40 habits that make you sick and grease

You're exercising regularly, eat your fruits and vegetables and never miss an annual review - and you pay.

You look nice! But even if you are fit and healthy right now, it does not necessarily mean that your so-called "good" habits will help you keep your well-being in the future. Read more about the mistakes you can do and how you can avoid them. Your future me is sure to thank you!


You drink with a plastic bottle

You know how important it is to stay hydrated, that's why you're never seen without a spring bottle from Poland at your side. While we welcome you to receive your daily dose of H20, you should seriously consider negotiating your token bottle for reusable variety and without BPA. Bisphenol has, commonly called BPA, can have a negative impact on fertility in men and women and has also been linked to obesity. Do not think that? Science does not lie: a 2011 Harvard study revealed that adults of the highest concentration of BPA in their urine had a significant size and chances of being obese than those of the lowest quartile.


You do not drink this tea


Blade of green these flab. The researchers attribute the properties of green tea grease to catechins, including EGCG - the name of a group of antioxidant compounds that make the adipose tissue fragment by revising the metabolism, thereby increasing the release of fat adipose cells (in particular in the belly), then accelerates the ability to combustion of the fats of the liver. Green tea is so powerful for weight loss we made the centerpiece of our new7-day flat-stomach tea cleaning! The test panels lost 4 inches from their size!


You do not sleep early enough


According to the National Sleep Foundation, most of us do not receive enough Shuteye. Over time, this can result in weight gain, anxiety, depression and insulin resistance, which can trigger type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. A good night of rest feeds the production of burning fat hormones, so attach a solid seven or eight hours of sleep every night should be a priority. Check these20 surprising ways to lose weight in your sleep!


You do not moderate your new diet

If you have just jump on the Paleo or Low-Carb bandwidth, proceed with caution. "The diets that cut entire food groups do not allow the balance and moderation we need to follow a healthy and lifelong food plan", warns Zanini. "In addition, the dieters who follow these plans can be prone to potentially dangerous nutritional gaps. Or they can simply get bored with their limited plan and finish eating over the road."


Your houses cooked at home are too big

Just because your meal is healthy does not mean that you do not have to practice portion control. Do not forget that even virtuous foods have calories! Half of your plate must be filled with vegetables and the remaining half must contain a portion of the size of the migratory protein cell phone, a portion of handguns and a little more greasy than the size of your pointer finger.


You do not test nutritional deficiencies


Although you can be scanned for high cholesterol or diabetes with your annual review, m.d.s do not usually test or look for physical signs of nutritional deficiencies, which can be dangerous! Michelle Loy, MPH, MS, CSSD, registered dietary nutritionist and owner ofGo well In Orange County, California suggests that your vitamin D levels are checked if nothing else. "Many people are deficient and do not even know it - and do not have enough can increase the risk of osteoporosis, heart disease and certain types of cancer," she warns.


You avoid healthy greases


You know that eating trans fat can increase your risk of heart disease, weight gain and stroke, so you are intelligent to stay away. But all fats do not need to make your list "Do not eat". Consume healthy fats such as linen seeds and nuts can actually help you reduce and stay healthy. "Fats help us not only absorb many vitamins from our diets, but they also help us stay longer, which can help weight loss efforts," says Zanini. She suggests consuming a portion of healthy fat whenever you sit down. This could be 1/4 cup of almonds or nuts, some cooked vegetables with a tablespoon of olive oil or some slices of lawado.Stocketing your kitchen with these20 Best Complete Foods for Weight Loss!


You do not ask how food is cooked in the restaurant

The chefs often add fat and salt to make better meals - but these ingredients are not necessarily something they make advertising on the menu. Since you have already taken care such as you choose a healthy meal, take the extra step and ask your server if there is a cream or butter in your dish. If these, ask that your vegetables and meats are cooked to cooking and sauces come to the side to control the amount of your plate. After winning the numbers, we discovered that regardless of the type of restaurant you dine, you can save up to 1,000 calories at each meal making this request simple!


You ignore sodium


Your favorite trail mix has only 150-calories, but have you checked how much sodium is hiding in the package? Too often, those who do not suffer from a state of health give the part of the nutrition label. "Americans consume an average of about 50% more than the recommended daily intake of salt and most of the excess sodium comes from food processed like frozen waffles, bagels, cheese cottage cheese, vegetable burgers And salad dressings, "says Loy. Paste at the Institute of the Daily Recommendation of Medicine of 2,300 milligrams a day or less can help you maintain an inflated belly, high blood pressure and other bay health conditions.


You can not give up the soda


What is synthetic estrogen, flame retardants and rocket fuel all together? As we learnedZero belly dietThey can all be found in a box of your favorite diet. BPA, synthetic estrogen, is used to soften the plastic that leads the bobbin; Colas contain caramel dyes shown to cause cancer in humans; and citrus flavored sodas contain BVO, a flame flame used in the rocket fuel can reduce fertility and negatively affect thyroid hormones. Almost all popular diet sodas contain aspartame, an artificial sweetener that raises glucose levels, overloading the liver and causing a converting excess to fat. SeeWhat happens to your body when you give up the soda!


You still buy low bold treats


If every time you have a cookie, you buy a low grease package, you can make your body a bad service. Not only are the dietary foods are usually filled with sufficient sugar to even degrade the most disciplined diet, but these false treats are also made with additives that can make you feel dissatisfied. In turn, you will probably consume many more calories than you want. Staying cutting the trim, eat the real thing, but reduce your serving. If you like ice cream, for example, jump from-yo and have a quick spoon.


You do not eat organic


Throughout your life, you accumulate toxins of food and drink, which can lead to obesity. Many of them come from pesticides and hormones in products and meat. Choose biological fruits and vegetables and meat without hormones. Speaking of meat, you can lose weight to McDonald's, if you use this list ofEach McDonald menu item is classified!.


You eat too fast

We get it - we are all busy and we often have to eat quickly and on the fly. But this often hinders weight loss, because we do not give our stomach to register that we are full. Here is a trick: divide your plate in half. Eat half and do something else for 30 minutes. It will always be there when you come back, but your hunger may have left the building. In addition, fill at a lower cost and easily with one of these20 burning soups of the best grease.


You do not keep healthy snacks around


"Always be ready for a busy or unpredictable day keeping healthy snacks on you, at your desk, in your car," says Nutritionist Amy Shapiro. It suggests having almonds or other non-salt nuts, apples, bananas, chia bars, protein bars, or other fruit and walnut bars at hand. Shapiro says that if you have to skip breakfast, lunch or even dinner during your quest to watch your best, you can keep your energy levels for good health. "You will not have any reason to run with the chips vending machine or paste your hand into the bowl candy," she says. Need some ideas? Store on some of these50 best healthy snacks for weight loss!


You go straight for the couch


After a long day at work, it is tempting to escape on your comfortable sofa and do not move before your bedtime. But even if you read or sell online shopping while your other shows its favorite emissions, it still imitates that the post-work sedentary lifestyle. A recent analysis of studies revealed that, for every two hours spent on television, the risk of developing diabetes or heart disease increased by 20, 15 and 13%, respectively. Scientists still determine exactly why the session is so prejudicial to health, but an obvious and partial explanation is that the less we move, the less we need fuel; Excess blood sugar floods blood circulation and contributes to diabetes and other weight risks.


You do not eat enough protein


Consume enough protein is important for two reasons: the protein is satisfied, which spreads too much to eat; And the protein keeps the muscle. The more muscle you have, the more fat bur in fat, even at rest. Much of the restrained muscle mass depends on the exercise. A part is to the consumption of protein. Eat more meat meats, fish and Greek yogurts, and you will keep your engines burning fat. And store your kitchen with these30 The best proteins for all objectives!


You skip weights at the gym


The muscles are what keeps our metabolism high and as we get older, our muscles slowly begin to become smaller, thus allowing our metabolism to slow down. To counteract this, Shapiro recommends starting to lift weights. "No, you will not be big and bulky. In fact, you'll stay meager," she says. This is because weight training takes you to burn more calories by workout than cardio-card sessions, and you keep burn after training. And it's not all click here to discover40 ways of losing 4 inches of body fat!


You do not look at empty calories in restaurants


Exit to eat is a field of unnecessary carbohydrates: bread basket, free tortilla chips, two cocktails for one ... you can indulge, but be strategic about it. "I always recommend choosing your poison," says Shapiro. "Bread or carbohydrates, alcohol or dessert - Choose one, not all three." All these empty calories, so having only one of the three, you limit your total consumption.


You always clean your plate


And you do not necessarily need. Eat up to 80% full, then stop. In Japan, this method is called Hara Hachi Bun Me, which translates almost to "eating until you are eight parts (out of ten) full. Do not forget that you can always eat a high snack protein later. Do it one of these25 best high protein snacks in America!


You eat agricultural salmon


Although wild salmon is high in omega-3 acids, which fight against inflammation throughout the body, the highlights of the farm (all Atlantic salmon is high) is packed with omega-6s, which actually increases. Since salmon farmers feed their soyfish, wild salmon only has 114 mg of omega-6 while salmon cultivated about 1,900 mg. Not mentioning that cultivated salmon is usually pink dye and have been high in PCB and have a quarter vitamin D to the flattening of their wild cousins.


You do not relax after work


You manage to avoid the Candy Bowl office, which is pretty impressive, but you just have to put you steam. If you do not do it, it could lead to high chronic cortisol levels, causing problems of sleep and immunity, blood sugar anomalies and weight gain.Lori Zanini, R & D, CDE, spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, indicates that stress relief is very individualized. Give some different tactics to try to see what works best for you. Practicing yoga, meet friends and unplug the technology for an evening worthwhile to be cut off.


You do not eat regularly


An irregular feeding schedule can compromise your metabolism. Research at John Moores University in Liverpool discovered that women who have fluctuated between eating meals at low and high calorie were less happy with their bodies than those whose plates contained a similar number of calories from the meal. Meal. But this only fluctuates the size of meals that can derail your weight loss goals. A study by the Hebrew University of 2012 revealed that the mice that have been fed to foods of high fat were gaining sporadically more weight than mice that have eaten a similar diet on a regular schedule. Your move? Determine the number of calories you need to reach your desired weight and uniformly divide this number by the three, four or five meals and snacks you eat a day. Aim for each of your meals to be about this size and eat them at about the same time every day. For more metabolism - Boosting Tips, check these55 best ways to strengthen your metabolism!


Your diet is too strict


It's a recipe for the disaster. "When my clients feel like they are not able to enjoy something indulgent from time to time, it often leaves them with desires of difficulty ignoring," says Leah Kaufman, Ms. RD, CDN, a New registered city. dietitian. "I allow patients to eat 100 discretionary calories every day, so that they can satisfy their desires without getting off the track." Nine M & MS and a single cup of Reese peanut butter are about 100 calories. Try some of them50 best healthy snacks for weight loss!


You keep the temptation in your kitchen

"Whether ice cream, cookies, candies, chips or other objects, knowing that your trigger foods are in the kitchen or office desk can derail any healthy food program," says Christine Mr. Palumbo, MBA, RDN, Fand, a Chicago Consultant in Dietician Communication and Nutrition of the Region. "This is particularly true between 3%. And bedside, when the desires are the most difficult to ignore. "One of the best ways to overcome an agreement that passes is to keep food you have a typical craater of the house. Imagine yourself to shots. Foot to your favorite cookies of the house for good? Kaufman individually suggests the foods you tend to eat too much. If you know each cookie ziploc bag is 150 calories, you will be less likely to come back for a second portion.


You eat bagels and white bread


Unless your bagel tastes is made with whole grains, consider it a "not that". Although you do not think you do not think of carb popular breakfast as a sweet indulgence, the body converts refined carbohydrates into sugar and glucose, a nutrient that damages collagen and other wrinkle control proteins. Moreover, regarding bread, bagels and even pasta, pick whole too refined grains help keep your sugar levels in the same blood, weight maintenance and weight loss, offering you a figure younger.


You eat when you are stressed

When stressful situations hit, jump open a can of soda may seem that all is well being. But we know better, and now you will too: people who drink only two daily soda cans are three times more likely to be depressed and anxious, compared with those who drink less, a study by the American Journal of Public Health found . Further, Cola is filled with possible carcinogenic human artificial colors and sweeteners that may cause weight gain and obesity related diseases. The next time you pull your hair, mix a cup of lowfat, plain yogurt with a tablespoon of raw nuts. The duo used a heavy dose of lysine and arginine, the amino acids that reduce anxiety and feelings of stress.


You eat when you're depressed

While you hear your sweet tooth calling when you feel shot down in the dumps, it will serve you better to ignore, especially if you like white chocolate. White chocolate is not technically chocolate because it contains no cocoa solids. This means that it also lacks the ability to stimulate induisants chemicals euphoria that real chocolate made, particularly serotonin. If you catch a little chocolate, the more is best. More Cocoa equates to happier chemicals and less sugar - which pulled you and make you frown. Choose one of theseBest chocolate for weight loss!


You keep your kitchen all night

The night-aka fast closing the kitchen early - can help you lose more weight even if you eat more food throughout the day, according to a study of the newspaperCell metabolism. The researchers put groups of mice on a high calorie diet high during 100 days. Half of them were allowed to snack on throughout the night and the day on a healthy and controlled diet, while the other only had access to food for eight hours, but could eat it they wanted. The result of the 16-hour food prohibition? Fasting mice remained meager, while the mice that clouded 'round the clock became obese, even though both groups consumed the same amount of calories! Push breakfast until 10 hours to lose weight and reset your body with ourDetox final day.


You do not take advice on nutrition

Good news! By reading this, you already are training habits that can help you lose pounds. When Canadian researchers sent a diet and exercise advice to more than 1 000 people, they found that recipients started to eat smarter and work more physical activity into their daily routines. Not surprisingly, the patterns of non-recipients have not moved.


You eat free restaurants

The spots of bread, cookies and chips and salsa are free in some restaurants, but that does not mean you do not pay. Each time you eat every time you eat a free break of Olive Garden or biscuits of Cheddar Cheddar Bay Red Lobster, you add 150 extra calories to your meal. Eat three over dinner, and that's 450 calories. It's also about the number of calories you can expect each basket of tortilla chips in your local Mexican restaurant. What's worse, none of those calories is combined with nutritional value redeemed. Think of them junk food on steroids.


You watch too much TV


A study from Vermont University found that overweight participants who reduced their television time just 50% burned 119 additional calories per day on average. It's an automatic 12-pound annual loss! Maximize these results by multitasking when you look, even light housework, further increase your caloric burn. In addition, if your hands are busy with dishes or laundry, you will be less likely to snack absolutely - the other main professional danger associated with tube time.


You order the combo meal


A study in thePublic Policy and Marketing Journal Shows that compared to the à la carte command, you are taking a hundred additional additional calories by opting for the "Combo" or "Value Meal". Why? Because when you order grouped items together, you are likely to buy more food than you want. You will better order your food suddenly. In this way, you will not be influenced by pricing systems designed to hinder a few cents of your pocket.


You stay too late at work


When you work later, you also eat later and go to sleep later, which both lead to unwanted books. A study in the newspaperNutritional research have found that those whose last meal was closest to bedtime has taken more calories during the day. If you usually log in to the desktop, you can decrease the quality of your sleep and increase your weight gain chances. When you do not feel rested, Ghrelin - the hormone stimulating the hunger-goes in the overdrive, which increases feelings of hunger, even when the body does not need food. It's only one of the only40 bad habits that give you belly fat!


You sat too much

We are sitting an average of 67 hours a week - nine o'clock a day, six hours go to bed, and only about seven hours ahead moving. And our sedentary jobs now bring us to burn 100 calories less a day that we had not done 50 years ago. This alone translates into an additional reduction of 10 pounds a year. A recent study in theClinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology I found that a two-minute walk every hour can compensate for the effects of too sitting.


You order at lunch at work

A study revealed that having a lot of optional options near your work or along your work trip makes you twice as likely to be obese. Think about it for a moment: the mere presence of take away food increases your risk of obesity. The best thing to do so that you can make your lunches and at least two snacks to make sure you do not have to look for food elsewhere.


You drink too much coffee


We would not dare ask you to give up your morning coffee cup ... or even your 10th cup. But you may want to jump that from 3:00. Too much caffeine can result in insulin resistance and increase in fat storage, according to a study of theAgricultural Chemistry and Food Journal. When the fall 3:00 hits, go for a walk or work instead.


You give the stress of work


When you are stressed at work, you are more likely to gain weight because you are more likely to want to hide under the covers when you come home. A recent study in theAmerican newspaper of epidemiology Discovered that people with high levels of job stress are 26% more likely to be inactive during their downtime than those with low stress jobs. A study by the University of Rochester echoed these results, noting that stress at work leads to behaviors such as watching television and less exercise. It's one thing for your work to make you unhappy. But if it makes you unhealthy, it may be time to start looking around.


You eat processed meats


Many brands of bacon, sausages, hot dogs and deli meats contain nitrates, a preservative that interferes with the body's natural ability to process sugar, which increases the risk of diabetes. This can also increase your chances of thyroid and colon cancer. If that was not bad enough, most processed meats are also charged sodium, a known contributor to high blood pressure which can make you eat and prepare for developing heart disease. Read the ingredients and look for meat free of nitrates. Counter Deli, ask the head of Boar entire breast natural roasted Turkey. It is free of nitrates and relatively low in sodium. Natural organic ham and bacon from Applegate Natural Natural are also good choices in the section of meat and cheese of your grocery store.


You sleep with the light on

Exposure to light at night only interrupt your chances of a good night's sleep, this can also cause weight gain according to a new study published in theAmerican newspaper of epidemiology. The study topics that slept in the darkest rooms were 21% less likely to be obese than those sleeping in the clearest rooms.


You bring your phone and iPad in the room

To researchZero Yellow Diet Suggests that we bring more electronic devices in the bedroom, we get more children. A study in thePediatric obesity Journal found that children who bask in the night of the night a TV or computer are not resting enough and suffer from poor health habits. The researchers found that students with access to an electronic device were 1.47 times more likely to be overweight than children without devices in the bedroom. This increased to 2.57 times for kids with three devices. Let your iPad in the living room.

Categories: Healthy Eating
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