These 19 foods seem only healthy

These "healthy" foods are anything but! Here's what to watch.

The supermarket is littered with stained product aisles withadded sugars, artificial ingredients and absurd amounts of sodium. What is even worse is that many of these insidious culpreniers boast of health halos, deceiving consumers thinking they are healthy. Who knew that grocery stores could be so deceptive? To help eliminate some confusion about Pantry's popular staples, we talked about nutrition experts who helped us resign these fake healthy foods. See what staples you should look for.

RELATED: Easy, healthy,Recipe ideas of 350 calories You can do at home.


Dried fruit

Dried cranberries

"Destimes, dried fruits contain added sugar. Even if dried fruits do not have sugars, they are still concentrated with sugar. While these sugars are fruits themselves instead of being added, Large quantities can cause peaks of sugar in the blood and cracked. Instead, seek fresh fruit that prevents me and fills up when you eat it to maintain control portions. "

- Dr. Candice Serti, Psyd, CPT, CNC


Protein bars

Protein bar

"Protein bars are constructed on the principle that active people need them to keep them. The problem is that most of these bars include sugar loads, artificial charges and chemically isolated ingredients extracted chemically in a Laboratory. Of course, they have protein, but it is not all that matters, and the rest of the ingredients make most protein bars more like a bar of candy! The real transaction: get protein of meat meat, of nuts, beans and eggs. If you are looking for a portable protein source, try bringing a boiled egg. or search forLow sugar protein bars made with real recognizable ingredients. "

- Seti


Veggie fries

Veggie chips

"The Alley of your local supermarket is filled with chip chips of all kinds of healthy ingredients: vegetables, chia seeds, linen linen, etc. Unfortunately, the inclusion of these healthy ingredients does not change the fact Whether these chips are still largely treated, refined carbohydrates that are usually fried. If you want to fear, try to make your own popcorn at home. It's easier than you think and requires only a few minutes At the range. Use coconut oil to grease your pot, and collect the benefits of Himalaya salt minerals using it to flavor your popcorn. You can also add even more flavors and antioxidants with Herbs and spices! "

- Seti



Chili shrimp sushi roll

"White sticky rice in sushi is generally made with sugar, salt and vinegar, and is a source of refined carbohydrates. In addition, a tablespoon of soy sauce provides approximately 900 milligrams of sodium. According to the American Heart Association, 2,300 milligrams are the recommended daily amount for the general population. The use of a single tablespoon of soy sauce provides 40% of your GDR! "

-Carol Aguirre, Ms, rd / ldn


Sports drinks

Sports drinks

"One of the biggest offenders is sports drinks. The current sports drinks contain a substantial amount of sugar, mainly in the form of glucose, fructose or dextrose. A 20 ounce gatorade contains 34 grams of sugar, which n. is that 5 grams of sugar less than a 12 ounce can of Coca-Cola. The reality is that most people will not burn a sufficient quantity of calories during their workouts to compensate calories in sports drinks and better add electrolytes to their water. Rather than opt for sweet drinks. "

-Dr. Shaun KennedyND


Gluten-free foods

Gluten free foods

"People think that without gluten is equivalent to his health. As a practicing nutritionist, I can attest that this is not the case. Many snacks and gluten breads often contain a variety of rice flours, starch. Potato and added sugars that are not nutritious. If you do not have a gluten allergy, I suggest the real thing! Gluten-free items often contain more calories than a normal product with gluten. "

-Lisa R. Young, PhD, RDN


Fat-free products

Peanut butter cookies

"Many consumers often think that foods with fat-free labels are healthy. However, like a sports label the term" no fat ", it does not mean that it's healthy. Biscuits without fat, crackers , or even yogurt with many added sugars do not give you free pass. The problem is that many of these fatty foods often contain more calories and sugar than the real deal. "

- Young


Fruit on the lower yogurt

Fruit on the bottom raspberry yogurt jar

"It's not the fault of consumers they fall for these sugar-loaded options. We were told that the dairy is essential for strong bones and that the fruits are in good health, the yogurt packed with" fruit " It seems like the perfect marriage, well? However, the question is that, instead of simple fruits, which is really at the bottom of these yogurt cups, it is a mixture of sugar, corn corn and of fruit. In this spirit, take fruit of Blueberry Dannon on the background as an example.: After milk, the second ingredient is sugar, the third is water, the fourth is cornstarch and The fifth is blueberries. This means that yogurt is more sugar than the blueberry, which explains the 21 grams of sugar per container. For reference, that is to say equivalent to about four sugar packets added to yoghurt. "

-Sydney Greene, Ms, rd


Full canned coconut milk

Coconut milk

"The American Heart Association recommends limiting the daily consumption of saturated grease to 13 grams or 7% of total calories a day. With 100 calories and 9 grams of fat saturated by 1/4 cup cup, coconut milk in bold Complete is simply not a healthy choice of heart. Consumers may think that it is healthy, because canned coconut milk and fat is a popular alternative to the dairy excavation cream that sports' vegan, "Bio" and "free of dairy products". "

-NANCY WOODBURY, Ma, ms, rd, ld / n


Acai bowls

Acai bowl

"The bowls of Acai or Smoothie Top The graph in terms of unhealthy foods that people wander as healthy. All that fruits, yogurt and various fillings can lend your typical bowl around 638 calories and 68 grams of sugar ! "

-Evie FatzCertified nutrition coach and certified force and packaging coach


Fruit juice

Fruit juice juicing

"Pressed fruit juices are the last trend, but unfortunately, they are not the natural foods they claim to be. Some have increased 200 calories by 6 ounces and 32 grams of sugar. In addition, because That fruits and vegetables are sprayed in fluid, our bodies miss the benefits of fiber found in these whole foods. "



Bottle salad vinaigrette

Taco salad bowl

"Commercial salad dressings are full of unhealthy oils, preservatives and sugars that quickly transform your greens into a healthy flour by far. You can opt for a simple dressing in olive oil, vinegar and Dijon."





"Granolas are often announced as" healthy "alternatives with sugary breakfast cereals. However, some granolas can actually contain more sugar and calories than transformed cereals. When consulting customers, I urge them to choose from Granolas made with natural ingredients rich in healthy fats and proteins in greases and proteins such as seeds, nuts, unsweetened coconut,quinoaand whole oats. Avoid granolas containing more than 6 grams of sugar per serving and brands that use artificial flavors and sweeteners. "



Premature Smoothies

Fruit smoothies

"Bottles such as Odawalla are loaded with sugar and calories. Although these drinks contain natural ingredients, the body is not designed to treat the amount of sugar contained in these bottles. Instead, opt For a piece of entire fruits twinned with a protein, such as nuts or seeds. This combo will help stabilize your blood glucose and protect yourself for a longer period. "

- Kubala



Agave nectar

"The Agave Nectar is a staple sweetener in the healthy community. It is serious as a better alternative than sugar because of its low blood sugar index, but in reality, it contains extremely high levels of fructose. Although regular sugar is about 50% fructose, Agave Nectar is a fructose of 70 to 90%. "





"This does not apply to all brands, but Kombucha has become a trend marketed as super healthy because it contains probiotics. However, some brands are quite high in sugar and are also particularly pasteurized to stop the fermentation once This strikes the shelves, reducing probiotic delivery. "

-Lisa ShankenCertified health coach and certified personal trainer


Energy drinks

Energy drink

"Energy drinks are loaded with sugar, specially high from Fructose corn syrup, which could be good for young people and athletes, but can contribute to weight gain for menopausal women trying to avoid the top of The dreaded muffin. Opt for a fruit gasoline without sugar water or non-sweet flavored sertzer instead. "

-Dr. Alyssa Dweck, Ms, md, faceog


Rice cakes

Rice cakes

"Rice cakes are perfect for some people because they are gluten-free. However, they do not really provide nutritional value. They are usually made from refined rice and have very little fiber and protein. Cakes of Rice also have a very high index glycemic, which can increase blood sugar levels. "

-Neda Varbanova, Ms, certified culinary nutritionist


Salty pretzels


"The pretzels can be very misleading, deceiving many people to think they are a healthy snack. What many people do not realize is that they contain a lot of sodium, a cause of the main cause of Hypertension and heart disease. In fact, 10 small Bretzel twists can contain more than a third of your recommended sodium consumption for the day! The pretzels are also made of refined carbohydrates, which causes your sugar levels in the Blood to point and contain little with no fiber, protein orhealthy fats. "

- Baraa El Sabbagh, Rd, personal trainer

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