What happens to your body when you eat curcuma
When you discover the yellow can become your new favorite color.

Those of us who have recently started using curcuma in our smoothies and Asian fusion revenues have arrived at this ginger party a little late. Archaeologists working in India have found Curcuma residues in clay pots dating from 2500 BC. Throughout human history, the yellow-orange gold root, member of the ginger family, was requested for his supposed powers of healing and use in religious ceremonies.
It has been only the last 25 years than modern medicine has taken notification. At that time, more than 3,000 scientific documents have explored the potential medicinal benefits of turmeric, according to the bookHerbal medicine: biomolecular and clinical aspects.
We looked at some recent studies to learn what science says about what can happen to your body when you go curcuma a regular part of your diet. In short, researchers think it's anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of turmeric that make the spice so powerful healer. After all, inflammation and oxidative stress are involved in many chronic diseases. Read on the different ways of curcuma can affect your body, then make the most of the spice with these21 winning curfa recipes. CAUTION: Before taking curcuma supplements, consult your doctor to determine how this could affect the prescription medications you are taking.
You can feel a pain less arthritis.

Knee osteoarthritis is one of the most painful and common aged articular disorders. Typical first-line treatment is non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Diclofenac. In a small study in the newspaperTestingThe researchers have attributed 139 patients with knee osteoarthritis with 500 milligrams of curcumin (the anti-inflammatory curcuma ingredient) three times a day or a tablet of 50 milligrams Diclofenac twice a day for 28 days. On the days 14 and 28, the subjects receiving turmeric have reported a 50% improvement, the relief of the similar pain indicated by the subjects taking the prescription drug. Surprisingly, researchers also noted that those who took curcumine lose an average of 2% of their body weight in four weeks.
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You can lose weight and grease.

A number of animal studies have suggested that curcumin can help lose weight and reduce belly fat. Although much more research is needed, some small human studies indicate that bioavailable forms of curcumin complementation can have a positive effect on body composition. A 2015to study Overweight people who had trouble losing weight on a 30-day diet and a lifestyle change program showed that completing with 800 milligrams of curcumin for 30 days resulted in a significant reduction in weight, fat body and hip and hip circumference and size. Those10 best ways to keep belly fat for good, for example experts can also help.
You can reduce the risk of developing diabetes.

Several studies have suggested that turmeric can be effective in preventing prediabels and type 2 diabetes, including oneto study Diabetes and the Metabolic Disease Research Program at Auburn University. This research compared curcumin, the bioactive curcuma compound, the medicine medicine medicine compound, and found that the anti-inflammatory ginger is even more powerful than the prescription drug to reduce blood glucose. Other searches published in 2012 inDiabetic treatmentsSuppléation curcumin tested in a group of 240 people with prediabetes. Subjects were randomly assigned to take capsules of curcumin capsules or placebo for nine months. After the test period, more than 16% of the placebo developed Type 2 diabetes group compared with none in the group treated with curcumin. Researchers say the study demonstrated that curcumin enhances the function of β cells producing insulin in the pancreas. Diabetes is the result of the loss or dysfunction of these important cells.
possible protection of the brain.

Research has shown that curcumin can block certain inflammatory stimuli and suppress inflammation related to neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis. A study inAdvances in nutrition In 2018, concluded that "supplement the diet with curcumin, a polyphenol compound's anti-inflammatory curier curry turmeric is a potential approach to prevent accelerated cognitive decline in contrepartit inflammatory process."
Other research suggests that curcumin may protect the brain from toxins aluminum in particular. Aluminum is known to impair memory and spatial learning, and this metal may enter the human body through the gastrointestinal tract and lungs through kitchen products, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.
In an animal study published in January 2021Research International Biome, The researchers injected aluminum chloride in mice giving oral doses turmeric extract and an essential oil extract of turmeric. In the study, some part of the mouse through a challenging maze, turmeric reverse seemed so significant cognitive symptoms of aluminum toxicity. In addition, the mice fed curcumin seemed to protect the brain cells in the hippocampus damage.
This can give you diarrhea.

Although most studies show that turmeric is well tolerated, some people suffer from heartburn and DGERD (reflux disease gastroesophageal), stomach and diarrhea, accordingRxlist.com. Other potential side effects include low blood sugar, reduce blood clotting, iron deficiency and negative interactions with prescription drugs.
A significant problem with curcumin enough for our bodies to use for the potential benefit is that the compound is poorly absorbed, rapidly metabolized and rapidly eliminated. But another spice that you can add to your curry can cancel this problem: black pepper. A review of the research in the journalfood showed that the combination of piperine, the active key black pepper ingredient, curcumin increases the bioavailability of 2000%. So the next time you rebuild your spice holder, also taking turmeric and black pepper, as well as to avoid these18 foods that make your heart burns worse.

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