The worst tea you should never drink, according to dietitians

You could brew all a host of health problems with this cup of tea.

Nine times out of 10,Drinking a cup of tea is a healthy choice. In fact, a 2013 review of research published inCurrent pharmaceutical design reveals that the regular consumption of tea can do everything fromCardiovascular health boost To reduce yourRisk of arthritis.

"All teas contain powerful plant compounds that help fight inflammation and protect the body against diseases. Although some teas offer more health benefits than others, it is clear that sipping regularly tea can have a positive impact on your health, "saysNutritional twins Tammy Lakatos Shams, Rd, CDN, CFT and Lyssie Lakatos, Rd, CDN, CFT, registered dietitians and authors ofThe veggie cure of nutrition twins.

Although it is true that most tea are healthy, it's not true thatall Tea is healthy. In fact, there are very bad tahs for you. Maybe if bad you should consider swearing it for good.

"The worst tea is bubble tea, "Tell the twins of nutrition.

You will find the drink in bubble tea shops across the country.Bubble tea is made from tea, sugar and milk and contains a special ingredient: pearls tapioca.

"Although the drink contains an otherwise healthy tea, the" bubbles "(or boba) are Tapioca pearls that have been impressed in boiling cups of sweet caramelized syrup for hours, which does not make them more than bullets of Fibers-loaded, sweet and starch calories, "explain registered dietitians.

This process leads to an ingredient not only unhealthy because it is almost completely devoid of nutritional qualities, but also immensely caloric: "The one-quarter cup serving Tapioca bullets can usually go from 150 to 180 calories," say the twins of nutrition.

The addition of boba is not the only thing that makes tea at the bubble the worst tea drink you can have. "Once you add sweet syrups and whole milk to the drink,A 16 ounce bubble tea can hold 400 calories or more," they say.

And the problem becomes worse. Although you can identify unhealthy drinks in cafes because they list the calories of their menu (therefore, how we were able to gatherThe 12 worst drinks in Starbucks), this is not the case for local tea activities belonging to locally. "Most bubble tea stores do not list calories or a complete list of ingredients, making it even more difficult to sail. Your best bet if you are trying to look at your sugar and calorie consumption, it's choosing A different kind of tea, "recommend nutritional twins.

Of course, you do not have to swear the bubble tea entirely to live a healthy lifestyle - only one drink is not enough to knock off the track - but bubble tea should not absolutely save room in your Regular diet.

Instead, Tammy and Lyssie recommend soaring your tea cuff with a cup of green tea:

"Our favorite tea is Matcha tea - We like to think about it as a green tea on steroids. Compared to green tea rich in antioxidant, it has 2 to 3 times the metabolism-boosting egcg and the catechins that combat damage caused. to cells prevent diseases caused by it, "they say. For more on why the nutrition twins like this green drink, do not lack7 Extraordinary benefits of drinking green tea consumption.

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Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: Drinks / Tea
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