This shocking cooking ingredient caused 400 people to get sick at a time

You may not realize that CDC calls it one of the food most often associated with food poisoning.

The thought of food poisoning tends to make you think of poultry (like thatSalmonella-Contaminesupermarket chicken),eggs, maybe some spoileddairy some products. Recent reports continue to show that there are still many of us to learn how to prevent food poisoning. This seems to be true of a new update, because 400 people have been hospitalized after consuming an ingredient, you are probably not associated with food origin.

TheIndian time Recently reported that 400 people in Delhi have simultaneously ran for medical care after their illness, signaling symptoms of diarrhea and vomiting. The investigations discovered what they all had in common: they had consumed Saracen or Saracen flour. It's said Saracen or Flour is a popular meal choice at some Indian religious festivals when fasting is one of the observances.

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The report indicates that the authorities believe that the buckwheat had been "adultered". It seems that the manufacturer of the flour was able to add an ingredient that could have been intended to increase the supply, but that made the flour impure. The same source said that the judicial authorities would follow the plant that produced the grain for tracing purposes. The source indicates that two similar situations of mass food poisoning arrived because of the flour in 2011 and 2020 at large festivals.

The story raises a reminder that we generally do not think in this part of the world: the flour is one of the top 10 food "frequently associated with food poisoning or food origin", advisesDisease control and prevention centers.

The CDC explains: "The flour is typically a raw agricultural product that has not been treated to kill germs. The bacteria are killed when food made of flour are cooked. That's why you must never taste the dough. raw or dough. " They tooto quote 2016 and 2019E. coli Epidemic of flour that made more than 80 people sick.

The CDC also advises: "Mixtures of flour and cooking containing flour have a long life, so it's a good idea to check your pantry to see if you have mixtures of flour or cooking that have been recalled in recent years. If you have recalled the flour or cooking mix, throw them away. "

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