A new epidemic of Salmonella attached to this ingredient has sick 41 people

The infected bacteria of loueurs restaurants in ten states.

As if we have not already had enough to worry about worrying when launching in a restaurant this year, it turns out that the Contracting Coronavirus is not the only dinner of the threat of health should be worry. A newSalmonella epidemic related to mushrooms Served in various stamped restaurants at least 41 people in ten states. (I found whyThis is the only way to contract Covid-19 to the grocery store.)

Contaminated wooden ear mushrooms are dry shapes and are distributed in 5 lbs. Packages of Wismetta Asian Foods, Inc. in Health Fe Springs, California. The product has only been sold to restaurants only and has not reached consumers directly via grocery stores.

This week, Wismettt Asian Foods posted a reminder of the product, sold under the name Shirakiku brand, restaurants31 states, the District of Columbia and a Canadian province. The move arrived after the trial by the Food and Drug Administration found Salmonella on imported product samples.

CNN reports That several cases of illness have been drawn to restaurants serving Ramen in three different states. The group of infected individuals varies from two to 74 years and four hospitalized.

Wooden ear mushrooms can be found under several restaurant menu names: kikure, dried black mushroom, dried mushroom or mushroom mushrooms / mu er / mu-Er. If you order a dish containing these fungi in a restaurant, you must ask the staff of their origin, advises the centers of control and prevention of diseases.

This year, Salmonella has been discovered on onions and products containing onions, frozen shrimp and fisheries. For more information and to learn more about other food security threats, see8 Major food reminders You must know now.

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Categories: Groceries
Tags: food safety / News
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