Here is why the size of your wine glazing is important

They become bigger and bigger, and we drink more and more.

This is no longer secret than the average person today is more than a boozehound a century ago. According toto some statistics, the consumption of wine in England quadrupled between 1960 and 1980 and still doubled between 1980 and 2004. And yet, whenever you read a story of F. Scott Fitzgerald or Dickens, it seems that people overthrow wine glasses Like fireball shots at a party with a university fraternity. Which give?

If you guess it's because it's because the wine glasses were smaller at the time, you guess well. ScientistsUniversity of Cambridge recently discovered These wine glasses are about seven times larger than 300 years. Examining the eighteenth-century meat at the Oxford Ashmolian Museum, the London Buckingham Palace and Ebay, and comparing them to those sold in the department stores today, the researchers determined that the capacity of a wine glass A means of 66 ml (~ ~ 2.2 oz fluid) at a 449 ml of 449 ml (~ 15 oz liquid). For reference, the average wine poured into a bar or restaurant is 6 oz, but you will notice that it will be less in a fancy restaurant and a lot more in a diving bar.

Wine glass capacity from 1700 to 2017:

The question is: Does the Grand Glass encourage us to drink more? According to researchers, the answer is (probably) yes.

"We can not deduce that the increase in glass size and the rise in wine consumption in England are causally linked, and we can not deduce that the reduction in the size of the glass cut into drink" , Professor Theresa Hammeau, Director of the University of Cambridge University Behavior and Research Unit and officer of the study, wrote in the BMJ function. Our observation of the increasing size, however, draws attention to the size of the wine glass as an area to investigate further in the context of the health of the population. The amount of alcohol drinking, especially wine, has increased sharply since the 1960s. In addition to lower prices, increased availability and marketing, wholesale wine glasses may have contributed to this rise through several mechanisms potentially co-surprises. "

Factor In the fact that wine has increased sharply over the last two decades (some rampant wines by 13% up to 17%), and it is prudent to say that we have much more than our ancestors. So, if you are looking to reduce this Christmas season, consider buying smaller glasses! And for more alcohol consumption, readWhat your bohozing says about your health.

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Categories: Health
Tags: Dining / food / Wine
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