Dogs can tell you if you have Covid and a test, studied

These trained dogs can sniff samples to detect that has coronavirus and does not do it.

Coronavirus can manifest in different ways, sometimesproduce a myriad of symptoms and other times, producing no at all. Since this is not always if cut, the tests are extremely important to determine which is actually infected. According to disease control and prevention centers (CDC), nearly 53 million people have obtainedTested for coronavirus in the United States since the beginning of the pandemic. However, it turns out, tests may not be the only thing that can alert you if you have coronavirus. According to a new study, dogs can be able to say if you have coronaviruses just as well as a test can.

The German study outside the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover revealed that dogs are capable ofDistinguish the samples of human saliva which are infected with the coronavirus novel of those who are not with an accuracy of 94%, if they are properly trained.

A small labrador retriever puppy catches the smells in a field on a bright summer day

For the study, which has been published in theBMC Infectious Diseases Journal On July 23, the researchers formed eight Dogs of the Armed Forces of Germany for a week only. Dogs were invited to sniff saliva with more than 1,000 people infected and not infected with COVID-19. The samples were distributed at random and the dogs or their managers knew if they received an infected sample.

"We think theDogs are able to detect a specific smell metabolic changes that occur in these patients "Maren von Koeckritz-Blickwede, a co-driver of the study and the teacher at the university, said in a video on research.

According to the study, since dogs can be trained relatively quickly, thisDetection method Could be "used in public spaces such as airports, sporting events, borders and other mass gatherings", in addition to, or instead of laboratory tests. After all, both methodsapparently have similar precision levels: Quick coronavirus tests using ashy samples of the nose, throat or saliva are only about 93% accurate. The only test that has higher results than the dog sniffing method is a deep nasal cyntax, an accuracy of 99%.

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The study says there is still a lot to look for about the detection of coronaviruses based on dogs. For example, we do not know much about what's going on when adog gets coronavirus-Bien that it would have been rare - and if it can affect the sense of the dog's smell. But if all the limits of the study could be more in-depth research, the authors note that "countries with limited access to diagnostic tests, detection dogs could then have the potential for mass detection. infected people ". And for more animals and coronaviruses, checkThese are the most likely pets to get coronavirus.

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Categories: Health
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