A new study finds the main reason for Americans are highlighted at work are difficult goals

Nope is not this week of 60 hours work.

If you had to make a list of all the things that made you stressed at work, you would probably need a whole notebook. With colleagues Catty,Difficult patternsand long hours, work is a hugesource of anxiety For Americans. But, on the basis of new research of the search platformComparatively, there exists aWork stator This prevails above the rest, and this is probably not what you think.

Compared to interview nearly 21,000 Americans of all ages, occupations, educational studies, ethnicities and experience levels in small small and large businesses. They asked participants six questions about theirjob anxietiesand found thathave unclear goals was the majority of people listed as their principalstress at work.

An omniping of 41% of Americans supposed to be unclear goals as the main reason they arestressed at work, according to the survey in a comparable way. Meanwhile, 16% of workers become anxious on their journey or bad boss (a tie for the second largest work stress). And in third place, 13% of the participants said that long hours are their main source of anxiety.

When the results of the survey were divided by sex, the unclear goals were always the main cause of stress. However, men seemed to be slightlymore anxious on a lack of clarity (43%) than women (37%).

Comparatively also asked the participants of their greatestwork concerns. Nearly half of all respondents said they fear that their work becomes tedious and stagnant, even more than they fear being going on for a promotion, having aemotional breakdownor upsetting their boss. This concern is the most common among the leaders, where 62% of respondents listed it as a higher concern.

Now that there is a statistical proof that you are hardly the only feelingstressed at work, what can you do to help you? Of course, finding a healthy balance of professional life is always a good place to start. And when you feel about to explode at your desk, you can also try these10 stress-bus work.

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Categories: Smarter Living
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