15 best foods to eat from the Mediterranean diet

A full mediterranean food of food below has shown to increase weight loss and cardiac health.

Of paleo with fruit juice tovegan"Diet" is not a new word for the English language. But the food groups listed on the Mediterranean diet have thought we could be the ultimate answer if you are looking for a healthy plan for the heart to lose the books and keep them.

A Mediterranean diet is a Mediterranean diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, walnuts, whole fish and grains, low red meat and no refined food and added sugars. More than a diet, it's a way to live by eating healthy ingredients, good for you. There are no carbohydrates counting or eating five times a day; you just have to stand for real food and forget all the fact artificiallyProcessed products the low. This scheme has shown the improvement of overall quality of life, reducing the risk of chronic diseases and also has a major connection with weight loss. To help you board, we compiled your grocery list to what to buy to start.

Eat frequently:




Not only are they a natural way to help you lose weight, almonds also have a great taste like a snack, milk or walnut butter. You can incorporate these feed nuts into a breakfast, lunch or dinner dish, or even bring a handle for a snack. Research has shown that eating almonds before working on AIDS at the fall of books faster; They are perfect to give you energy and super satisfaction. Nuts, in general, are high in protein but are ahealthy fat"That means you should eat them with moderation rather than digging irregularly. To make sure you do not go to the sea on the almonds, prepare them by dividing portions of height handle.




Hummus can be a healthy dip or a spread made simply by mixing garbanzo skin beans (chickpeas), tahini, olive oil, lemon juice, garlic and spices of your choice . Chickpeas are loaded with protein and a desirefirie controller, so hummus is perfect for the use of vegetables like celery or cucumber. You can also create a variety of different hummus flavors such as roasted red pepper, dried tomato or spicy Jalapeno. It's also a fun way to give livelihoods to your sandwiches and pitas. There are many hummus brands at the grocery store - but with a recipe as easy, we vote that you are tryingdo your own at home.


Wild salmon

Order fish instead of steak may seem an effortless exchange to help you lighten the load, get additional nutrients, and perhaps even save room for thatleprechaun. But what most do not know is that 99% of the Atlantic salmon are raised on the farm and nourished soy, nowhere near the same benefits as wild salmon. The elevated farm type is packed with about 1,900 mg of omega-6s-fatty acid which results in inflammation. Instead, go to the local fish market and pick up the salmon specifically labeled as savage. Wild salmon has about 39 grams of protein per serving and a more reasonable amount of omega-6s, so that omega-3 healthy hearts are not overwhelmed.




Garlic is a great way to add the necessary flavor to many dishes. Since the pasta with vegetables, there is no shortage of the distance of this little plant to have a meal. And it's not just about keeping the vampires; Garlic also enters bacteria, mushrooms and body fat! It is filled with vitamins of manganese with vitamin B6 and super low in calories. Roast garlic in the oven before combining with cauliflower to create a soup like this we love fromSweet peas and saffron.


Ezekiel bread


The ezekiel bread is a sprouting grain bread made with absolutely no added sugar. Instead of grasping the white bread or completely natural whole grain bread (which is actually made with converted sugar and flours), go for ezekiel bread. It is delivered in the classic sliced ​​envelopes or tortilla and additional packets in a certain additional flavor for your lawyer toast or your sandwich in Turkey. A slice has only 80 calories and a quantity of 3 grams of fiber!




Whether you press it in your water, your tea or on your chicken, the lemon is a nutritional way to amplify your diet because you will have a dose of vitamin C and ventilation of the wahiting detox size.



AQuinoa vegetables soup is only a way to enjoy Quinoa. It can be used in energy bars, breakfast bowls and even desserts. It is naturally gluten free and a complete source of protein, with a cup of quinoa cooked to about 8 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber; This is a taste defined to choose a grain. It's as low on theglycemic indexand high in minerals like magnesium. Because it has a sweet flavor, it's easy to make it soft or tasty by cooking it in things like coconut milk or chicken broth, with your choice of additions.




Of course, magiccauliflower is on the list of foods to dive frequently. This powerful vegetable is hurting nutrients and minerals that are good for health and flavor easy to savor. You can go sweet or tasty and transform this fibrous food into something fabulous!


Chia seeds


These small seeds have more power than the appearance. They are one of the best sources of Omega-3 herbal, with major anti-inflammatory properties and mitigate the chances of heart disease. In just two tablespoons of Chia seeds, you will get 11 grams of fiber, which is also satisfied. Who knew such a small seed with an important impact on your health? Try to get chia seeds in your diet making a pudding of chia seeds or supercharge your breakfast smoothie. They are also great as a garnish for oats and yogurts to give it a small bite you need. They have almost no flavor, you will not change any taste - just add tons of nutrients!

10 And11

Olives & Evoo


There is a reason why olive oil was a reward for the Olympians - its precious benefits are a gift to your health! Extra virgin olive oil is cold pressed olives and is extremely useful in salted cooking. Filled with monounsaturated fats, Evoo is linked to help reduce the risk of heart disease and can even help fight cancer. This type of fat was also noted to encourage weight loss by breaking down belly fat.

Eat moderately:



Eggs have an endless list of healthy health properties for you and can go with anything. And do not fall for "egg whites" anymore ". The research has proven that the taboo eating yellow is no longer because the yellow is actually the best part of the egg and its choline will facilitate weight loss. Make an omelette, whip aDelicious egg dish for dinnerOr cook egg muffins to grasp. You will get a healthy dose of protein and you will get in some of this good cholesterol.



Similar to Greekyogurt, Skyr is the Icelandic yogurt, but it has a thicker consistency and even more protein than the Greek yogurt! This yogurt is tense extra time and uses an extra mug of milk to get its great texture and bold flavor. Try Siggi's, which uses only natural ingredients such as agave and fruit with milk from grass cows and none of these artificial thickeners. Use a doll on your soup or sprinkle in some of these chia seeds, we are talking very well. It is certain to make your belly happy, as well as your taste buds.



Whether it's grilled, baked or pancaked, chicken is an impressive dining protein to fill you without filling out. The chicken has a mild flavor alone, but adding spices and seasonings means that you can really make your own masterpiece. Top a salad for lunch or make an entire dish by combining them with a roasted vegetable side. To see how to get the most out of your Clicier, Er, Buck, follow these5 Rules of purchase of the healthiest chicken!

Rarely eat:



We do not say that red meat should be totally exiled from the Mediterranean diet, but that should not be your clip. Although it can be filled with protein, a source of energy energy and weight loss, it also has a ton of iron. Yes, the iron is good for you; But when too much iron is consumed, it actually increases the risk of weight gain and illness. Do not have more than 6 ounces of red meat every week and paste them on grass-based meats as often as possible for better results.

Food to avoid

The list of Mediterranean diet foods to avoid pages could disappear, with most of them being packaged items, transformed and purchased in store loaded with additives. For a list of food and beverages to avoid when you are on the Mediterranean diet or if you are just looking to stay away from weight gain and disease risk, checkThe 50 instantaneous foods on the planet!

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