A major side effect of drinking too much coffee, a new study says

Tip: It's not the touters. The researchers have found how many coffee you drink is related to your risk of dementia.

Recently, this seems to be a study after the study confirmed theBenefits for coffee health. (One of the last?The coffee is even good for your immunity.) However, a group of public health and psychiatric researchers inAustralia have just discovered something important when it comes to effects of coffee on the brain - includingdementia. Their conclusions have also highlighted something important for non-cafed drinkers.

Keep reading ... and checkA major side effect of drinking your coffee before breakfast, expert says.

They left to find the effects of coffee on the brain and the nervous system.

two people drinking coffee

A study has recently been published in the newspaperNutritional neuroscience, in which researchers analyzed the usual levelsCoffee Consumption between 400,000 participants aged 37 to 73 years from the American Biobank. Among these, the research team had access to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for 17,700 to measure the volume of the brain.

They found coffee affects learning and memory.

Senior woman using a digital tablet and having coffee on the sofa at home.

The research team discovered reverse relationships between coffee consumption and cerebral volume - that is, the biggest coffee drank, the more they had to have a relatively lower total brain volume.

This included a smaller hippocampus (a major part of the brain that is involved in learning and memory), the gray matter (which plays a role in moving, memory and emotions, as defined in aItem 2020 This also explains that gray matter "plays an important role in all aspects of human life") and white matter, which is involved in thought, motor function and balance. AsWebmd Suggests, the aging process advances when the white matter is compromised.

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The chances of dementia were higher.


Researchers in the current study also found evidence that, in addition to the lower cerebral volume, the risks of dementia were higher for those who drank decaf or did not drink coffee at all,as good as For those who drank a lot of coffee. More specifically, they noted that the consumption of six cups a day was associated with a higher probability of 53% ofdementia, compared to the consumption of one with two cups a day.

Indicate the link between coffee and brain health:


To put its conclusions simply, the researchers concluded: "The high coffee consumption was associated with smaller total brain volumes and an increased probability of dementia".

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