14 low calorie errors make you fat

Your poor diet may not be the best way to strengthen your metabolism or lose weight ...

You have nixed the sugar of your morning coffee, cut your half-bunch portion and exchanged your evening pasta for a copious salad. But despite your efforts to reduce calories, you still do not lose weight. Which let you wonder: "What gives?!"

"Calorie Counting is not the only game of the city in weight loss", Jennifer Cassetta, clinical nutritionist, personal trainer and ABC expert "My diet is better than yours" tells us. Many things play a role in weight loss, some of which have nothing to do with calories. In addition, there are a number of current low calorie diet errors that make it difficult to lose weight.

To help you get the body you've always wanted, we have gathered some of the most common mistakes and proposed simple, but totally effective ways to overcome each obstacle. Read it to find out if any of these problems is to blame for your progress blocked. And if this list stops you to let yourself be exhausted by the idea of ​​still another calorie, click on our report.30 weight loss tips better than counting calories For other ways to shrink your intestine.


You are too strict

hungry not eating

If you limit your calorie consumption too much, you are obliged to register and overload it later. Instead of starving all day, focus on a healthy combination of nutrients at each meal and stick to a reasonable serving size. The general rule is to fill half of your plate with non-starchy fruits and vegetables, then divide the remaining half between the sources of whole grains of carbohydrates and the skinnyprotein. You should also consume about a spoon with healthy fat. Concentrate on this format rather than counting each calorie. Not only will this method help you keep you safe, you will probably see a difference reflected on a scale.


You buy 100 calorie packs

Nabisco 100 Calorie Packs

Although prepared snack packaging make sense for healthy high calorie foods like guacamole and nuts, you are mistaken if you think the cookies and crackers were actually healthy. Of course, these things are low calories, but they are also weak in nutrition and generally high in chemicals, your body does not need and do not know how to treat. When this happens, health experts evoke that it becomes more difficult for the body to handle calories. Simply put, treated, low calorie junk food can make your body harder than good by slowing down your metabolism.

So, what should you do instead? "Do not count the calories. Instead, read the ingredients and make sure you eat real food. Do not buy marketing hype; buy the ingredients," suggests Abel James, the creator of "LE Wild diet ", this allows meats, cheeses, butter and even chocolate. Another suggestion? Mix and match some of these50 snacks with 50 calories or less.


You choose poor canned soup

kale and white bean soup

Which brings us to our next point. When people are too focused on calories, they often overlook other things on nutrition label, such as sodium - that can be a bad news for your belly. Why? According to recent conclusions from Queen Mary University in London, for every gram of extra salt you eat in a day (it's a simple teaspoon or what you will find in one of these tiny salt packages From the DELI) the risk of obesity climbs by a workshop of 25%. The researchers speculate that sodium modifies our metabolism, by modifying the way we absorbs fat. If that does not convince to look for a packaged rate (asSoupe!) It's both low calorieand Low sodium, we are not sure what is going.


You forget about the fiber

Fruit juice juicing

If the low-cal price that you eat lack of fiber, there is no way that it will keep you fully and satisfied - which then increases the chances you exceed later in the day, calming your progress. Some low calorie eaters that are packaged with fibers include raspberries (8 g / cup), chia seeds (7 g / 2 tablespoons) and pears (5.5 g / medium sized fruit). You will find expenses other options in our report30 high fiber foods that should be in your diet. If you eat about five times a day, aim to consume 5 to 8 grams of fibers every time you sit to fill up.


You do not use measuring cups

quinoa salad

Healthy eat likeGreek yogurtAnd nuts are only respectful of diets when you stand at the right portion size. For example: If you go down half a cup of almonds in one session, you will have consumed more than 400 calories. This is what you will find in Nine McNuggets de McDonald! Are almonds better for you as fried chicken? Absoutely. But that does not mean that excess calories do not throw your weight loss plan, so be sure to measure everything so you can keep yourself with your calorie allotment.


You fear fat - even healthy

Tarragon salmon

Gram for Gram, fat has more calories than any other nutrient. Carbohydrates and proteins transport 4 calories per gram while fatty packages have a 9 calorie per gram. That said, we totally the reason you assume that you support your fat intake could help you stay on track with your poor diet. Unfortunately, however, this tactic will make your body more harm than good. Not only does a healthy fat diet, complaining of heart disease and certain types of cancer, amazed on fats can make your body actually carbohydrates. And when you need more carbohydrates, you are likely to eat simpler carbohydrates - quickly digested nutrients that can sting your blood glucose. If you do not exert, your body does not usually need all this energy. As a result, your body's insulin will store excess energy like fat, resulting in the fall of your blood glucose. A fall in blood sugar warns your brain that you are hungry - again, even if you have just eaten. On the other hand, fat consumption can expand hunger by increasing satiety signals and slowing down digestion, helping you lose weight over time.


You do not factor in extras

ice cream sundae

Many people think they make poor diet decisions when it could not be further from the truth. Things like Fro-Yo and Rice cakes are popular treats among low-calorie diet people, but they probably should not be. Of course, ordinary unconfigured frozen yogurt is "only 35 calories per ounce", but most of us eat 10 to 16 times this amount, depending on the height of our cups - and it isbefore We add barbs of candy and cookies. Although we can think everything we did not use enough extras for fillings to count, it's just not true. The same goes for things like walnut butres and raisins - two things that people better like their rice cakes with. Until you are honest with yourself on what you tighten on your plate - or in this case, in your bowl, you probably will not have much success that loses these excesses.


You overlook the proteins

chicken breast

Proteins help maintain even-keeled blood sugar levels, which is essential to prevent hunger when you are on a low plan. Consuming nutrient can also reveal a post-meal calorie burning up to 35% and helps you develop muscles, which can help you incinerate calories while you are at rest. Aim at making it a component at each meal. A few ways to do it: Sprinkle the nuts on your oatmeal; Tange the shredded Turkey in your lunch salad; Associate your afternoon apple with stringed cheese; Or add beans or turf beef to your evening pasta. Those25 ways to choose your protein set can also help.


You nibble on your child's food

mom and daughter snacking

A bite of your son's dessert or a taste of snack after your daughter's school may not seem like a big deal, but these low snacks can add over time, negatively affecting your weight loss progression . In case of nibbling throughout the day, wish to write everything you eat for a whole week, then add calories using the USDA databases of food composition. You may be surprised to learn as many unconthad calories as you consume a typical day. Once you see where most of your excesses come from Cal, it should be easy to tell andActually Paste to your bottom plan on site.


Your snack dinner

night light 8 ways lose weight while you sleep

Although there is nothing wrong with preparing your little meal of the day, you may have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep if you eat too little and have a growing belly. And when you do not get a good night of rest, it can increase your appetite and stimulate the desires of sweet food such as donuts and ice cream. Expert on nutrition and physical condition Jay Cardiello explains that when you do not sleep enough sleep, the levels of laptin (the hormone "of the hormone), which then increases the appetite and makes food comfort more attractive . In addition to making your appetite, the approved holistic health counselor, Seth Santoro, explains a sufficient lack of sleep "can prevent you from burning fewer calories, failure to control on the part and experiment with an increase in levels of Cortisol, which stores fat. " Yikes! So, what should you nibble before going to bed? Consult our reportThe 30 best and worst food to sleep discover!


You reach a regular diet

Dana Leigh Smith / Eat this, not that!

There are tons of low and zero-calorie food on the market and almost all are bad news. While the reasons why vary from product to product, most of them are dietetic devils because they are made with artificial sweeteners. "[Artificial sweeteners] Because insulin is released into your intestine because [they are] sweet as a sugar", Miriam Jacobson, RD, CDN, tells us. "Insulin is the main fat storage hormone in your body. It will therefore have the body to maintain extra fat." In addition, many sweeteners (as Splenda) are not really free from calories as they claim. The first two ingredients of Splenda are dextrose and maltodextrin, which are carbohydrates that actually contain calories. Believe it or not, a cup of splenda has 96 calories and 32 grams of carbohydrates. I bet you did not see that coming! Find more sneaky food among these12 "zero calorie" foods that totally calories!


You use butter spray

I cant believe its not butter

Like dietary drinks, we consider that butter sprays are "weak" regime traps. I can not believe that it is not a spray of butter, for example, claims to have zero calories, but the whole bottle contains a calorie of 904 calories of 904 and 90 grams of grease from soybean oil. Soy oil has recently been found to cause more weight gain than sugar, probably because it is a source of omega-6 inflammatory. Although our bodies need some omega-6, excessive amounts can increase the appetite and slow down the speed at which the body burns fat, causing weight gain, tell researchers from the University of California. Not to mention, a butter stick has about the same amount of fat as the spray, but wears about 100 calories, making it the best choice. It is also an excellent source of conjugated linoleic acid or CLA, a fatty acid sold commercially in the form of a fat combustion supplement.


You do not pay attention

television watching

As we mentioned earlier, caloric low foods are perfect for dieters, but only if you eat the right amount. If you eat too big portion, they are no longer low calories; It is therefore important to pay attention to how much you consume. This means that you should not eat in front of the television or in front of your computer in the office. If you minimize distractions, it will be easier for your brain to receive your satiety signals, which helps you make sure you do not do it too much.


You suppose the light is weak

Greek farro salad

Most of us consider that coffee and salads are little caloric - and often they are. But that does not guarantee that this will always be the case. You may think you have a low limestone meal when you order Applebee's oriental chicken salad, for example, but the truth is that this specific green bed has 1,420 calories and 99 grams of fat! (No wonder it's one of theThe worst restaurant salads of America!) The lesson here: do some research before drinking a drink or a dish and confirm that it is actually so light and healthy it appears.

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