What happens to your body when you eat frozen pizza

If you turn at that time, the processed foods ready-are often, you will want to change this habit.

It is prudent to say that for most people,One of the most loved comforts of comfort isPizza. A bite of a slice and you are treated at a sip of cheese, glutinous, delicious. WhileOrder in a tart in your local pizza shop Wheremake your own from zero Are the two popular options, there is another type of pizza ready to be consumed in minutes. Yes, we talk aboutFrozen pizza. They do not break the bank and are ready to be consumed shortly after you appear in the oven. It seems ideal!

Well, if you find yourself more often in frozen pizzas lately (we are not the only ones still supplied on a lot offrozen food, right?), You should be aware of what exactly happens to your body if you are delivering.

Here is what eating all this frozen pizza makes you, and for more than you should eat, checkThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


You might have weight.

Unhappy woman on scale

Obviously, eating a frozen pizza one night does not mean that you will wake up the next day with five extra pounds added to your frame. But if you often eat them, you are likely to see a rise on the scale.

A study found These healthy bodies have no problem over and over, especially when it comes to a tasty food like a pizza, because participants continued to eat a pizza after being full. In addition, frozen pizza is an excellent example ofan ultra-transformed food.Another study found That participants who ate an ultra-transformed diet consumed an average of 508 additional calories a day and after two weeks, they weighed an average of 2 pounds more than participants who have eaten unprocessed foods.


You might feel lethargic.

woman laying on bed with a phone in her hand.

Suddenly feel lethargic after this pie? Well, as we have already noted, pizza is a food that people often exercise, likeeat foods rich in saturated fats can lead you Design these foods and finally, you end up eating more.A study found That participants who ate pizza until they are too stuffed feels tired, asleep and lethargic after the result.


You may have more headaches.

tired man

If there is a main component ofPopular frozen pizzas are that they are loaded with sodium. Often, it's too much sodium that you should have in a meal! And if your diet is filled with packed sodium foods, you can find yourself suffer from more headaches.

A study in the newspaperBmj found that 400 participants who participated, those who ate wealthy sodium foods had a third partyFollowing headaches that those who have eaten low sodium foods.

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You could have a negative impact on your mood.

Melancholy woman resting at the terrace

The best part of a frozen pizza? You really do not have to cook. I just baked it or to the toaster and it will be ready to eat fast enough. This could be a problem.

See,a study actually discovered that people who cook for themselves tend to experimentFollowing Intense positive emotions. Not only that, but they also undergo less intense negative emotions and that the whole do not worry so much. So, take the easy way to heat a frozen pizzacould have an impact on your mood If it's something you do often.


You can increase your risk of cardiac disease.

Doctor's Hand Measuring Blood Pressure Of Male Patient.

All these frozen pizzas could cause damage to your ticker. There are tons of evidence thereThe high sodium intake is associated with a higher risk of developing high blood pressureAnd it's not secret thatFrozen foods tend to be higher in sodium. Then you factor in the fillings, which often include meats like sausage and pepperoni, with a ton of cheese. Suddenly,you eat more saturated fat what recommended, and this canNegative impact on your cardiac health.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: Frozen Pizza
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