Smoothie recipe Fruit Easy Paleo

There is a yellow layer of peaches and turmeric and a pink layer of beets and cherries.

This two layerspaleo The fruit smoothie is almost too pretty for drinking. By finally making two separate recipes - a vibrant yellow smoothie featuring fisheries and turmeric and a pink smoothie with beets and cherries - you get two distinct and delicious layers, as well as a healthy breakfast worthy of Instagram .

Start with the yellow layer: frozen fishing and banana for a thickness; Curcuma for a little terrestrial flavor, floral and color pop. Pour half of the yellow smoothie into a glass and appear in the freezer while working on the pink layer. Mix frozen cherries and raw beets in a soft dark pink smoothie. Pour the magenta smoothie on the yellow, then turn it back into the freezer. Repeat repeat and freeze once again, then use a straw or spoon to turn the smoothie to look like a laund lamp or art sand. And do not forget to take a picture of Brag's worthy Smoothie skills.

As for the spices, I like to make sure my selection of pantry is always as they wish, and that they come from a high quality supplier. This will ensure that your spices have the healing and well-being properties they are rented. For curcuma, I like to useDiaspora Co. Unique original one is cultivated ethics and ethical origin, and has a very big fresh flavor.

Made 1 serving


For the Smoothie of Fishing
¼ cup frozen yellow fishing slices
¼ frozen banana, trench or 2 frozen cabbage foil
½ Curcuma cancer
½ cup of almond milk
½ date medjool

For cherry smoothie
¼ cup of frozen cherries
¼ cup of peeled and grated raw beets
¼ cup of almond milk
½ date medjool
2 ice cubes

How to do it

1. In a mixer, combine fisheries, banana, turmeric, almond milk and date in a mixer and mashed up to softness. Pour into a freezer container and place it in the freezer.

2. Rinse the mixer (no need to wash), then combine cherries, beets, almond milk, date and ice in the mixer and puree to smooth consistency.
Pour half of the smoothy of fishing into a large glass (safe). Place it in the freezer for 5 to 10 minutes.

3. Pour half of the cherry smoothie on the fishing, then return to the freezer for 5 to 10 minutes. Repeat with both smoothies, swirling with a spoon or straw until the desired effect shadow-tourbillonnier is reached.

RELATED: These are the easy and home recipes that help you lose weight.

4/5 (2 reviews)

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