Photographer 50 years old who looks half her age
It's not a secret that Asian people get older. They have preceded the genetic lottery. But this guy is certainly going beyond what comes well to aging, we are really sure that he does not age at all.

It's not a secret that Asian people get older. They have preceded the genetic lottery. But this guy is certainly going beyond what comes well to aging, we are really sure that he does not age at all.Chuando Tan Is a Singapore photographer who looks like a model at 20, but 50 years ago, believe it or not. Honestly, he does not look like a day over 21 years old. Its good appearance and body in shape earned more than 340,000 followers on Instagram and thousands of fans around the world. Everyone is just surprised to see how much it looks incredibly good. We can not even say it looks good for his age. It just looks amazing, complete stop. We are pretty sure there are jealous teenagers of his eyes and he could be their grandfather at this point. Hell, we are jealous.
What is his secret? Apparently, he works a lot, which is obvious, just look at this body, it is like a Greek statue. He also says that he eats a lot of chicken. Another secret for his youth avoids the bath early morning and late at night. Why? We do not know, but we are ready to take his word as a Gospel and to follow every crazy habit he has if it means we can have half as good as the one he does at the age of 50 .
Chuando was not always a photographer, he was a very fruitful and popular model in the 80s and 90s and even had his shot at the Mandarin Pop-Star before realizing his true passion lies in photography and declared his own Photography company calledChuando & Frey. We strongly suggest you to follow it onhis instagram For hot pictures and, hopefully, more tips on how to stop aging.
Look at what point this man is stylish.
Is not it just adorable in the morning?
The training photos are essential in this case. We do not even want it.
Which cardiac freaking, do not you think?
We can not decide if he should play the next James Bond or be a rock star.
Not even crazy, we will take all the selfies you have.
* BAVE everywhere * I mean, how is it 50 ???