10 Key trend destinations for Thanksgiving 2017

Here are the main trend destinations for Thanksgiving 2017!

Thanksgiving is a moment when most Americans go to their cities of origin, to visit their parents and relatives parents and celebrate this day with the family. As great as it sounds, it does not always reveal as idyllic in real life. Everyone travels at the same time - which causes enormous lines at airports, an increase in flight prices, a lot of crumpley and grossness, because everyone is rushed and above all this - the family To reunite is always a little stressful. This year, we suggest you put this plan on hold and instead plan to leave for Thanksgiving. You can do it alone or with your family, no matter. The goal is to go to a new and interesting place, to explore and relax, while most kitchens will move into their kitchens by cooking huge dinner, then go to the dinner table - to be " Guated "as my aunt Jane said! So go out of the city. Here are the main trend destinations for Thanksgiving 2017!

1. Honolulu, Hawaii
If you want to get away from your family and spend quality time cooling in a warm place - Honolulu is an excellent choice. It's hot, it's sunny, your family is nowhere in sight and you can always get a Thanksgiving feast in a quality restaurant if you wish.

2. Tuscon, Arizona
If a Thanksgiving feast if what you are after - Tuscon, Arizona is the place for you. Most restaurants offer an incredible Thanksgiving dinner and some even have Thanksgiving buffets. Can you image? A All You Can Eat from Thanksgiving Buffet - Yum!

3. New York, NY
New York is an ideal place to go with friends or to make new friends. I mean, there is a reason why the television show "Friends" was set at NY. This is a place where you will always have fun, the chance you will have to see Macy Parade IRL's Thanksgiving Day instead of watching it on the TV according to the habit. This parade is a tradition that extends on 1924 and never disappoints excitement.

4. Fairbanks, Alaska
If you have finished autumn and are already the Christmas atmosphere, you may want to go to Alaska. As it's Thanksgiving, it's usually covered with snow and here is the best game - you will see the North fires. I'm in!

5. Fort Lauderdale, Florida
If you want to hit the beach before your Thanksgiving dinner - Fort Lauderdale is the place for you. And if you are afraid to earn a few pounds at the Thanksgiving gathering - consider taking part in Turkey Fort Lauderdale annually in advance. Get up, meet the sun, jog or walk on the road to the A1a coast; It ensures its guilt beautifully for the huge amount of food you will eat later!

6. Brussels, Belgium
While America is busy celebrating Thanksgiving, Brussels is slowly preparing for Christmas this period of the year. You will be able to visit all kinds of Christmas markets, enjoy the beautiful architecture and forget everything about Turkey because you will be too busy with delicious Belgian waffles.

7. Rome, Italy
Italy is another excellent option for a Thanksgiving getaway. Who needs this Turkish dinner when you can wine and dinner in Italian restaurants, the best pizzas, pasta and gelato in the world and will also visit the Coliseum on the way to your return to the hotel?

8. Nice, France
Most people, when they think about visiting France - Think of Paris. But nice is a very nice option too. See what we did there? Nice is good. (OMG, did I really do that!) Anyway!) Anyway, Nice is an ideal place to relax, have a glass of wine and live this great French lifestyle to wake up at noon and Have croissants at breakfast.

9. Madrid, Spain
The summers in Spain can be ridiculously hot, but autumn and winter here are quite mellow - once perfect for exploring the city and its beautiful architecture. The restaurants here are amazing, so you will not feel like you miss the Adjustment of Thanksgiving at all. It's a winning victory for all.

10. Amsterdam, Netherlands
Let's be honest, Amsterdam is beautiful all year round. There is no specific time that you should visit when visiting this impressive city. But if you really want Thanksgiving, consider taking your beloved in Amsterdam and having brownies or moon cakes before Turkey. A real moment of Bart Simpson - like, wow man!

Categories: Food&Travel
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