What happens to your heart when you drink tea

Make the habit of sipping tea every day and relaxing ... your arteries.

If you want to learn everything about howdrink tea can have an impact on yourheart, you'd better put the kettle. There are dozens of studies suggesting thatReduce your risk of heart disease Can also be sauce that sampling a wide variety of black, green, white and even herbal teas.

Leave it a little steep: a great observation study in theEuropean Journal of Preventive Cardiology Analyzed health and behavioral information of 100,000 Chinese people for more than seven years.The 2020 report found that the usual tea drinkers who drank more than three cups of tea per week had a 20% heart attack risk and a 22% risk of heart disease murder Compared to people who drank less than three weekly cups.

Another study of more than 40,000 Japanese adults in theAMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL Saçona a risk of death of 26% of a heart attack or a stroke in people who drank more than five cups of green tea a day. (In touch:What happens to your body when you drink green tea.)

How is tea so good for your heart?

To understand why the tea consumption of drinking can be so good for your heart, we need to look at how your blood pressure affects your cardiac health. High blood pressure, called hypertension, damages the walls of your arteries makes them steep and possibly leading to blockages.

The higher your blood pressure readings, the more risk for cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), heart disease and brain vascular accidents. When your blood vessels are not as elastic as they should be as elastic, the flow of blood and oxygen to and from your heart decreases, leading to chest pain and possibly a heart attack or heart failure. (If high blood pressure circulates in your family, be sure to read on theseProven foods would lead to high blood pressure.)

"Research shows that the consumption of high tea leads to a healthier and reduced heart risk of disease, "says the nutritionistLisa Richards, CNC, creator of theCandida regime. "Indeed, teas contain beneficial plant compounds called polyphenols that act as antioxidants in the body."

Tea and metabolites such as polyphenols play a role in relaxing arteries by reducing inflammation and improving nitric oxide activity in endothelium, the cell layer lining the inside of the blood vessels. Nitric oxide is a vasodilator that causes the endothelium relaxation, expanding blood vessels and the improvement of blood flow, according to a study ofNutrients.

The key compound of tea is EGCG.

Tea can also significantly reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke by reducing low-density lipoprotein (LDL), "bad" cholesterol that can accumulate in arteries and form plates.

"Green tea is full of polyphenols and catechins, two antioxidant compounds recognized for their anti-inflammatory properties," said the culinary and the tea expertKristen Lorenz ToThe exchange of spices and tea.

"Green tea is a particularly rich source of a powerful catechin form called Epigallocatechin Gallate, or EGCG, which has been demonstrated to" deactivate "genes that trigger obesity, diabetes and storage of belly fat" , according toKelly Choi, author of our eat that, not that! delivered,7 days old flat belly tea.

Gimmie A tea for triglycerides!

According toNutrition logIt has also been shown that green tea improves cholesterol levels. But if you prefer the taste of black tea to green, do not worry.

"Black tea has been discovered both the lower triglycerides, a dangerous blood fat and lift HDL (good) cholesterol because of the polyphenols found in this tea, "explains Richards." These compounds give stains their bright colors, which means that Herbal teas provide a crowd of polyphenols also causing similar advantages. "

For more advice for your Ticker, readSimple ways to keep your heart healthy.

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