8 fermented products that will help to lose weight

One of the reasons for excess weight is unfriendly intestinal bacteria. Probiotic therapy will help effectively deal with this problem.

The abuse of fast food and sugar, a sedentary lifestyle, stress - all this negatively affects our gastrointestinal tract. There are many studies proving that one of the reasons for excess weight is unfriendly intestinal bacteria. Effectively deal with this problem will help probiotic therapy, normalizing intestinal microflora. We collected the top 8 fermented products rich in useful lactobacteries that will help you lose weight.

  1. Yogurt

Natural yogurt is a source of billions of useful lactobacilli, which will help you to establish the process of digestion and will benefit the skin. Choose an unpasteurized, medium fat product. And necessarily without sugar. The best option is from goat or sheep milk.

  1. Sauerkraut

Sai cabbage also contributes to the normalization of intestinal microflora. This is a low-calorie, rich in a fiber product, which makes it simultaneously nutritious and dietary. Due to the high content of vitamin C, the sauerkraut helps strengthen the immunity and increase the body's resistance to infections. If you buy a cabbage in the store, avoid preservatives and sugars in its composition.

  1. Kefir

Another useful fermented dairy drink, setting up digestion and prevents toxins from entering blood. With it, you can not only lose weight, but also significantly improve the condition of the skin. Buying another kefir bottle in the store, pay attention to its composition. Prefer the classic option, avoiding different fillers, especially refined sugar.

  1. Kombucha

Kombuca is a natural fermented drink and a healthy alternative to sweet carbonated lemonades. Like all fermented products, Kombuche helps maintain a healthy intestinal microflora, increases tone and strengthens immunity. In the 90s, Kombuca was known to us as a tea mushroom. After 20 years of oblivion on the wave of slogans about healthy eating a drink again gained popularity. By the way, the body of a tea mushroom is not necessary to buy on the Internet, you can grow it yourself from Kumbuchi bought in the store.

  1. Homemade pickles

Summer cucumbers, cabbage, beets and other vegetables that our grandmothers were harvested for the winter, also help improve digestion and strengthen immunity. It is worth noting that homemade billets must be prepared without vinegar. That is, they must be discovered in a natural way, in the process of lactofermentation.

  1. Fermented soy

Asian pastes from fermented soybeans, such as pace, miso, natto or tamari, are the storehouse of useful minerals and probiotic bacteria that stimulate the digestive tract and contributing to the loss of extra kilograms.

  1. Kimchi.

Kimchi is an exotic version of sauerkraut. The birthplace of this dish is Korea. Classic Kimchi recipe includes Beijing cabbage, garlic, ginger, chili pepper, salt and beyond burning, sharp paste from fermented soybeans Kochobyan. However, today there are many Kimchi recipes with the addition of the most unexpected ingredients. An Asian spicy dish is an excellent source of useful probiotics that will help to establish digestion processes, reduce blood cholesterol and strengthen the immune system.

  1. Redzvelak

Redzvelak - drink from fermented sprouted grains. It can be prepared from germinated wheat, rye, barley, movies, rice or oats. Externally, the relatively straw-straw relaxed color, and the taste resembles kvass, but with a characteristic tart, an interconnected shade. This drink is rich in vitamins, enzymes, useful bacteria and enzymes. Regular use of the relazelka improves digestion and increases the level of metabolism in the body.

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