Can you put meat frozen in a slow cooker?

You may need to rethink how you dine ...

We are all guilty of storing our freezers with different meats to make us go through the crisp months before the yields of the cooking season. Our busy schedules and our hectic lifestyles make our quick days,Easy home dinners with little sound cleaning quite attractive, that's why many turned toslow cooks Put delicious meals on the table quickly.

Since the practical electric kitchen appliance is ideal for soups, stews and otherscomforting foods While you are at work or you do other things around the house, it's not surprising that people are curious to know exactly how they can cook meat in a slow cooker since this period of the Year encourages a more indoor cooking. We are specially registered with the chef Melissa Knifif ofHellofresh, who educated us about cooking frozen meat in a slow stove is safe and ideal, while also suggesting the best types of meat to cook in one.

Here is everything to know that the kitchenfrozen meat In a slow stove.

Can you cook frozen meat in a slow cooker?

The answer to this question as a whole is no, but since the point of a slow cooker is to cook food over a longer period, it is not surprising that many think that many think put a piece of frozen meat in a Defrost and cook successfully. But the kieur advises against her.

"I would not recommend putting meat in the slow jelly cooker," she says. "This will certainly affect timing and is also dangerous because the meat will not quickly come the correct temperature quickly. The meat must be properly thawed."

The cooking of slow cooker from the USDA andFood safety guidelines Mimize the suggestions of Knific by saying all the prior ingredients. "Always thaw meat or poultry before putting it in a slow cooker," says the document. "Choose to make food with a high moisture content such as Chile, soup, stew or spaghetti sauce. If you use a commercially frozen slow cooker meal, prepare according to the manufacturer's instructions."

There is even a reminder on the reiterated document to "always thaw the meat or poultry before putting it in a slow cooker", so you know it's serious.

What is the best way to defrost the meat before putting it in a slow cooker?

As we have established that cooking frozen meat in a slow stove is not ideal, it is important to know the best ways to thaw the meat before defining it in the pot and cook for hours for hours . According toUSDA, "Perishable foods should never be thawed on the counter or in hot water and should not be left at room temperature for more than two hours. There issafe ways to thaw food: In the refrigerator, in cold water and microwave. "

Knific accepts that the safest and safest way to thaw the meat is in the refrigerator, not at room temperature.

"It is not considered safe to thaw the ambient temperature because bacteria and such can develop and make you sick," says the leader. The USDA says that "as soon as the raw or cooked meat, poultry or egg products are starting to thaw and become hot 40 ° F, the bacteria that can be present before freezing can begin to multiply."

To prevent bacteria from rising potentially on meat, it is about "taking meat on the freezer a day or two in advance to make sure that thaws." To avoid leakage in any other food in the refrigerator, you can place it on a cooking sheet with the edge or in a bowl, "she says.

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What are the best types of meat cooking in a slow stove?

Now that we know that pieces of fresh meat are better than frozen when it comes to a slow cooker, it is equally important to understand what kind of meat facilitates the best-tasting meal.

"The best meat of the slow cooker are more robust cuts and rays. The long cooking time makes it possible to become more difficult to become tender, and pregnancy keeps meat from drying out," says Knific, adding that you can Cut the excess fat if you want to avoid extra fat. "I like beef mandrel, beef chest, short ribs, pork shoulder, lamb rods and chicken legs."

One of the best things on a slow cooker is how it is designed to be a cooking experience in hand. That said, it is not necessary to take too much time to prepare the meat either.

"Mariner or Searing is not necessary - it will only increase your active cooking time," she says. "Simply make sure there is enough seasoning salt and spices - on the meat when it goes into the slow cooker, as well as at least one cup of liquid to ensure that the meat remains wet."

In addition to preventing bacteria, one of the greatest advantages of using fresh frozen meat in a slow cooker is the fact that it reduces the cooking time almost in half. However, a slow cooker could always take up to eight hours for this result of perfectly shredded meat, so just try to be patient as if you were in the defrosting process.

"Even if you are attempted, do not remove the lid!" Knific says. "It freesses from moisture and slows down the cooking time."

Now, ready to make meat safely in your slow cooker? And if you are looking for more healthy cooker meal To prepare, We covered you there , too much.

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