Kate VS Megan: Compare the style of two duchess

Duchess Cambridge and Sussekskaya - the most discussed women of Great Britain. Despite the obvious incorrectness of characters and fashionable preferences, they are both icons of style on which millions of women around the world are equal.

Ducherybelbridge and Sussekskaya - Universified Women of Great Britain. Despite the obvious incompatibility and fashionable preferences, onobes are icons of style, which are millions of women in the world. Some details about the characteristics of Kate and Megan style.

Kinganisy Duchess began with a selection of sequencing dresses. Kate MiddletonTatal preference to a lace dress with a magnificent skirt from the fashion house of AlexanderMcqueen. Megan was limited to a satisfied-toned, but very elegant Claire Wate's graceing engineer - the creative model of the French fashionable household house Givenchy.

Cadiet loves to go beyond the framework and always trials the classic style. Votychych from Megan, which is showering and slightly shocking outfits.

Megan-known transcription, for which it is counted in the press. She does not like themselves in public in one and that married twice. What you can not say about Kate, which needs to be easily allowed.

The base-daily style of the Duchess - a dresser-discovered classic style to longele below the knees and shoes of the boat.

Another substitute thing is a suit with a jacket of a skirt of a-shaped silhouette. In controversy Kate, Megan often distorts the Canonkololev style and goes into the light perflection in black. Traditionally, this set in the monarch family is considered mourning.

Tritlasto in the classic style love to wear a duchess.

Keithically appears in the public in a slightly accelerated midi skirts just above the knees. Megan and pencils soul.

Cutely without flower print? With him, a domestic discreet and official outline looks feminine.

Kateredko chooses juicy outfits. Usons are limited to bright accessories with small catchy details. Chegon say about Megan Plant.

Sobility, but in what a different execution.

Snowless Duchess allows themselves to violate the code and try on mini.

Unreason, princesses are also wearing. Kate is generally known for the wearing of the masters of mass market. In its favorites Zarai Topshop.

Meganople manifests his rebellion, putting the bag over his shoulder. Where to watchkorev?

Elegant hats - an integral accessory of the monarch of the monarch.

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