Cdc says you no longer need to do this after vaccination

You do not need quarantine after a COVID exhibition if you are vaccinated.

If you had yourVVID-19 vaccineWhat can you stop doing, when it comes to the fundamentals of public health? Today to the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions within "Examining Our Response Covid-19: An Update of Federal Public Servants", Dr. Rochelle Walensky , Director of Disease and Prevention Control Centers. "What was CDC saying about someone today that their behavior or behavior can change or what behavior or behavior should follow vaccination?" Read about his answer - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.

Dr. Walensky said that if you were vaccinated, you no longer quarantine after an exhibition in Covid

"About a week ago, we published our first tips on what you can do on what you can do if vaccinated," said Dr. Walensky, "and that included things like small visits in your home, Visits with other vaccinated people on masks and on distance, so you can dine with other vaccinated people from your home. You can also visit with non-vaccinated people as long as people at home do not have any risk high serious illness. "

"The articles still looking at data about if vaccinated people can be asymptatomically infected and potentially transmitting to other people," said Dr. Walensky. "In this case, we would not want you to live with someone who has been immunocompened on chemotherapy and we worried, because we feared serious diseases in this household. We also released advice on the fact that you n Do not have a quarantine, "said Dr. Walensky," If you've been exposed and vaccinated, quarantine went away from people vaccinated. "

RELATED:Doctor warns "Do not" do this before your vaccine

What can you stop from else? Can you travel? Not yet.

"We revisted what we should do with regard to travel for those who are vaccinated," Dr. Walensky said. "Then, it should be advanced soon. This will probably be the next step in this regard. I want to remind people that we now have 12% of the totally vaccinated population, 39.9 million people. The initial guidelines have been published when we had 9% of people vaccinated. Thus, as more and more people are vaccinated, because we are getting more and more data on the implications of vaccination with regard to asymptomatic infection and potential transmission, These guidelines will continue to emerge. "

So get vaccinated when it becomes at your disposal and protecting your life and the lives of others, do not visit any of these35 Places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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