Popular drinks that can cause sustainable damage to your intestine

These common drinks can irritate and harm your stomach and your digestive tract.

The health of the intestines has been shown that it was important toKeep your immune system in good health. Research also suggest that your intestine microbiome can also affect your central nervous system, which controls your cerebral function. We know thatWhat you certainly eat can affect the health of the GutBut what you drink can also have an effect.

Drinking bad types of drinks have the potential to have a harmful effect on your intestine. Here are 8 drinks to minimize your diet and why reach them regularly can have lasting damage to your intestine. Keep in mind that many of these drinks can be consumed in moderate qualities without negative side effects. In addition, the adverse effects that occur after consuming some of these drinks can only occur in sensitive individuals, so it is preferable to consult a health professional if you are concerned about how one of the drinks Below affects your health. Read it and for more things about how to eat healthy, do not missPopular foods proven to cause sustainable belly fat, says science.


Energy drinks

energy drink

If you catch these energizing drinks to get out of your daily fatigue, you may want to think again. According toLauren Harris-Pincus, MS, RDN, founder ofNutritionarringyou.com and author ofThe packed breakfast club on the proteinThese energetic drinks "with high caffeine can cause gastritis, inflammation, increased gut motility and diarrhea". Pincus explains that excess caffeine can lead to the secret stomach more acid than usual that can aggravate the symptoms of reflux. "This can also cause touters and increase anxiety that can exacerbate symptoms in people with irritable intestine syndrome (IBS)." For more, read about12 dangerous side effects of energizing drinks, according to science.




Drinks isolated as coffee are stimulants that increase the motility of the intestines, which means that these drinks can make things quickly move your gastrointestinal tract. This stimulating effect can result in soft stools or diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration. In addition, caffeine is a sweet diuretic, which means you will also run to the bathroom to urinate too. In addition, caffeine can increase anxiety and make it harder to sleep well. Stress and anxiety may aggravate symptoms in people with irritable intestine syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease. The FDA recommends up to 400 milligrams of caffeine every day (about 3 cups). However, caffeine affects everyone differently and some people can metabolize it faster than others. If you drink less coffee a day or switch to DECAF, this can help mitigate some of the symptoms. While drinking moderation coffee can have important health benefits, the consumption of drinking too much can cause these intestine problems. If you are not sure whether you go beyond caffeine, see them7 warning panels that you drink too much coffee.


Regular soda

drinking soda

In people with IBS or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), many refined sugars, such as soda, may result in gastrointestinal distress because sugar can not be well absorbed in your intestines. This leads to water being fired in gastrointestinal leaflets and in the intestine to dilute and rinse excess sugars, which can cause loose stools and diarrhea.

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Sweet drinks Artificially

fruit flavored sodas in glass bottles with straws

When you try to watch calories, it is not unusual to turn to zero calorie drinks that use artificial sweeteners such as aspartame and sucralose. These ingredients can potentially lead to uncomfortable gastrointestinal symptoms such as flatulence, bloating and diarrhea for some people. If you find yourself substantially sensitive to these artificial sweeteners, opt for sparkling waters and flavored sparkling waters that do not contain any artificial sweeteners.



person pouring red wine into two glasses

Having too much on a regular basis "can affect the microbiota causing an imbalance of bacteria in the intestine with an overproduction of bad and unhealthy bacteria. This imbalance leads to inflammation", explainsJoan Salge Blake, EDD, RDN, Professor of Nutrition, University of Boston and the host of the podcast of nutrition and successful well-being,Spot on!According to the 2020-2025 Dietic Directives for Americans, moderate consumption is defined as a maximum glass per day for a woman and 2 drinks a day for a man. A drink is defined as 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces wine fluids and 1.5 ounces fluids of alcoholic beverages at 80% as rum or vodka. In addition, Dr. Salge Blake explains that chronic alcohol abuse can also damage the cells that align the intestine increasing its permeability, which allows bacteria and toxins they produce to flee in the blood.


Fizzy drinks


Some research connect the consumption of soft drinks to gastrointestinal distress. Inan article Published in the newspaperNutrition,Metabolism and cardiovascular diseases, The authors discuss the effects of soft drinks on the mouth, esophagus and stomach. Carbonation can result in erosion of minor teeth. In addition, some research suggests that when you drink more than 300 milliliters, or 1 1/4 cups, carbonate fluids, this may result in gastric distress.

In addition, someresearch Suggests that the consumption of gaseous drinks can increase the risk of pancreatic cancer.



sugar and tea

Teas containing caffeine as green and black teas can increase the acidity of the stomach, which can result in stomach burns in some people. In addition, teas containing caffeine have the same problems as those observed earlier with coffee. If you like tea, you may want to opt for herbs or decaffeinated. (In touch:5 mistakes that make Malsain tea.)


Chocolate drinks

chocolate milkshake

In some people, the consumption of chocolate beverages can lead to acid reflux. It is at that moment that the acid in your esophagus goes in the opposite direction, caused burns of stomach. If you feel an acid reflux more than twice a week, you can diagnose a more severe acid reflux form called gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Other symptoms of Gerd include the difficulty of swallowing, at Cough, to regurgitate acid food or liquids in the mouth, wheezing and thoracic pain, especially when you lay up after eating. According toWebsite Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics, Gerd can be aggravated in some people by some foods, including chocolate and can trigger a thrust. If chocolate drinks exercise your acid reflux or Gerd, you probably want to avoid them. For more information on drinks, you should consider avoiding, seeing thesePopular drinks proven to make bad things to your body, says science.

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