11 Avoid Diet Foods Experts

These so-called nutritious choices can be derail from weight loss.

You do your best to be right by your body by making healthy food choices every day. Unfortunately, a number of "health" products that you can get out of your eating way do not deserve their scratches. What is worse, thanks to specialists in talented and difficult food marketing, unless you are a qualified professional, it's really hard to say when you are fooled. Fortunately, we talked to experts to get details onWhich diet experts will not eat.

All these "sweets of agave" and "added fiber" labels can even confuse the smartest buyers. That's why we turned to some of the best experts in the nation and asked them to reveal the "healthy" foods they would not touch with a ten-foot pole. What they had to say was quite surprising - and it could simply make you rethink your next grocery shopping trip.


Nectar of agave

Agave nectar

"Although the agave gains popularity in health circles, it is not at all better than sugar and should be used sparingly like any other sweetener," said Marisa Moore, MBA, RDN , LD, dietary nutritionist and national media based in Atlanta. spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. "Yes, it comes from a plant, but it has no nutritional value."


Fiber-based foods

High fiber breakfast whole grain oatmeal with fresh berries nuts and seeds

"Recently, many food manufacturers have cut products such as yogurt and snacks and replaced it with fiber to increase the health factor," says Libby Mills, MS, RDN, LDN, door. -PAROLE OF THE NUTRITION AND DIEETTIC ACADEMY "Although eating fiber-addition to food is often a great way to cut calories from fat and stimulate satiety between meals, when you eat too much food with Fiber, an inulin or chicory root (common fiber additives), it can cause gases, bloating, nausea, flatulence, stomach cramps and even diarrhea. Stick with whole foods that are naturally good Sources of fiber like fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains. "


Veggie fries

zucchini chips

"Although vegetable chips have more fibers than a standard bag of chips, many varieties are fries - not only dehydrated," explains Moore. "If your GOBER bag has oils and added sugars, you'd better climb on fresh products instead. These ingredients transform the vegetables from nutritional superstar to complete indulgences."


Protein bars

Chocolate protein bars on table

"Most high protein bars get their protein from non-natural sources such as soy protein isolate, or SPI. The chemically engineering soy process to isolate their protein outputs all its other healthy nutrients and leaves behind. Potentially dangerous substances such as hexane and aluminum, "says Stephanie Middleberg, Rd, founder of Middleberg Nutrition. "These bars also tend to have stomach-blocked sugar alcohols and other unhealthy additives to cover their terrible taste. If you are looking for a bar, search for less than 10 ingredients that you can recognize."


Peanut Butter

Peanut butter in jar

"The only type of peanut butter I'm going to eat is the natural variety," says Anne Mauney, MPH, RD, dietary on the Washington DC area. "Non-natural walnut butters generally contain partially hydrogenated oils, which is a type of trans fat! Choose a natural or organic nut butter. The list of ingredients should be simply the nuts and maybe a little salt. "

RELATED: Easy, healthy recipe ideas, 350 calories that you can do at home.


Gluten-free products

White bread on wooden cutting board

"It's not because something is gluten-free does not mean it's without calories or fat-free. In fact, many gluten-free products are higher in sugar and grease than their traditional counterparts," explains Ilyse Schapiro MS, RD, a dietitian approved with private practices in New York and Connecticut. "If you have to eat gluten free for medical reasons, it's one thing, but buy gluten-free products in an attempt to lose weight will not be effective. "


Snacks treated

Hermit bars

"The first ingredients of many snack bars include brown rice syrup and corn syrup, which are both added sugars. Food manufacturers add bad quality chocolates - not the black variety rich in antioxidants "Explains Michelle Dudash, RDN, a recorder dietary nutritionist and author ofEat own for busy families. "Often, these bars contain less than one gram of fiber, they will not do a good job that separated you. You will better catch a bar with entire food ingredients that you can see, like nuts and dried fruits with a minimal added sugar. "



Fruit smoothies in glass jars with mixed berries and paper straws

"People like smoothies because they can get stuck in a ton of ingredients and drink everything in one session. The problem is, fruits, yogurt, milk, linen seeds and all you put in your cup adds, "says Schapiro. "Before you know it, what you thought a nutrient meal basket or a snack, now has as many calories as a hamburger. Your best bet is just eating a piece of fruit if you are something sweet. You will feel more complete and will not break the calorie bank ".


Mayonnaise lightened


"Not only do weak foods do not very good taste, they are also filled with unhealthy and harmful ingredients such as added sugars, vegetable oils and artificial conservatives," says Middleberg. "These ingredients have little nutritional value and reduce the body's ability to absorb soluble vitamins in grease. Eating things like low-fat Mayo can lead to inflammation, health insurance issues, heart disease and an increase in weight desires. "


Fat-free vinaigrette

Salad dressing

"Boldless bandages have often added sugars or charges, so even if you get fewer fat, you are not always recorded. In addition, having a little fat with your salad can actually help you absorb more rich in antioxidants composed of vegetables. Carrots, tomatoes and dark, vegetables-leaves are nutritious themselves, but a little fat really help you get more of them ". - Marisa Moore, MBA, RDN, LD, a nutritionist Dietitian Atlanta and national media spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics



yogurt in wooden bowls

"Many flavored yogurts pack a ton of sugar and carbohydrates," explains Ilyse Schapiro MS, RD, private practice dietitian in New York and in Connecticut. "When possible, I go for plain Greek yoghurt and add fruit or natural frozen to perfume it. »

Categories: Groceries
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