Best breakfast foods that keep you

Make the best use of your morning meal by stacking full of these foods that will satisfy you until lunch.

Many of us, confronted with the perspective of the busy day, often decide (whether consciously or unconsciously) of lying on food at the beginning of the day. It can be a big mistake, saysLauren Minchen, MPH, RDN, CDN, a registered dietitian based in New York. "When you [eat your next meal when you are extremely hungry, it's easy to eat too long before your brain has a chance to recognize how much your body really needs."

Instead of skipping breakfast and starving you, you will probably eat fewer calories for the rest of the day if you pre-matte with some of these satisfactory foods of hunger. And while we are on the subject of restaurants early in the day, do not miss theseThe 13 healthier breakfasts to eat, according to RDS.


Chia seeds

Pour chia seeds on yogurt

Chia seeds are among the43 Best Fiber Foods for Healthy FoodAnd that will help you keep hunger pain at the bay all day. "Enjoying about 5 grams of protein and 10 grams of fiber in just two tablespoons, the chia seeds are an addition of filling and energizing breakfast," says Minchen.

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Peanut Butter

spreading peanut butter

Addition of the propagation of protein and fiber to your breakfast can help control desires for 12 hours maximum, according to a study of theBritish Nutrition Journal.



mixed berries

"Bays are rich in fiber and water, making it a precious addition to a filling breakfast," says Minchen. "The fibers and the water act together as natural hactimanciers and sugar balancors in the blood, they keep your energy strong." Discover17 genius breakfast ideas experts diet For more intelligent strategies A.M.!




The lawyers are rich in monounaturated fat, who help keep hunger away and stimulate feelings of satiety. A study published inNutrition log I noticed that eating fresh lawyer with lunch can decrease the desire to eat 40% in hours after the meal.



peanut butter oatmeal

"Oats also contains proteins that, when combined with flax seeds or nuts, will provide the complete spectrum of essential amino acids necessary for adequate protein and satiety adequacy," says Minchen. Find24 best and worst instantabouts If you are too hungry to make a lot of zero!



scrambled eggs with toast
Photograph of Stepanek / Shutterstock

Believe it or not, science checks: 25% of calories in the eggs are burned simply by digesting the eggs themselves. In addition, the clip of the packaged breakfast of the protein removes Ghrelin, hunger hormone, so you will not feel voracious leading to the Great Festin. To findWhat happens to your body when you eat eggs In our exclusive report!



fresh red apple slices

Apples are rich in fiber and loaded with water, making it a means of filling and satisfying to managing the appetite, explains Minchen. "They are excellent in the oven with cinnamon or ate raw with a tablespoon of peanut butter blocked on the top."



ground cinnamon

The spice is rich in polyphenols, powerful antioxidants that can improve insulin sensitivity and, in turn, the ability of our body to manage hunger signals. Add it to your oats, smoothies or toast.



Hummus carrots cucumber

Delicious and versatile and pita spreading is a rich source of satisfactory fibers and proteins. And that does not take much to stall these hunger pains. A study published in the newspaperObesity found people who have eaten one serving a day of chickpeas (the main ingredient ofHoummous) said to have felt 31% larger than their counterparts who have not eaten the beans.


The water

water glasses

Dehydration is very common because people are so busy, they forget to drink regularly all day. "Come dinner, they are tired, hungry and sometimes even in a bad mood," says Minchen. "Do not forget to drink a glass of 8 ounces of water or Seltzer every 60 to 90 minutes throughout the day to avoid fatigue, desires and too much eating dehydration." Otherwise, you could discover these7 side effects not to drink enough water .

Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: breakfast
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