Benefits of sipping green tea for weight loss

This is the closest thing we have at a miracle weight loss supplement.

Looking to drop a few pounds? Unfortunately, there is no magic pill that can help you miraculously help you lose weight fast. Fat loss requires careful combinationeat good foods, Exercise, reduce stress and get enough sleep. (If you need a little help in this department, here40 nutritionist tips say you have to follow to lose weight.) But it definitely helps if you want to drink green tea to lose weight.

Green tea is something very close to aElixir weight loss, A drink that will help reveal your metabolism, regulate blood sugar and blow belly fat. He put the shelves of your grocery store right now and is available for just under one serving.

Although it comes in many different forms, green tea and its antioxidants will help you remove the books and deliver the results you are looking for. Here's what happens to your body when you drink green tea for weight loss. And for more, do not missWhat happens to your body if you drink tea every day.


It activates "good" fats


Your body has two types of fat: white fat and brown fat. While white fat is the type of fat we generally know as the squishy stuff our bodies that appear when we gain weight, brown fat can actually help you lose weight. Brown fat, though much less quantities in the body is metabolically active and burns calories. The brown stuff can also help suck white fat out of the body and help improve insulin levels.

Basically, brown fat is like a magical unicorn of fat in the body and adults do not have much. Here is where green tea is: a study published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition Found that with caffeine, catechin compounds in green tea increased brown fat among the study participants. And the adult has a big brown fat calories.

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It shrinks fat cells


Here is a small weight loss 101: When you lose the fat (white), you do not get rid of fat cells. Rather, fat cells, or adipocytes shrink. The compounds in green tea called Caechines help activate this narrowing. Catechins trigger the release of fat from fat cells, particularly in the stomach.


It explodes belly fat

The most powerful catechin in green tea is EGCG, Powerhouse compound that is responsible for most of the weight loss properties of green tea. In addition to reveal your metabolism and stimulate the breakdown of fat, EGCG also can block the formation of new fat cells. One study found that men who drank green tea containing 136 milligrams of EGCG lost twice more weight than a placebo group and four times more belly fat in three months. The amount of EGCG in green tea varies, but the average brassement tea contains 25 to 86 mg per serving. For more EGCG, opt for green tea matchta; The nutrient could be as long as 137 times more powder. There is a reason why green tea is one of ourbest teas for weight loss.


It helps regulate blood sugar


An increase in blood sugar can make you weight; Not only blood sugar can trigger your body to store glucose as fat, it can also lead to unhealthy cravings and a drop of energy. Fortunately, green tea may be able to help all the same. The twoJapanese researchers andMexican researchers I have found that green tea antioxidants limit the total amount of carbohydrates absorbed by your body after a meal, which ultimately improves sugar metabolism.


This is a duo of powerful weight loss with exercise


Working alone is beneficial for weight loss; Although the diet plays more than a role in doing exercise, physical activity always has weight loss benefits such as burning calories, build lean muscles in fat burning and the grease combustion and Federation of your metabolism. Once paired with green tea, however, it's an even more powerful fighter fighter. In a recentStudy of 12 weeksParticipants who drank 4-5 green tea cups every day with sprint exercises lost more belly fat and total fat while increasing lean muscle mass compared to drinkers drinking tea. It looks like green tea could be the only pre-training drink you need!


It also helps you recover after a workout


Working is an essential part of any weight loss plan, but the pain and recovery of an intense workout can prevent people from gym longer than they do not like. This is where green tea arrives;Polish scientistsI found that the study participants who consumed three cups of the drink every day for a week had fewer markers of the damage caused by the cell caused by exercise resistance. So it's worth enjoying a cup of green tea before and after a workout.


It reduces "bad" cholesterol levels


If you have high cholesterol levels, you may want to look at green tea to drink. A The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition meta-analysis that examined the results of 14 studies , I found that green tea consumption reduces serum cholesterol and fasting with adults. Green tea is not the only thing that deserves to consume to reduce your cholesterol, there are also these 17 foods that lower cholesterol .

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