31 ways you ruined your metabolism today

Your metabolism feeds fire that burns fat, even when you're just sitting. But do you accidentally turn off the flame?

Metabolism. It is the elusive set of chemical transformations that maintain the life and a characteristic of the bodies that can vary from one person to another. This is such an important concept that you might believe that you are at the mercy. Well, in fact, you are! It's the thermodynamics at work, after all.

But there is a lot of simple - even things you can do to increase your metabolism and make your body run more efficiently, "good genes" or not. Make a good day tomorrow catching a cup of rooibos tea (whichStimulates the metabolism!) and learn common metabolism errors that you probably have done today.


You did not have a good night's sleep


If you are cheerful private, do not be surprised if you earn a few pounds without eating an extra morsel. "A lack of sleep can cause several metabolic problems," says Nutritionist Seth Santoro. "This can prevent you from burning less calories, fail to control the appetite and an increase in cortisol levels, which stores fat." Sufficient sleep - Which experts say that 7 to 9 hours per night for most people - also leads to an altered tolerance of glucose, a.k.a. The ability of your body to use sugar for fuel. "We all have less sleep nights than enough," says Jubilee Lisa Nutritionist. "But if it's a steady thing, you'd better lengthen your night's sleep than working, if fat loss or weight maintenance is your goal." You may want to brush these40 best and worst foods to eat before sleeping!


You started your dehydrated day

with closed eyes drinking clean mineral water close up, young woman holding glass

For Jubilee, one of the lowest and cheapest ways to give your metabolism a shock is to drink water (it suggests 20 to 32 ounces) shortly after waking up. Why? During sleep, the metabolic function of your body slowed down and unless you woke up in the middle of the night to grow water, he received no fluid. Jubilee suggests rehydrger completely before highlighting your body with another food or drink. "My clients who have implemented this less burst report, more energy and a smaller appetite," she says. Its motto to get your Stoked indoor furnace and ready for the day: "Rehydrate, then Caffinate!" And caffeiner with tea.7 days old flat belly tea showed that white tea can simultaneously stimulate lipolysis (ventilation of fat) and block adipogenesis (the formation of adipose cells). The combination of caffeine tea and epigallocatechine-3-gallate (EGCG) seems to define greasy cells for defeat.


You had a rage on the road

male driver shouts and gestures threateningly

Okay, it is not necessary to be a rage on the road, but that kind of useless stress does not make your body well. Not only can the stress cause headaches, stomach distress, high blood pressure, chest pain and sleep disorders, it also causes the body to metabolize food more slowly, according to research published in the newspaper.Organic psychiatry. To add an insult to an injury, the types of food products we are looking for when we are stressed, grasses and sugar loaded as donuts and chocolate. The researchers say that the combination of high-level desires and a stress-induced artificial metabolic rate may result in significant weight gain.


You drank too much caffeine

cup of coffee

Many studies indicate that caffeine can increase your metabolism in the morning. But the Nutritionist Amy Shapiro says that wasted coffee and other drinks containing caffeine all day could actually work against you.Caffeine is a natural appetite essin. If you consume constantly, you can not eat a lot - or realize how hungry you are, you're really - until you get home for dinner. "Do not eat enough throughout the day can make your metabolism slow," she says. "By the time you dine, instead of immediate use of this food for energy, your body stores it aggressively in the form of grease, in case it is private again."


You have passed your fruit

Fruit salad

When metals such as mercury take the place of iodine on restrictive sites, the production of thyroid hormones mroette at a stop. The good news is that you can instantly detoxify rich pectin fruits - a gelatin fiber that glues to toxic compounds in the blood and hunting out of the body through the urine. In fact, citrus pectin increased mercury excretion in the urine of 150% within 24 hours of supplementation, according to a study. As weight loss bonus, search shows that pectin can limit the amount of fat that your cells can absorb. Grapemussions, oranges and fisheries are all good sources, but as most pecics are in fibrous peck and skin, whole apples are one of the best.


You chose the wrong afternoon pick-me-up

starbucks pumpkin spice latte

We understood. You are totally obsessed with your double shot skimatic lath. This gives you the boost you need when the day of work has to be too much. But if you always remove green tea, an amazing choice - you might be missing some major effects of metabolism-boosting. In a recent 12-week study, participants who combined a daily habit of 4-5 cups ofgreen tea With a 25-minute workout lost on average two more pounds and more belly fat than drinkers drinking tea. What is his magic? The bread contains catechins, an antioxidant type that triggers the release of fat fat and can reverse the liver capacity to transform fat into energy.


You have not eaten bio

Eggs in a bowl

"The hormones dictate how our body uses the energy we give it," says Jubilee. "Between our breeding, thyroid and growth hormones, appetite, insulin andhunger hormones - Leptin and Ghrelin - Our bodies must carry out a delicate balancing act to maintain lean, powered and viable reproductive beings. These tasks have become much more difficult because of hormone residues we consume through elevated cage foods. If you want to give your metabolism a leg, the jubilee says: switch to organic products, eggs and dairy products based on grazing, eggs and dairy products, thus avoiding these unpleasant hormones at the time of meals.

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Your home or workplace was too hot

Woman setting thermostat

If you read that, you are almost certainly a mammal. It follows that you are also an endotherm. This means that you can define the heat free of the heat from your own body to regulate your body temperature, rather than relying solely on the ambient temperature. It's not just a neat trick common to mammals and birds - it also burns calories. So, refuse your thermostat and let your body have the lifting. The researchers of the national health institutes revealed that the participants who slept in the rooms were cooled to 66 ° F for a month lined the amount of adipose brown fabric they were burning. The adipose brown tissue is a type of fat burning calories rather than storing them. "Brunette fat becomes more active in colder temperatures to help us keep warm," says Aaron Cypsess, MD, an endocrinologist at NIH. Taking at home? Disable your heat, sleep in cooler temperatures and spend time outside to help you mitigate your metabolism, so relax to become skinny.


You had zero carbohydrate

Woman with empty plate at wooden table, top view

Although it is true that eating too many refined carbohydrates can have your health and weight loss goals, eat too little can have a similar effect. This is because when we exercise, our muscles need glycogen carbohydrate flowers for energy; If they do not have enough, they can not grow up. It's bad because the more muscle you can get and keep, the more you will burn calories at rest. But that's not all. With your hungry energy muscles, you will not be able to exercise as intensely as you would otherwise. This means fewer calories burned are active. Have a serving (about the size of once of a sectional palm) of oatmeal, potato soft or brown rice before training. Always a little confused on carbohydrates? So you will love these50 questions about carbohydrates - replied in 5 words or less!


You have lowered your weight too fast

Set of dumbbells

It feels great to work in an efficient time, but when it comes to launching your metabolism, the haste is waste. Indeed, there are great advantages of metabolism-boosting from eccentric aspects (a.k.. lowering) of these movements. The eccentric movements damage muscles more than the act of lifting them. They need more effort from your body to repair and require more caloric energy to do so. Greek researchers have shown that women who have completed a weekly force training session on eccentric movement increased their energy expenditure on rest and fuel combustion of 5 and 9%, respectively over a period of eight weeks.


You think the nuts were too fat

Snack handful nuts

A review of research published inThe American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that polyunsaturated fatty acids (pufas), especially those contained innutsCould improve the activity of certain genes that control fat burning, which means that a Nutty snacker can burn more calories throughout the day than the one who catches another type of lower snack. One to 1.5 ounces constitutes a small handful of nuts. Have a snack of this size once a day for better combustion. And if you want something salty or sweet, admit in a snack that helps you build muscles and blowing puff, like one of these50 best snacks for weight loss!


You took a little too easy

Woman running on treadmill

Researchers in Australia found that when women have completed a 20-minute hiit session three times a week, they paid nearly 6 pounds more than those who exercised for 40 minutes three times a week at a pace. Why? The researchers explain that, while the formation of high intensity intervals (HIIT) is shorter time than a regular cardio training, it follows a greater consumption of post-exercise oxygen, which means that you Keep burning calories for a period of time.


You had a whole or-nothing training mentality

asian female group doing namaste yoga pose in row at the yoga class

Forget the slumbing on the treadmill for an hour! Search printed in the newspaperPhysiological relationships showed that people who have made five bursts of 30 seconds of max-stress cycling followed by 4 minutes of rest burned 200 additional calories that day. This is only 2.5 minutes of work for a rest metabolism boost that will last 24 to 48 hours! You probably do not have a stationary bike at your fingertips at your workplace, but a similar result could be obtained by performing burp, jumping sockets or skipping rope.


You worked at the wrong time

home video workout

Scientists from the University of the Northwest have suggested going out and out at the beginning of the sun that sunlight can help regulate your circadian rhythm. This controls the many functions your body performs, including how much you sleep, how much you eat and how much energy you burn. Try to walk out for a jog or a first thing on foot in the AM studies of studies have shown that people who are the first thing for the first time have a lower IMC compared to those who take their sun later during the day.


You have consumed too many pesticides

root vegetables

A Canadian study found that chemicals in pesticides called organochlorin can spoil the energy burning process in your body and make weight loss more difficult. Researchers have found that diet people who have eaten most toxins have experienced a higher dip than normal in metabolism and had trouble losing weight. Dr. Whitney S. Goldner of the University of Nebraska Medical Center noted that there was growing evidence for a link between pesticide exposure and thyroid problems. Your move is to buy biological fruits and vegetables as far as possible and also check the10 signs that your thyroid is slow.


You have consumed dietary toxins in processed foods

hamburger or cheeseburger, deep-fried squid rings, french fries, drink and ketchup on wooden table

Studies have shown that mice suffered from chemical preservatives develop a significant abdominal weight gain, early insulin resistance and type 2. diabetes 2. Limit your exposure to diet toxins, sugars, refined carbohydrates And processed food will help keep your metabolism re-executed. Eat clean, starting with these essentials29 best proteins for weight loss!


You drank water with tons of fluoride and chloride

Black woman drinking bottled water

If your thyroid drags, your metabolism will slow down and can even become dysfunctional. The fluorinated and chlorinated water consumption by drinking has been linked to the dysfunction in metabolic processes - the two chemicals interfere with a normal thyroid function. Drink filtered water as much as possible.


You jumped unnecessary medicines

man in red shirt pouring pills from prescription pill bottle

We came to count on various medications to deal with ways of lifestyle. For many people, these drugs make them for them what bold lifestyle changes do not have. But for others, drugs for diabetes, cholesterol and high blood pressure have been outdated too early and too long. This is bad because they can interfere with critical metabolic processes, which greatly reduces energy expenditures. It is worth talking to your doctor about what can be achieved with non-pharmaceutical interventions, such food, exercise and meditation.


You have not had enough protein

protein lunch

The protein is a unique metabolism store that deserves a devil of aUltimate protein guide. It fills you, making you less likely to eat for less metabolism - booster food. This can reveal a post-meal calorie burning up to 35%, depending on the search, and it helps you develop muscles, which looks like a calorie incinerator bodily cape that is hard at the proper functioning of calories during your rest. It should be a component at each meal. Try Vegan Protein, which will give you the same benefits of muscle building from weakness, female skewers, as a whey, without the inflator.


You have too little

Woman not eating enough

This one seems counter-intuitive but supports with us. When you do not feed your body enough, it can go to hunger mode. Indeed, your metabolic rate slows down and your body clings to the remaining fuel. This is because in our evolutionary past - before the advent of agriculture - the food was often rare and the body is adapted to keep the fuel. Even if you cut calories and create a caloric deficit, your best move is to eat often and in a way that allows you to be active without being exhausted.


You have forgotten vitamin D

woman celebrating during a beautiful sunset

You can get 90% of your recommended daily value (400 IU) in a portion of 3.5 ounce wild salmon (never Breeding salmon), but you can also just go out. Exposing your full torso to the sun for at least 30 minutes will produce about 10,000 IU.


You have jumped from calcium


Calcium plays a key role in the regulation of how your body metabolizes. Specifically, it determines whether you burn calories or get them out like a tire. According to research at the Nutrition Institute at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, a Calcium-rich diet could help you burn more fat. Consumes dairy products, Greek yogurt and non-laityCalcium-rich foods.


You have eaten refined carbohydrates

White bread

When a carbon is complex, the body must work a little more difficult to break it. White bread, pasta and rice are decomposed more easily because complex carbohydrates have been removed from them and their carbohydrate content has been refined. The result? A slower metabolism. The refined carbohydrates do not offer much nutrition value in the first place, then you prefer to choose to make whole wheat bread, pasta and brown rice.


You missed probiotics

Bowl of greek yogurt

Another reason to enter this Greek yogurt: the good bacteria in probiotics can help increase your metabolism and improve your immune system, but it pays to be difficult to do with your sources. Yogurt is a great way to make a protein and probiotics, but to get the healthy yogurt, you will have to read labels; Most are packaged with added sugars that exceed their protein levels. To accelerate the process, use our essential guide on the best yogurts of the brand to lose weight.


You are delivered in more candy than you should

woman eating dessert

Avoiding sweet foods is a good idea. Why? The sugar creates a tip of blood glucose and is very quickly absorbed in your system. These two mechanisms put the brakes on your metabolism. Replace candy, chocolate and ice cream with freshFruit for weight loss. This will help satisfy your sweet tooth without causing advanced in your glucose.


You had too big

cocktails with orange

Sad news, people: when you have an alcoholic drink, you burn less fat. What grease you burn, you burn more slowly than usual. This is because alcohol is used as fuel. Question A couple of Martinis can reduce the fat burning capacity of your body up to 73%! It is a scientific discovery that should leave you shaken and agitated. Speaking of burning fat, do not miss this list of the essentials55 best ways to accelerate your metabolism-fast!


You are sitting just about all day

sitting on couch

Ideally, we sleep about eight hours for each 24. Most people spend seven to ten hours sitting at their desk. This means that most of us spend the overwhelming majority of our sedentary time. Our organizations were not designed for this level of inactivity - most of the evolving history of man involved to be active, looking for food and fuel. Jubilee says that a way to burn more calories daily is to stay more and to sit less. She cites a British study that found that standing at work burned 50 calories more per hour than the session. If this does not look like a lot, consider this: if you only represent three hours of your day, in a year, you spend more than 30,000 additional calories - which represent about 8 lb of fat! By the way, sometimes fat is not bad: click here to discover the essential list of20 Best Complete Foods for Weight Loss!


You have eaten too many calories too late in the day

Woman looking in refrigerator late at night

"Do not eat enough calories in a day is an easy way to slow down your metabolism," says Santoro. "It's a common mistake that people do." When you do not consume enough calories, your body goes into famine mode, and your brain tells your body to store fat. This can increase the levels of cortisol, leading to storage of belly fat, which comes with health risks.

"Eating a big dinner, especially too close to bedtime, can be prejudicial to your metabolism," says Shapiro. "It's likely to throw your inner clock and not hungry in the morning, which can finally lead to weight gain." It is at this stage of the day that people are more likely to have an alcoholic drink, which can be more about your metabolism even more. "When a person drinks, acetate is formed," says Santoro. "The body spends time trying to detoxify rather than burning calories." It adds that drinking alcohol can harm the synthesis of anabolic proteins and hormones (muscular building). Shapiro suggests preparing yourself for occupied or unpredictable days by wrappingHealthy snacksYou will prevent you from eating too much or make unhealthy food choices.


You have crossed the table salt for sea salt


The sea salt is quite incredible, especially when paired with chocolate or caramel. But it does not have iodine, a key element that gives your thyroid gland what it needs to do the job. The thyroid gland helps regulate your metabolism. If you do not have enough iodine, it is unable to produce thyroid hormones and your metabolism can hang at a stopping halt. Most table salt is iodized; A single teaspoon will allow 100% of your GDR for iodine. You can also eat alglads, cods, shrimps and eggs, all major sources of iodine.


You worked at night

Stethoscope in heart shape

Research found that people burn less calories when they sleep during the day and lodge their waking hours after the sun's descent. To reach this discovery, Colorado University at Boulder Researchers studied 14 healthy adults for six days. For two days, the study participants slept at night and remained awake during the day, then they reversed their routines to imitate the hours of night owls. When the participants slept during the day, the researchers found that they burned 52 to 59 calories only when they had caught their ZZZ in the evening - probably because the schedule of their pace circadian, the internal clock of the body that plays a major role in the function of metabolism. . Are you a nurse or other type of work agent? So do not miss these20 Weight Loss Tips for Night Workers!


You have eaten strange quantities at odd hours

man eating leftover pizza as a late night snack

Ready to make simple mathematics? Determine the number of calories you need to reach your desired weight and uniformly divide this number with the 3, 4 or 5 meals and snacks you eat a day. Aim that each of your meals is about this size. Why? Research at John Moores University in Liverpool discovered that women who have fluctuated between eating meals at low and high calorie were less happy with their bodies than those whose plates contained a similar number of calories from the meal. Meal. But it's not just a fluctuating size that can derail your weight loss goals. A study by the Hebrew University of 2012 revealed that the mice that have been fed to foods of high fat were gaining sporadically more weight than mice that have eaten a similar diet on a regular schedule. Experts suspect that eating at the same time every day causes the body to burn more calories between meals. Thin low faster with more advice like these with30 hacks of change of life for weight loss.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: metabolism
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