Nutrients .
  • Altered renal function. Before drinking high protein shakes, "check with your doctor if you have kidney disease to make sure that the added proteins are safe for your kidneys and what should be your limits," says Poston. Protein metabolism can be taxed on the kidneys, according to a Study 2020 .

Make your own protein shakes at home can help you avoid some of these potential side effects. Spark your mixer and try these 13 best protein shaker recipes for weight loss .

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