21 easy ways to unlock after eating too much

Feel stuffed after a day of indulgence? Our simple bloating tricks can help you recover your body to feel better.

This happens to us all. While you can follow a healthy (or healthy) diet every day, a few days ago where you could get you out a bit. There is no problem to engage in treats - a day of "bad" eating will have no long-term effect on your health or weight - but that does not mean that you will not feel the effects of A frenzy next day. Whether on vacation, a special event, or a holiday rally, the frenzy to eat oreat too much Can cause uncomfortable symptoms such as bloating, digestive discomfort and fatigue.

Although these symptoms are temporary, there are things you can do immediately after eating to accelerate your recovery. To help reduce bloating and flatten your stomach after madness, we put together a list of advice recommended by specialized and science-recommended discussions that can bring immediate relief. Read on and for more weight on how to lose weight, you will not want to missThe best ways to lose belly fat for good, say that doctors.



Woman drinking tea and water in bed in the morning

If you are dehydrated, your body will keep water, which can lead to bloating. Staying hydrated also accelerates digestion and can thwart the effects of salt bloating and carbohydrate induced. Aim 6 to 8 glasses of water throughout the day after eating too much.

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Catch a banana

Woman peeling banana

Banana are packed with potassium, an electrolyte that helps regulate the fluid balance, prevent water retention and reduce the navel. Bananas are also a good source ofprebiotic fiber, which helps feed good intestinal bacteria and improve digestion. A study in the newspaperAnaerobe Found women who have eaten a banana twice a day as a pre-meal snack for 60 days have increased good bacteria and a 50% reduction in bloating.


Take a bath with Epsom salt

Woman pouring epsom salt into bath

Relaxing in any bathtub is always nice, but the addition of two Epsom salt cups can actually help deflate your belly by pulling excess water from your body.


Sort by your vegetable drawer

Woman reorganizing her fridge to put fresh fruits vegetables healthy snacks in front

Even if they are filled with nutrients for health, there are a number of vegetables thatcontain sneaky belly blotters It may contribute to your food food still hanging: white onions, artichokes, corn, broccoli, cauliflower,kaleand cabbage. Put them in a do not eat heap that your belly bounces.


To take a walk

Family On Hiking Adventure Through Forest

Instead of basking after dinner, head outside a 15-minute walk - it's a great way to get things done again when you feel saved and swollen. AJournal of gastrointestinal diseases and liver The study revealed that 15 minutes after a meal can withstand digestion, accelerating the speed at which food moves through the stomach and improve blood sugar levels.




Store fresh ginger. It has been shown that this root was helping to deflate the stomach after feeding gas producers. How it works? Inflammation, often introduced by spicy foods, dairy and chemical additives, may be to blame for your inflated belly. According to many studies, Ginger, usually used to relieve stomach pain, blocks several genes and enzymes in the body that promote inflammation caused by Bloogh. One way to harvest the ginger glood-baning benefits consists of drinking in the form of tea. Grid and simmer on a flame with water. After about 15 minutes, filter tea into a cup of tea and squeeze it into fresh lemon juice.


Go to the gym

Even if you can only hit on the elliptical or take a short jog around the block for 15 minutes. "Exercise and water both do your intestinal tract, which pushes things to get out of your colon ... to prevent constipation and intestine pins that come with that," explains the nutritionistTammy Lakatos Shams, Rd, CDN, CFT. "And the exercise sufficiently to break a sweat will help flush some of theHigh sodium foods. "


Jump the sparkling water

Club soda sparkling water

Avoid drinks bullets. Sparkling water, selectors and soda can let you feel bloated in seconds of carbonation.


Hit the hay early

woman sleeping on bed in bedroom

People who have more sleep reduced the Ghreine and increased laptin levels, which helps control their appetites throughout the day, according to aStudy of the University of Wisconsin. Get a good night of rest will allow you to bounce your own power plan as soon as possible.


Trade in your gum

chewing gum

Not only chewing gum makes you swallow the ballast air from the belly, many gums also contain sugar alcohols andArtificial sweetenersLike sorbitol and xylitol that can cause swelling. If you have to have something to chemper, go get a biological variety like gum or simply erase instead. They are always weak, but they do not use these sweeteners who will swell you.



Cheerios and milk

The dairy can be very troublesome in the belly because many adults naturally produce less of the necessary digestive enzyme, lactase, as we get older. If you consume dairy products quite regularly, try cutting them for a few days and see how your body reacts. Many people will notice that their median is less inflated after a day or two of the dairy life.


Make a spray of water detox and start sipping

Woman squeezing lemon into glass water

This may seem counter-intuitive, but shorten the water will help rid your body from this weight of Pesky water. Since the H2O plain chugging can be lower to stimulate, we like to dowater The use of fruits has deflation properties in their flesh and peel. (Lemons, kiwi and honeystone all have diuretic effects.) Slice all in your water to harvest the benefits and hit your water intake quota with flavor infusion! "Water and lemon help restore the balance of normal fluids, rinsing swelling, thanks to the potassium in lemon that neutralizes sodium; the water also rins the salt and you will get rid of the small layer of" puff "Located under your skin," says Shals.


Breaking your fast with protein

Breakfast bento box high protein with hard boiled eggs fruit nuts cottage cheese cucumber

Start your day to eat with a burst of protein. We are all distracted or busy throughout the day, but a high protein start will prevent surprise energy accidents half-morning or at the beginning of the afternoon that let us reach sugar, caffeine or a Carbohydrate load for a quick boost. Addsprotein powder or nuts with your oatmeal (a glucidity that has a diuretic effect on the body) or make scrambled eggs and a whole grain toast. The goal: Do not leave the house without loading at least 15 grams of protein first.

Related:19 high protein breakfasts that hold you fully


Skip sweep

Dana Leigh Smith / Eat this, not that!

"Foods that are treated with added sugars, particularly with artificial sweeteners, can be seriously overwhelming towards the intestinal tract and can cause gases and bloating for many," says Dietian registeredIsabel Smith, Ms, rd, cdn.



Calm couple in pajamas meditating, listening spiritual practices lessons on laptop, sitting on lotus pose at home

The older sister, wiser, less yoga tense, meditation is an incredible activity that people can harvest major rewards. A 2014 study inEating behavior I found that people who meditate are less likely to eat too much or give ever-eating - and this is the key if you want to stay on track with your anti-bloat plan over the next day. To start, unroll a yoga mat or sitting on a carpet in a sunny room (face to the east if possible) and take five uninterrupted minutes thinking about something you are grateful.


Eat several teeny-tiny meals

woman snacking on fruit

In order for your metabolism to gonfinne throughout the day, focus on small snacks with protein and protein fiber or small meals every 3 to 4 hours. Eating large portions can let you feel inflated. Eat until you are full of about 90%, then put the fork. Eating a series of small meals will help you avoid the afternoon accident that will let you look for things likea soda This is not part of your flat stomach plan. An apple with peanut butter, nuts and berries, hummus or yogurt make large snacks, as well as these14 healthy snacks that will really make you feel full.


Sleep slowly so you do not go out of the air

Woman eating apple

When you finally enter home after a long day, you are totally hungry - we get it. But that does not mean you should dismiss your dinner hastily. Eating too quickly takes you to swallowing excess air, which can lead to uncomfortable gas and bloating. Slow down the jaw with closed mouth, on the other hand, can have the opposite effect. Fight the desire to suck all your meal by sticking something like a small piece of fruit or an ounce of nuts on the way back.


Cut transformed carbohydrates

white bread

Foods based on white flour such as white bread, white pasta and white rice are relatively low in fiber and can blow up a little, uh, saved. Choosing whole grains can help with that, says Smith. A simple white bread switch with whole wheat or brown white rice will keep things moving properly.



Pineapple chunks

A die15 Best anti-bloating foods (and snapshots) is pineapple. Tropical fruits contain enzymes that facilitate digestion and decompose proteins that generally cause oxen and also contains180 milligrams of noisy potassium per cup.ResearchersI also found that pineapple can reduce colony inflammation that can lead to this distended stomach.


Early dinner

late night snacking

Here is a secret: you are quickly fast every night, while you are asleep, that's why we call the first meal of the day "Breakfast". The more fasting you can stretch, fewer calories that you will take and the more your body will have to heal. (Digestion takes a lot of work!). Cut the food intake from 19h or 20h at night and take off the breakfast a little further in the day. Make sure you have at least 12 hours between your last meal tonight and your first meal tomorrow. You will give your digestive system the time to recover and deflate your belly just in time to have fun in the sun!


SIP Daflion Tea


Rehydrate with a cup of dandelion tea, which "happens to be a powerful and natural diuretic that can keep your belly apartment and your high confidence", Raves Dietian registeredLisa Moskovitz, Ms, rd. The iced tea is another good choice - make sure it's not raised!

And for more, check these108 most popular sodas classified by how toxic they are toxic.

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