Parents reject the poor boyfriend of the girl only to regret it a decade later
Parents are part of everyone's life that no one can ever neglect. In fact, many people believe that their first responsibility is towards their parents and later

Parents are a part of everyone's life can never neglect. In fact, many people believe that their first responsibility is towards their parents and later towards themselves. Even after the children grow up and start a life of their own, they prefer to take the advice of their parents before taking great decisions in their lives. Whether it's a financial confusion or the selection of the right life partner, goes against the parents' desire is one of the biggest challenges for most people. Everyone can not go against the will of their parents.
However, taking a risk for the good of his own happiness can be good sometimes. Such is the story of those who have followed the will of their parents and regretted later.
Parents vs children
Ideology clashes are a scenario too common in all other houses. There are only two results for this situation: either one of the parties give or the argument adds bitterness in their relationship. A boy followed his father's advice so seriously that he completely changed his life.

Michael had seen many days difficult in his life. His father worked on construction sites and that's how the family got his daily bread. Michael went to school like all the other children, but he lacked something from his school life, namely, carefree education. You have to wonder what a little boy must worry. Well, Michael had a very critical situation that has always kept worried.
Struggling school life
Even as a child, Michael understood his family situation very well, he used to see his father returning home after a long day of tiring work without safety and irregular wages. He knew it was difficult for his father to pay his tuition fees but he sort of everything for the education of his son. Every year that passes from Michael's school gave his father insurance that his son is a step closer to doing good with his life. Unfortunately, Michael would never be able to finish his studies.
Do better than it can
Michael has developed a sense of responsibility towards his family at an early age. He always tried to do the best he could to support his father. He started working part-time after school hours at a book store nearby. It continued smoothly until he finished his studies. Soon Michael's expenses were going to increase and a part-time job will not be enough.
College: a dream dream
As Michael finished his studies he started to look quite obvious that his father will not be able to pay his college fees. The idea of the university continues and gain at the same time may seem brave, unfortunately, Michael needed to win and spend more to meet the basic needs of his family. This means that part-time job has never been going to be enough for him.
Smoking College
This was the most difficult decision that Michael took after finishing his school at least that's what he felt at that time. When he decided to follow the traces of his father. He decided to leave all his plans for further studies and start working full time.
Never getting it easy
There are two possibilities in life, whatsoever we will get everything easily everything or we must work stronger than others to get what he / she deserves. Michael belonged to this last category and then he understood well. Instead of taking everything for granted, he started investing most of his time in overtime to win more.
Building worker
Now that Michael has been employed as a construction worker for a few years, he began to be satisfied with his current job and remuneration. His family has always believed that no work is big or small, and now even Michael started to believe it. And soon, he got more to believe, for example, love.
money problems
Irene entered Michael's life and fills empty spaces. But this happiness was not going to last too long. After attending for more than a month, Irene asked Michael an issue that was about to decide whether there is a future in this relationship.
The work comes first
Irene wanted to know when Michael will continue his studies. Michael went honestly tell his plans and how he could not afford higher education. Irene was taken by surprise when he heard all of him. She became furious and suggested alternatives about distance learning, but Michael explained how he will not be able to give sufficient time studying on a regular basis.
To break up
Irene has clearly indicated that she will not live her life with a man "without education". She had the status of maintaining in society and, as a result, she broke up with Michael without even understanding how he loved her. For Michael, on the other hand, it was a huge shock.
Broken Heart
Michael could not believe that his work touched him so much that she was ashamed to present it to her friends and family. Michael became distant from everyone after this problem. It took him nearly a year to stabilize all stressful thoughts.
Stay busy
As always Michael found an escape from his pain in his work. It was his thing to get throughout the breaking experience. His trick worked and move forward, he put his full potential in his work. And one day he met a girl who took her out of her shell but this time he will be forever? Unfortunately no.
To fall in love
His name was Judy and she never tried Michael of her professional experience. In their first dates, they fall from each other. They were well together as they both respected each other to be a good person, not by their qualifications.
Years of Joy
For two years, Michael and Judy dated and now they intended to make the big move. He invited Judy for dinner with his parents. His parents loved him, but they were as afraid that if Judy will stay with Michael or not. However, Judy assured them that it was a long-term relationship, not just a short-term adventure.
Another way around
After getting the approval of their relationship from Michael's parents, it was time for Michael to meet the parents of Judy and see how it's going. When Judy invited his boyfriend for lunch, his parents grew up anxious and asked for all the information about this guy they would meet. Judy, on the other hand, first wanted to give them a chance to know Michael in person and not to make any notions before meeting him.
Parents meeting
Michael and Judy went to the place and his parents everything was fine. At least it's the way it seemed at first. Just after Michael left the place, Judy's parents expressed their concern. After a long discussion, Judy left his parents' place without saying anything. What would she do now?
Faded away
When Michael called the other day, she did not answer her calls. She stopped talking to everyone and Michael did not understand what was wrong. He went to his place, but she was not there. Judy disappeared overnight and Michael was worried. He asked his parents who told him that she came out on a trip and they do not know when she's back. Does it go with it?
That day after lunch, Judy made all attempts to convince his parents but he does the conversation take a bad trick. In fact, they made it clear to her that they will not be present at her marriage if she gets married with Michael. In no case would they be in favor of marrying her a "man without instruction" who worked on construction sites.
All the plans of Judy to live a happy life with Michael have been crushed by his parents. For her, the approval of the parent meant a lot. In addition, she really loved him. He was going to be a decision that changes the life of doing and Judy did not know what to do.
After the time of a week Judy finally decided to agree with his parents' wish and let Michael. Tears in her eyes, she took the phone and called Michael to give the sad news.
When Judy said Michael that the two long year relationship was over because his parents do not like Michael's profession, he felt like his heart broken into pieces. He was like he was back at the start box.
Feeling of despair
Michael was now helpless. He started thinking that no one can be with a man like him. As always, he continued to work to ignore the pain until his friend came with a useful tip. He suggested Michael watching jobs in Australia while the country pays a much higher amount for the same work he has done in Taiwan.
Michael took this advice seriously and moved to Australia just to win more. Moving to a new country can be really difficult when you have a strong accent that is difficult for a native speaker to understand it. But Michael was determined that he will not give up after coming so far.
Hard work
The years have passed and Michael has made hard work a daily habit. He had so much experience in the field of construction that any company in Taiwan would hire him at a high position. But Michael had even bigger plans for himself. After five years of extreme work in a foreign country, Michael had enough savings to return to Taiwan and start something of his own.
His own company
Michael quickly started his own construction company. A few years, his company further developed that Michael has opened a larger branch in a different city. He was now counted among the major contractors of the country. He succeeded and his family was proud of him. In the midst of all these happy moments, his past was going to hit his door soon.
The past
One of Michael's friends told him about his first girlfriend, Irene. She was going through a few days in her life. His friend explained how she became a victim of the life of selfish marriage. Her husband deceived her when she went on a traveling trip. At the moment she returned, her husband flew with her 5 year old boy. This led to a divorce and she always tried to recover from the shock and get the guard of his son.
Another ex
Judy too did not do very well. She was still single while her parents had loved none of her boyfriends. She finally ceased to dream of marriage and struggled to face the fact that her parents will never have the same choice as his.
Unfortunate reality
Michael felt bad for his ex-lovers and wanted to do something to make them feel better. He was also aware of the reality that the two girls made their own choices and that there was nothing he could do for them even if he wished.
Before Michael made his name in the world of construction, he met a girl named Susan. Unlike others, she was held by him all this time. It was more than favorable when Michael decided to risk all his savings to create a business.
Precious lesson
Michael and Susan now live a happy life of poverty. As the rest of all, even the parents of Judy were shocked to see Michael's incredible progress. But now it was too late for all that Michael has already found his "real love".

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