People who should never eat curcuma, according to an expert

Nutritionist action that should avoid taking spice supplements.

Turmeric Is one of the most healing spices you can get their hands and that's what gives curry its yellow yellow yellow orange pigment.Research has regularly demonstrated that centuries species are exposed at a timeanti-inflammatory And medicinal properties, which, in turn, can help reduce the risk of various diseases and chronic conditions.

However, according toDr. Vikki PetersenCertified nutritionist, chiropractor and functional medicine, there are some groups of people who should avoid turmeric, especially in the form of a capsule. (In touch:The 7 healthiest foods to eat right now)

"Unfortunately,Curcuma can be adulterate with toxic ingredients and even heavy metals such as lead, "she says." Silicon dioxide can be added to avoid gaining lower quality supplements and flour additions as loads may contain gluten,Therefore, ravage ravages about those with celiac disease or gluten intolerance."

Petersen clarifies that it is generally safe to support between 500 milligrams and 1,000 milligrams of turmeric per day for its health benefits. However, unfavorable symptoms can occur when people exceed 2,000 milligrams a day or consume poor quality supplements. In fact, take just curcuma supplements alone can be a waste of money.

Curcumin, which is the main active ingredient of turmeric, is largely responsible for the anti-inflammatory powers of turmeric. However, theCurcumine concentration with turmeric It is not very high, which means you may not receive all the effects of control against inflammation by turmeric supplements. In fact, you can benefit from a curcumin supplement.

Remember that this curcumin has no high bioavailability, which means that the body does not easily absorb the compound alone. A useful tip? If you are going to take a supplement, make sure you take it with a meal you season with black pepper. Piperine, a substance found in black pepper,can increase the absorption of your curcumin body up to 2,000%, by aStudy 2010.

Of course, take too much curcumin can also lead togastrointestinal discomfort And nausea, so make sure you do not exceed the supplements.

"There are concerns about those predisposed tokidney stones Could suffer from a certain aggravation due to the oxalates present at turmeric, but the percentage of oxalates is only 2% and a normal curcuma dose should be safe for the most part, "adds Peteren.

In short, many people will probably enjoy eating curcuma, however, taking it as a capsule (especially if it is a low quality supplement) may be a threat to those with celiac disease or are gluten-free.

A good basic rule? Make sure to consult a licensed dietitian or nutritionist before taking supplements to make sure you take one that will help you get the most out of health benefits. And for more, be sure to read7 powerful supplements that will strengthen your immune system.

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