The best thing n ° 1 to drink before bedtime

If you want to enjoy better and wake up refreshed tomorrow, here's what you should eat tonight.

Everyone was there: you spend the night throwing and turning, then to wake up Groggy the next morning because of theslumber You have the night before. In fact, while the average adult should ideally have 7 hours of sleep or more per night, just 2 people out of 3 get the number of rest they need daily, according to theCenters for Disaster Control and Prevention (CDC).

RELATED: Popular foods that ruin your sleep, explains science

Fortunately, there is a simple way toImprove your sleep On a nocturnal basis, and it does not imply a pill and try to exhaust yourself during a day already busy. Instead, it's as simple as enjoying a good drink - and better yet, now the perfect period of the year to add this delicious treat to promote sleep to your usual routine.

"Drinking cherry juice before going to bed can help you sleep better, "ExplainHolly Klamer, MS, RDN, a dietary nutritionist registered withMy Crohn and Colitis team.

"The reason why tired cherries can be useful before going to bed are not offered to melatonin, the hormone that helps regulate sleep and waking cycles. A2012 study I found a cherry juice to drink for 7 days of sleep considerably improved in subjects compared to those of the placebo group. "

cherries in bowl
Shutterstock / Dejan82

However, if you do not like the idea of ​​drinking a big glass of nothing before going to bed (to avoid these sleep runners in the middle of the bathroom), adding fromfresh cherries To your diet can also do the trick. A cup of piqué cherries packs about 7% of yourDaily potassium, who can also help your sleep.

According to a 2016 study published in theJournal of Hypertension, the severity of the obstructive sleep apnea - which can cause a long list of health problems and can leave people with a disease less than resting rest - can be linked to serum potassium levels of individuals, but supplementation with potassium orFoods rich in potassium, like cherries, can help. So, if you are looking for an easy way to improve your sleep tonight, these tasty fruits are anythingcorn pits.

For more kinds of genius to get a better rest night, check these7 healthy food changes that help you sleepAnd for the last healthy life tips delivered in your inbox,Subscribe to our newsletter!

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