7 foods that are just not calorie

The number of calories has nothing to do with that. Some of these foods are rich in calories, some are weak. The common denominator: they are harmful in a nutrition way.

When you talk about "nutritional density", these are vitamins, minerals and fibers, which will power and repair your body. "I think" nutritionally empty "foods like those that can be higher or lower in calories, but offer little or no nutrient. Generally, these foods are also quite refined or transformed," Isabel Smith, MS , Rd, CDN, Dietitian and founder registered withIsabel Smith Nutrition.

Each meal and each snack should be considered an opportunity to feed your body and fill it with as many nutrients as possible. Especially if you follow a weight loss or fitness plan, nutrient dense food will help you achieve your goals much faster. Resist to grasp the following foods (which can be commonly marketed as food diets) the next time you are at the store-trust, they do not make your favors.



tortilla chips

It is likely that you will find a bag of tortilla chips in each household. Classic party food does not contain a long list of ingredients, but none of these ingredients contain a high dose of nutrients. "In general for most crackers and fleas, much of the nutritional value of the grain has been eliminated during treatment (especially when these foods are white rather than total wheat, because the layers and layers Exterior grain were eliminated). We necessarily bad, they simply do not offer much with regard to nutrients, "says Smith.

Eat this instead: For more than one denser alternative in nutrients (which always offers a crunch), try popcorn in the air with your own herbs and spices added, or even crackers made with whole wheat that have four to five grams fiber by serving.


A soda

glasses of soda

Not only is the soda is not only empty of vitamins and minerals, but it also contains a crowd of ingredients that can hurt your body. "Regular and dietary sodas are loaded with artificial chemicals such as dyes, sweeteners. The two calories and zero-calorie (these can also negatively influence the feelings of fullness and satiety) must be avoided. In addition, sodas. Dark color often contain additives such as phosphoric acid that can be dangerous long-term to bone health ", warns Smith.

Drink this instead: Sometimes this fizzy pop deving will not disappear, however. Instead of experimenting with soda with soda soda soda water without sodium, with a splash of juice of low or sugar juice, pressed frocking juice or a pressure of fresh lime or lemon. If it's the flavor rather than Fizz, Smith also recommends infuse regular water with fruits and vegetables. "Some of my favorites are mint and orange, the cucumber alone or with orange and strawberry with pineapple," explains Smith.




The pretzels appear a relatively harmless snack. They have the crisis and salinity many of us need, and they are not really full of sugar or harmful artificial ingredients. The problem is that although they do not reverse your body with calories or sugar, they do not really feed your body. If you have weight loss, nutrition or fitness goals, you try to hit, the pretzels will not help you go to the finish line faster.

Eat this instead: Smith recommends chip chips or cooking peas (opt for sodium if possible) as healthier alternatives.



pasta with red sauce

It seems that pasta is always condemned to the list "Diet-do not", right? The truth is that it can offer nutrients, but you have to choose the right guy. It is also very important to pay particular attention to the size of the portion if you look at your weight. "It is better to choose more or less refined whole grains, because it contains more fibers, vitamins, minerals and protein when the grain envelope is left, which makes it" total grain ", says Smith .

Eat this instead:The healthiest way to get your pasta fastening is with substitutes like spaghetti noodles and zucchini noodles. Both are rich in vitamins A and C, and also contain potassium and other important healthy nutrients for the optimal functioning of the body. Need your regular pasta patch? Use our10 ways to reduce your pasta dinner, or pop pasta prepared in the fridge during the night and eat cold. The temperature change increases the durable starch content, which takes more energy to digest.


White flour

roll with butter

As a general rule, it is always healthier to choose whole wheat options and whole grains on products made of white flour. To get white flour, wheat grains are strongly refined and transformed, by stripping food from this fiber that our bodies like so much. The whole wheat flour is made from the same cereals, but has not undergone any type of heavy treatment, which allows the flour to keep much of the fiber content. Getting enough fiber is important in any diet because it helps reduce cholesterol, eliminating help and stimulate weight loss.

Eat this instead: Look for 100% whole wheat bread, or even choose pasta or crackers containing a whole wheat flour mix if you know exiting white flour foods, ceremonies, cereals, crackers, bakery products, etc. . - Will be a particularly difficult adjustment for you.



m and ms

Candy has never done a list of health food-ever. Unless we are talking about dark chocolate, the majority of snacks found in the Isle candy do not offer any advantage over health and fill your body with sweet and artificial ingredients. Stay away, far from these types of candies for the love of health.

Eat this instead: If your sweet tooth becomes really crazy, try to satisfy it fruit. Frozen fruits are a very delicious ceremony, berries, pineapples, mangoes - all are healthy and rich vitamin choices that can cut fringes sweet. Associate it with dark chocolate that has at least 70% cocoa to eliminate sugar cravings with a treat containing health benefits.


Juice to heat

grape juice

Different from these cold pressed green fruit juices, you see to jump everywhere, the heat juices are not as healthy as they appear. Juices such as orange and cranberry often need to be heated at very high levels and should also be higher in sugar - many contain added sugar - to undergo a transformation. "The pasteurization process can kill some of the nutrients because the temperature is so high. While fresh fruit juices or even those that undergo high pressure pasteurization (HPP) are not exposed to heat and can also be mainly vegetables (less sugar, more nutrients and lower calories), says Smith.

Drink this instead: Try to choose cold or unforced pressed fruit juice containing a higher fruit vegetable ratio to avoid blood sugar tips and reap the most health benefits. Also keep in mind that fruit juice can often dismantle weight loss efforts rather quickly.

Categories: Groceries
Tags: calories
By: naima
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