17 magical foods that relieve the symptoms of the cold

If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, these surprising cold remedies can help you get better soon.

People have suffered thecommon cold For centuries and historical remedies range from banal to weird. The ancient Egyptians will be the milk of a mother who had given birth to a boy. If it did not work, they had a spell to go. And Victorian cookbooks are stuffed with "natural" cures for congestion, such as cold beef tea, a hot mustard bath and even a "bacon bandage for the throat".

For hundreds of years, we have been snorkeling and we are still not closer to finding healing. The good news is that we no longer need to bet on the Hocus Pocus and Borax's mouthwash (an Edouardian special!) For relief. Here is a break of cold remedies composed ofImmune food Scientifically proven to relieve sneezing, coughing, painful pain, stifling head and fever.



A plate of oysters with a slice of lemon, one of the many cold remedies

Many studies have been done to evaluate the effect of zinc on the symptoms of colds, with variable results. In fact, a systematic review published inThe Cochrane Library has been removed after data concerns. But a study in theCanadian Medical Association Journal found that zinc taking "can shorten the duration of the symptoms of common cold."

Dana Corriel, MD and an internist, recommends taking a zinc supplement as soon as you notice a cold symptoms to avoid becoming full-fledged. To get your zinc jersey, throw some oysters; They are the best natural source of zinc. You will get 74 milligrams, or what you will find in 6 pellets, in just 3 ounces.


Chicken soup

Chicken noodle soup in a small bowl, one of the many cold remedies

Mom was right: the chicken soup is really one of the best cold remedies. According to a study inAmerican newspaper of therapeuticThe medicinal power of the chicken soup can be attributed to the carnosine, a compound found in the chicken breast and the true chicken broth, which helps the immune system of the body to fight the symptoms of the flu by inhibiting the release of cells inflammatory nitric oxide. The disadvantage is the soothing benefits finished as soon as the soup passes into the digestive tract, so you will have to hope that Mom has made a great lot.

Another double-blind study also suggests that chicken soup has more than just a placebo effect. The researchers examined the way in which chicken soup affected the airflow and nasal mucus in patients who drank cold water, hot water or chicken soup. The two hot fluids helped to relieve the stuffy nose, but the chicken soup did a better job.



Slices of kiwi

More commonly calledkiwifruitChinese currant - a nickname given to native Chinese fruits by new Zealand - is also one of the most powerful cold remedies of nature. Search in theBritish Nutrition Journal Suggest the snack on the kiwifruit in nutrient-dense can help relieve the symptoms of the cold and even shorten the disease. The study took 132 adults and placed half of a daily diet comprising 4 gold kiwifruits, while the other half completed their diet with two bananas each day. The result? Kiwi eaters had resolved throats three days earlier and congestion of head resolved nearly four days earlier - compared to the banana group. Researchers attribute micronutrient results in Kiwifruit gold that has significantly improved the concentration of erythrocytes of boosting immunity in red blood cells.



Bowl of yogurt, also one of the cold remedies to make you feel better

What better group to test the efficiency of a cold remedy of 200 private sleep children, stressed children from colleges living in cramping neighborhoods? A study in theBritish Nutrition Journal exactly did that. The researchers evaluated how a 12-week probiotic complementation affected the duration and severity of the symptoms of colds between 198 students, as well as the impact of symptoms on their daily lives. The results have been impressive: students who have taken the "good bacteria" recovered two days faster than the placebo group, have symptoms aged 34% less serious and have missed half of many days of school (15 vs 34 missed by the students who took the placebo).

The researchers say that probiotic microorganisms can help soften the inflammatory response of the body, which you live like symptoms of nasty cold.Yogurt is the most commonly widely available probiotic food. Look for brands with "live and active cultures" and strains of lactobacillus or bifidobacterium species clearly printed on the label.


Almonds and almond skins

Bowl of almonds

A handful ofalmonds Is both preventive and therapeutic for colds, but you have to eat them together. A study in the newspaperMicrobiology lettersfound that the polyphenols of the disease of the disease found in the skin of the almond - can increase the sensitivity of white blood cells called TSPER T cells, which are involved in the fight against viruses. And, like a natural vaccine in this way, the immune boost fought even after the almonds are digested in the intestine, the researchers say. It is interesting to note that the white-skinned almonds have had little effect on theimmune system.



Honey in a bowl with a comb, one of the many cold remedies

A spoonful of sugar can help the medicine down, but it's even better if a spoonful of sugar is the medicine. Researchers saymy dear Perhaps the best natural remedy for hacked night cough. A study in the newspaperPediatrics I found that the children who have eaten 2 honey coffee tables 30 minutes before bedtime, the reduced frequency and the severity of their night cough and a global night night than those who did not take honey.

Adults may want to add a drizzle to hot water; Researchers have found hot liquids to be greater than relieving higher respiratory tract infections. Like for thatlemon-The dark concoction often as a healing, well, science is simply not there. There is no study to suggest a lemon, in particular, can help. And, you prepare: a recent review of 72 studies has not revealed no significant effect of vitamin C (the main nutritional advantage of citrus fruits) supplementation on colds.

Interestingly, a double-blind study of Iranian researchers has seen a combination of honey and coffee more efficient than a steroid drug and placebo when relieving symptoms in adults who had suffered persistent cough for three weeks.



There is now science to save the sensors and cold advantages ofGarlic. In a study published inThe Cochrane Library, adults who have received a placebo came down with nearly three times more colds than those who have chosen a daily garlic supplement. In addition, the placebo group has suffered from colds three times longer, reporting more than three times more days of sickness than the garlic group. Researchers hypothesize the ability to fight against the cold of the garlic comes from the compound allicine, which blocks the enzymes that play a role in bacterial and viral infections.

Another double-blind study discovered daily supplementation of elderly garlic extract can improve the immune cell function. Participants who took 2.56 grams a day for 45 days were reduced by the 20% cold symptoms and recovered 61% faster than the placebo group. You can find an elderly garlic extract in most natural foods or pharmacies, and the good news is that it is odorless. Garlic is also aanti-inflammatory food To help combat inflammation and chronic disease.


Pepper peppers

chili peppers tied with string

One of the worst parts of a cold is the effect it has on your sinuses. There is nothing worse than feeling you can not breathe through yournose. According toDr. Kyle Bresler, MD, and an ENT, Chile peppers contain capsaicin, an active component that can help identify your sinuses quickly by clarifying the accumulation of mucus. So, get your hands on the most spicious food possible can be the key to your cold symptom relief.



oatmeal with banana and blueberries in a white bowl on wood

When we think of a cold, the last thing we would think of eating is a thick and creamy oatmeal. Despite these qualities, however, oats also contains beta-glucan, which stimulates the immune system and makes it one of the best cold remedies. Dr. Bresseller notes that getting these oats when you start feeling sick, can help you accelerate the recovery process. In addition to beta-glucan, oats contains zinc and selenium, which also work to combat infection.

RELATED: Your guide on the anti-inflammatory regime This heals your intestine, slows the signs of aging and helps you lose weight.


Coconut water

coconut water on leaf

It is an age age that saying that fluids help with symptoms of congestion and other cold symptoms, but coconut water is a great option for cold remedies and something you should try relief . Not only is it great for hydration, because all the fluids are, but Dr. Bresler says it contains natural electrolytes, who help heal your body. It's a thing so easy to try, no cooking or preparation involved. Just pick it up from your local grocery store and give it a shot.



Ginger root

This food remedy does not even require that you consume ginger to start feeling relief. Of course, it's always the best option for getting the benefit of clearing congestion that Ginger provides. However, you can also create a ginger compress by soaking a toilet glove in ginger water before applying it to your face.



kale in a bowl

Kale is a superfood full of nutrients. It is therefore not surprising that all its talents, it also contains quercetin, which is supposed to have antiviral properties. So, when Mom always says to eat your vegetables, she was certainly not wrong. To tryCooking with cabbage chene, because it's one of the best cold remedies!



oranges on trees

It's a secular trick: having a glass of orange juice when you are sick. It's thevitamin C This helps reduce the symptoms of a cold and accelerating the recovery process. According to Dr. Brestler, it is certainly not just a myth, oranges are the way to follow as well as lemons and lemons-beds, which also contain vitamin C.



grilled salmon on a bed of spinach topped with a lemon, one of the many cold remedies

When you are sick, the last thing you usually want to do is eating a meal in its own right, but if you get to have an appetite, the salmon containsOMEGA-3 fatty acids This work to reduceinflammation caused by a common cold. Inflammation slows down the immune system, so by eating salmon, you can accelerate the cold recovery process.



carrots on wood

Not only are the carrots are excellent for your eyes, but Dr. Bresser pointed out that vitamin has also strengthened immune function, which is essential to the fight against the disease. Even if the best way to get all the nutrients of the carrots is to eat raw, try one of theseCarrot recipes Start feeling better as soon as possible.




According to Dr. Bresseller, blueberries are among the highest ofantioxidants in the fruits. It is an important objective of antioxidants is that they contain flavonoids, which reduce the damage to cells and strengthen the immune system, both of which are necessary when you suffer from a common cold. They are an easy snack snack between hot showers and a lot of rest.



strawberries cut in half in a bowl

The strawberries contain anthocyanas, which give not only this fruit its incredible red color, but they also contain properties offering anti-inflammatory and antiviral advantages. If you feel a coming cold, strawberries are definitely the way forward to start fighting it. We always knew that there was another reason outside their incredible taste to love this fruit.

The colds are the worst absolute. When you are lying on the upholstered bed, you can feel completely helpless. Hope you can now give these cold remedies the next time they touch.

Categories: Healthy Eating
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