No PEEP for Easter because of coronavirus concerns

The manufacturer of the popular Easter Candy puts an end to production on COVID-19 concerns.

Pandemic coronavirus seems to have taken another victim:Peeps Guimauve candy.

The quality of the quality of the quality of birth are the activity based on the Pennsylvania behind the seasonal confection that ends in so manyEaster basketsbut because of concerns about the safety of their workers during theCOVID-19 epidemicThey temporarily suspend production in facilities in Philado Phia and Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

Just born quality confections also cause other name brand candies such as Mike and Ike, Hot Tamales and Goldenberg Creanut Chews, whose production is also suspended.

Peeps Are the candies of the marshmallow that arise in the form of chicks and rabbits and certainly arouse a reaction "love" or hatred ". They are quite ubiquitous during the Easter season, so many parents fill the Easter baskets for children with the candies of the marshmallow.

This year, however, it seems that there will be a PEEP shortage. If the offer is low and the demand remains high, the price of peeps could be the next grocery article we will see being hopped (God helps us!)

Read itDeclaration of the entire company below:

As a family company of the third generation family since 1923, the well-being of our associates, our communities, our customers and business partners is of utmost importance for us.

In response to the rapidly evolving COVID-19 situation, we temporarily suspend production in our facilities in Bethlehem and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in force at the latest 3/25/20 at 6:30 at least 4/7/20 . Our PEEPS & COMPANY® store in the Central Valley, the Pennsylvania closed on 3/17/20 and will remain closed at least 4/7/20. Most of our employees have been working remotely since 3/18/20, but all associates will work at least 4/7/20. All associates will continue to be paid throughout this period. We will take this opportunity to move away and disinfect our production facilities, offices and corporate headquarters.

Our internal working group for Covid-19 continues to regularly monitor the national and global impact of the virus and is the recommendations of disease control and prevention centers (CDC), local health and state and organization. World of Health.

All our peeps® have been produced and shipped to retailers for this next Easter season. We have stocks from Mike and Ike®, Hot Tamales® and Goldenberg's® CHEWS® carrot in the short term, but can experience stocks on several individual items. We will continue to work with our detail partners so that fans of our brands can continue to appreciate them during this difficult time.

Read more:25 coronavirus mistakes that you do not know you do

Eat this, not that! Constantly monitoring the latest foods for COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safely and to your knowledge (and to answerYour most urgent questions) here are theprecautionsYou should take the grocery store, thefoodyou should have by hand, theMeal delivery services andRestaurant chains offering an imprintYou must know and the means to help yousupport those who need. We will continue to update these new information that develops.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers, andSubscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

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